mariachan rebloggedkobusu (70)in GEMS • 11 months agoAnnouncement of the expansion of the topic of this blog + must-hear video!Ladies and gentlemen, you've probably noticed that my blog hasn't touched on hot political topics. Because I have to live through this experience every day, I'm quite immersed in the information. The Hivemariachan rebloggedelindos (67)in #hivegaming • 4 years agoEXODE - Revealing ruleset, Crew Roles and changelog!3 weeks ago we announced the details of our next update! Called the Big Scanning Update (... ok, this could have used a better name! :D ) it was more serious than its…mariachan rebloggedolga.maslievich (77)in GEMS • 5 years agoDarinka's first love :)Darinka really wanted a cat, she asked for a long time to allow her to take a pet. But for several years I refused her request, realizing that emotions come and go, and the…mariachan rebloggedaxeman (78)in QUAC • 5 years agoQurator's Photo Quest | ABSTRACT - Winter AbstractsThis is the entry to current week Photo Quest by @qurator with a theme - Abstract. Well, there are actually quite many subject in photography, which you can try and make look…mariachan rebloggedshady (76)in QUAC • 5 years agoДорога до СиневируПривіт, друзі! Як я вже раніше згадувала, у мене є 5 близьких подруг, з частиною з яких я підтримую тісну дружбу ще з часів мого навчання в інституті, а ще із двома із них я…mariachan rebloggedbugavi (74)in QUAC • 5 years agoHow do you win the trust of kitten?Gaining trust and love for a cat is not an easy task. It is a process that requires time, patience and a lot of love. This topic is just relevant for me now. My kitten was born…mariachan rebloggedkobusu (70)in Team Ukraine • 5 years agoA series of photos in memory of a small trip to the city of Vyshneve. UA/ENGCерія фотографій на згадку, про не величку подорож до міста Вишневе. На вихідних не рідко у нас с дружиною виникає бажання прогулятись на свіжому повітрі. Навколишні вулички…mariachan rebloggedbattleraffle (49)in #gaming • 5 years agoNFT Raffle #008 - Firetalker | Good Morning | Foodie-Moodie [Exode]Hive Blockchain Gaming NFT RaffleCountdown terminated on Aug 11, 2020, 4:00 PMmariachan rebloggedtheycallmedan (79)in #uphold • 5 years agoCall To Action! Help Get Hive on Uphold!"What currencies would you like to see fully integrated on Uphold?" To Participate: Go to Vote "Other" Leave a comment for Hive to be added to Uphold. Drop…mariachan rebloggedok-top (71)in Team Ukraine • 5 years ago(UA:EN:RU) ЧАРІВНА ТАБЛЕТКА, ЩО ДОПОМОЖЕ ВИВЧИТИ МОВУ / A MAGIC PILL THAT WILL HELP LEARN A LANGUAGE(UA:EN:RU) ЧАРІВНА ТАБЛЕТКА, ЩО ДОПОМОЖЕ ВИВЧИТИ МОВУ / A MAGIC PILL THAT WILL HELP LEARN A LANGUAGEmariachan rebloggedkobusu (70)in Team Ukraine • 5 years agoToxic people in life, methods of combating and preventing the impact on my health EN/UAMy post in the weekly challenge from @teamukraine: (ROGELIO V. SOLIS/ASSOCIATED PRESS) We all sometimes encounter people to whom we react as a source of "negative" and…mariachan rebloggedrollie1212 (72)TeamUkraine Community Ownerin Team Ukraine • 5 years ago(UA) #13 - Щотижневий челенж від @teamukraine - "fkoxicppl"UA - Вас вітає спільнота @teamukraine ласкаво просимо на щотижневий, вже 13-й, челенж! На цьому тижні наші спонсори підтримають цікаві пости на тему "Токсичні люди в житті…mariachan rebloggedkobusu (70)in EXODE Pilots • 5 years agoEXODE - sunday Syndicate delivery great luck dropAs you know I am the owner of the SYNDICATE contract. And here's how lucky I was yesterday was the elite version of the weapon card, which is very good for me since I did not…mariachan rebloggedkobusu (70)in Hive Gaming • 5 years agoCall of Duty Modern Warfare - New Juggernaut hardcore mode =)A bit gameplay in new battle mode in the game warzone battle royal Трохи геймплею в новому режимі warzonemariachan rebloggedkobusu (70)in Team Ukraine • 5 years agoMy post in the weekly challenge from @teamukraine - "uamyfavplaces" UA/ENGМій пост в щотижневий челенж: Якщо ві запитаєте мене яке місце для мене най улюбленіше, мабуть я не зможу відповісти однозначно. Тому що мені подобається перебувати в тих…mariachan rebloggedcranium (75)in Team Ukraine • 5 years agoMy tabooMake sure YOU are always focused on what is really important to you ...mariachan rebloggedaxeman (78)in Team Ukraine • 5 years agoRisen in SufferComing back to quite forgotten by now Fire Element series and a Phoenix rising from Ashes. Seems that was quite a painful rise. Well, the model is actually the dance actress, so…mariachan rebloggedcranium (75)in Team Ukraine • 5 years agoMy smartphone photography - My WifeMake sure YOU are always focused on what is really important to you ...mariachan rebloggedscrodinger (73)in Team Ukraine • 5 years agoMini-Sculptures: Small but Weighty Reasons to Visit Uzhhorod #13 Rubik's cube (Ua/En)А сьогодні в моїй рубриці #uzhhorodsculptures "Маленькі, але вагомі причини приїхати в Ужгород" я розповім про міні-скульптуру кубика Рубика, котра не зовсім міні. Традиційно…mariachan rebloggedscrodinger (73)in Team Ukraine • 5 years agoHow I Plan to Develop Hive Blog - #uamakehivepopular Team Ukraine Challenge To begin with, there will be a small preface in two parts: First, as a teenager, I dreamed of becoming a journalist. But somehow it turned out that after graduating from school…