marianomariano (74)in Actifit • 14 hours agoPiękna, słoneczna pogoda od samego rana - wiosna powróciła - My Actifit Report Card: March 16 2025Beautiful, sunny weather from the morning - spring has returned It was indeed very fresh in the morning, because the temperature was below zero, but it started to rise…marianomariano (74)in Actifit • 2 days agoDzisiaj pochmurno, zimno ale na szczęście bez deszczu - My Actifit Report Card: March 15 2025Today is cloudy, cold but fortunately no rain Today the sun came out, if you can call it that, just before sunset. It was cold, windy and overcast all day. Despite that I…marianomariano (74)in Actifit • 3 days agoCały dzień deszczowo, zimno i nieprzyjemnie - My Actifit Report Card: March 14 2025Rainy, cold and unpleasant all day long Today the weather was exceptionally unpleasant. The temperature around plus 4 degrees, where water has the greatest density, is worse…marianomariano (74)in Actifit • 4 days agoDzisiaj deszczowo cały dzień, ale mimo to spacer się udał - My Actifit Report Card: March 13 2025Today it's been rainy all day, but despite that the walk was a success According to the weather forecasters, a cooling is coming. Fortunately, it is supposed to be…marianomariano (74)in Actifit • 5 days agoRano słonecznie, potem pochmurno i wietrznie, ale dalej wiosennie - My Actifit Report Card: March 12 2025In the morning sunny, then cloudy and windy, but still spring Today, capricious weather, as befits March. A bit of sun, some clouds, some rain, some gusty wind, but quite…marianomariano (74)in Actifit • 6 days agoDzisiaj znacznie chłodniej, ale dalej wiosennie - My Actifit Report Card: March 11 2025Much cooler today, but still spring-like The exceptionally warm days at the beginning of March are now history. The weather typical of this time of year has returned…marianomariano (74)in Actifit • 7 days agoDzisiaj trochę wietrznie ale równie ciepło jak wczoraj - jest cudownie - My Actifit Report Card: March 10 2025Today a bit windy but as warm as yesterday - it's wonderful Today's walk took place on a slightly different route than usual, because I decided to visit the position of the…marianomariano (74)in Feathered Friends • 7 days agoEarly spring meetings with tit and moreSpotkanie z ławkowymi kompanami, na karmienie stawili się w komplecie A difficult period for birds is approaching, while there is still no snow and food is plentiful, but the birds sense the approachingmarianomariano (74)in Actifit • 8 days agoDzisiaj pierwsze w tym roku ognisko i kiełbaski z kija - My Actifit Report Card: March 9 2025Today, the first bonfire and sausage from the stick Today, for the first time this year, we went to the Krakow-Częstochowa Jura for a short reconnaissance in…marianomariano (74)in Actifit • 9 days agoTrudno w to uwierzyć ale marzec przypomina maj - My Actifit Report Card: March 8 2025It's hard to believe, but March is like May. Today was even warmer than yesterday. And there was no cold wind, which was quite unpleasant yesterday. The walk was a complete…marianomariano (74)in Actifit • 10 days agoKolejny piękny, słoneczny marcowy dzień - My Actifit Report Card: March 7 2025Another beautiful, sunny March day I can't believe it when I go for a walk. Such high temperatures at the beginning of March haven't been recorded for 30 years. It's hard to…marianomariano (74)in Actifit • 11 days agoDzisiaj rekord ciepła, plus 22 stopnie w cieniu - My Actifit Report Card: March 6 2025Today, a heat record, plus 22 degrees in the shade I did not expect such an aura. I knew it would be warm, but not that. It is rare that at the beginning of March the…marianomariano (74)in Actifit • 12 days agoWiosna i spacer po nowym kąpielisku "Fala" - My Actifit Report Card: March 5 2025Spring and a walk around the new "Fala" swimming pool TToday, a typical walk, but with a slight modification. I decided to take a closer look at the architectural…marianomariano (74)in Actifit • 13 days agoPiękny, wiosenny, marcowy wtorek, oby tak dalej - My Actifit Report Card: March 4 2025A beautiful spring Tuesday in March, keep it up The first real spring day, and apparently it's just the beginning. The temperature reached plus 12 degrees, so it was…marianomariano (74)in Actifit • 14 days agoAs for Monday, I had a lot of energy - My Actifit Report Card: March 3 2025Jak na poniedziałek, to miałem sporo energii Today I decided to make a slightly longer route than usual. The weather was good and I had plenty of energy, which is unusual…marianomariano (74)in Actifit • 16 days agoZapachniało zimą i nawet poprószył śnieg - My Actifit Report Card: March 1 2025It smelled in winter and even snowed I didn't enjoy a spring aura for a long time. Today it was penetrating cold, windy and small snow and snow with rain fell. Długo się…marianomariano (74)in Actifit • 18 days agoWilgotno, trochę deszczu ale dalej wiosennie - My Actifit Report Card: February 27 2025Humid, a little rain but still spring-like Today again a bit of spring and autumn. The lack of sun and light drizzle reminded me more of autumn November than spring end of…marianomariano (74)in Actifit • 19 days agoDzisiaj trochę jakby jesiennie, ale ciepło, przyjemnie i optymistycznie - My Actifit Report Card: February 26 2025Today it feels a bit like autumn, but warm, pleasant and optimistic An optimistic day, because my Pi network token reached a new ATH of 2.70 USD. This is very positive news…marianomariano (74)in Actifit • 20 days agoBardzo fajny, ciepły prawie wiosenny dzień - My Actifit Report Card: February 25 2025Very nice, very warm almost spring day Today it finally smelled in spring. The temperature jumped to plus 12 degrees, and in the sun you could easily unbutton the jacket and…marianomariano (74)in LeoFinance • 20 days agoPi network - wielu nie wierzyło w ten projekt, a jednak jest na giełdach Na wstępie chcę uspokoić, że można kopać ton bez inwestycji, bez ryzyka. Jedyną czynność jak wielu tego typu aplikacji na telegramie wystarcz kliknąć raz dziennie przycisk claim. Dzienny zarobek bez boosta