PostsCommentsPayoutsm-san (54)in #polish • 2 months agoRE: [Polish] Szyfrowanie plików za pomocą YubiKeyWracam-nie wracam. Bywam cały czas. ;-) Swoje klucze YubiKey kupiłem już jakiś czas temu, jak ceny jeszcze były niższe niż dzisiejsze. Używam do wielu celów regularnie, wtopiły…m-san (54)in Polish HIVE • 7 months agoRE: Dlaczego kiedyś Internet był lepszy.Jeśli chodzi o wyszukiwarki, to być może szykuje się jakieś przetasowanie. Przeszedłem już ze 2 lata temu na DuckDuckGo i cieszę się trafniejszymi wynikami wyszukiwań, fajnymi…m-san (54)in Polish HIVE • 7 months agoRE: Dlaczego kiedyś Internet był lepszy.A moim zdaniem za obniżoną jakość treści w WWW odpowiada przede wszystkim centralizacja serwisów. Kiedyś łatwiej by Ci było proste zestawienie meczów na prywatnej stronie…m-san (54)in TravelFeed • last yearRE: A bit of winter ❄️🥰Nice views! Thank for sharing.m-san (54)in #hi-lo • 2 years agoRE: Hi-Lo Game #358Lom-san (54)in #life • 2 years agoRE: The Incredible Smugglers Caves of IbizaNice 👍, I gotta write down this location for future visiting. Do you have some more precise location info or even GPS coordinates maybe?m-san (54)in #ukraine • 3 years agoRE: Putin's propaganda about his invasion on Ukraine is in fact quite thoughtfulThe examples of Russian propaganda can be seen in comments below. Please note they have all the features mentioned at the end of my post. That includes pasting a block of text…m-san (54)in #ilysarazom • 3 years agoRE: 🇺🇦 Day #41 of the war in Ukraine.You got it all wrong. It's the Russians who are nazis here, not Ukrainians. First of all Ukraine is and was a democratic country. Russia in comparison is a nazi state where you…m-san (54)in LeoFinance • 3 years agoRE: Mmmm... Fresh silver!You're doing pictures completely wrong. Instead of a 1 euro coin you should be placing banana for scale. :Dm-san (54)in #warinukraine • 3 years agoRE: My Wartime Diary. Twelve days of war. Some advice from me: Talking to Nick prefer to use end-to-end encrypted Internet communication instead of regular cell phone services. There has been some leaks that there is a…m-san (54)in #warinukraine • 3 years agoRE: My war diary. Tenth day. Living update from Kyiv"I wonder what do you see on your news." We see this. The whole civilised world sees this...m-san (54)in #stoprussia • 3 years agoRE: My Wartime Diary. Seventh day of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Live update from KyivYeah, Ukrainians migrated to Poland were "cheap workers" that support Poland now, even the old people and kids. Meanwhile Polish people that migrated elsewhere weren't "cheap…m-san (54)in #stoprussia • 3 years agoRE: My Wartime Diary. Seventh day of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Live update from KyivIf you decide to write a book let us know so we could buy a copy. Hopefully it would be translated to other languages as well as you would probably prefer to write it in your language.m-san (54)in #stoprussia • 3 years agoRE: My Wartime Diary. Seventh day of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Live update from KyivWhat do you mean by "nobody welcomed refugees 2014"? Poland accepted around 1,6 million people from Ukraine only since then. 1,6 million is a really big number and I don't even…m-san (54)in #ukraine • 3 years agoRE: Right In the Heart of The Ukraine-Russian CrisisI believe he is seriously suggesting that Russians invaded whole country killing civilians, bombing the nuclear waste warehouses, destroying civilian infrastructure, fighting…m-san (54)in #ukraine • 3 years agoRE: Right In the Heart of The Ukraine-Russian CrisisDoes that justify another slaughter?m-san (54)in #ukraine • 3 years agoRE: Right In the Heart of The Ukraine-Russian CrisisThe problem is that the Ukrainian border guards don't let men in certain age out. Men are being turned back to potentially fight against aggressors.m-san (54)in #war • 3 years agoRE: From Ukraine with love❤️m-san (54)in Worldmappin • 3 years agoRE: My Unforgettable 170-Mile Cycling Trip to Ninh BinhGreat post. It was a pleasure to read it. Excellent journey!m-san (54)in #polish • 3 years agoRE: Przegląd wieści z LEWOGRODU.Braki na rynku kart graficznych nie są spowodowane wzmożonymi zakupami przez górników kryptowalut. W tym filmiku wyjaśniono całość problemu (j. ang., 13 minut):