PostsCommentsPayoutsmumba (25)in #news • 5 years agoAfter Recovery To $10,000, Bitcoin is said to Hit $100,000 In 2021 TRUE OR FALSE?Earlier this week, widely-respected bitcoin analyst PlanB, who created the so-called stock-to-flow bitcoin pricing model, reiterated his expectation that bitcoin will hit…mumba (25)in #news • 5 years agoSteemit is the future of Social Media and Zukerburg Hates it.For the very first time in almost a decade am I free to post my mind unfiltered to a Social media Platform. I am glad to join this family of independent thinkers free to express…marcelli (56)in #pt • 7 years agoNós estamos viciados em likes?Na semana passada eu estava assistindo "Nosedive", que é o primeiro episódio da terceira temporada do seriado Black Mirror. O episódio se passa em um mundo onde as pessoas…marcelli (56)in #blog • 7 years agoAre we 'like' addicted?Last week I was watching “Nosedive”, which is the first episode of the third season of the series Black Mirror. The episode is set in a world where people can rate each other…marcelli (56)in #pt • 7 years agoA vida é uma jornada e não um destinoUltimamente, eu tenho me deparado com algumas derrotas. Às vezes, é difícil aceitá-las com naturalidade. Eu me questiono, me confronto e até menosprezo as minhas qualidades.…marcelli (56)in #life • 7 years agoIt's all about the journeyLately, I've been facing some defeats. Sometimes, it’s hard to accept them naturally. I question myself, confront myself and even despise my qualities. Then, I think about…marcelli (56)in #pt • 7 years agoCorra para a vidaPor oito meses, Joana se preparou para a maratona de Londres. A sua meta era chegar entre os 100 primeiros. Ao ouvir o tiro da largada, ela marcou o tempo no relógio e começou…marcelli (56)in #blog • 7 years agoRun for lifeFor eight months, Joana trained for the London marathon. Her goal was to reach the top 100. At the start line, she pressed the stopwatch and started running. At 200m from the…marcelli (56)in #pt • 7 years agoBanksymarcelli (56)in #book • 7 years agoBanksymarcelli (56)in #pt • 7 years agoNo aeroporto...marcelli (56)in #book • 7 years agoAt the airportmarcelli (56)in #pt • 7 years agoSe fossemos todos iguais…Gostaríamos das mesmas comidas e bebidas e aí, o que seria a…? Degustação - substantivo feminino. 1 - avaliação atenta através do paladar. 2 - p. ext. Experiência…marcelli (56)in #blog • 7 years agoIf we were all the same...We would like the same foods and drinks and then, what would be...? Tasting - noun. : an occasion for sampling a selection of foods or drinks in order to compare qualities…marcelli (56)in #pt • 7 years agoFly highmarcelli (56)in #book • 7 years agoFly Highmarcelli (56)in #pt • 7 years agoA vida eh um voomarcelli (56)in #book • 7 years agoStories about G - Chapter X - Love at First FlightOnce a year, I used to go back to Brazil to spend Christmas with my family and New Year’s Eve with my friends. The holidays were energizing but the most difficult part of it was…marcelli (56)in #pt • 7 years agoHistórias sobre G - Capítulo IX - No divã com o AbnerMorar em um galpão convertido em casa foi uma experiência maravilhosa e dentre todos os moradores da Unit G, o Abner foi quem mais fez diferença no meu crescimento pessoal. O meu…marcelli (56)in #book • 7 years agoStories about G - Chapter IX - On the chaise sofa with AbnerLiving in a warehouse was a great experience and from all the friends I made in Unit G, Abner had a Hugh impact in my personal growth. My American friend was extremely creative…