~ Wakanda ~ Walk ... and thru a wand wave will be opened a Portal at the Dawn of this World

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

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Shalom aleihem to you steemians

The other days i’ve watched this amazing movie … probably one of the greatest from this contemporary timeframe.

From the beginning I could associate the title with some anagramic messages. Let’s see what the word Wakanda & Vibranium could deliver in matter of anagramic meaning.

Wakanda :

Dawn – the 1st Light of Day,
Wand – a rod used by magician or water diviner,
Dak – East Indian Tree bearing a profusion of intense vermillion velvet textured blooms and yielding a yellow dye,
Wan – a computer network that spans a wider area than does a local network,
Ka- unknown God – an epithet of Prajapati or Brahma ( Abraham)

Also let’s check the word Vibranium ( which actually made me think if it will appear as a coin in crypto world) :-)


Barium – a soft silvery metallic element from alkalic Earth
Brain – the part of the central nervous system
Invar – an alloy of iron and nickel having a low coefficient of theral expansion
Nimbi – a dark grey cloud bearing rain
Nubia – an ancient region of NorthEastern Africa

The whole movie has the message for all the people from the 12 Lost Tribes. I’ve always felt i’m belonging to one of them :-) I’ve felt that this movie was trying to tell/reveal us who we truly are. Definetelly it’s one of the greatest movie out there nowadays.

Interesting way of starting the movie by introducing the Chariots :-) This is the way how the most High (Elohim/God) will get ready to deliver and reveal Himself to it’s people … thru “chariots”

Psalms 104:3

“Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind.”

Psalm 68:17

“The chariots of Elohim are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the Holy place.”

Wisdom of Solomon 5:1-2

“1 Then shall the righteous man stand in great boldnessbefore the face of such as have afflicted him, and made no account of his labours.

2 When they see it, they shall be troubled with terrible fear, and shall be amazed at the strangeness o his salvation, so far beyond all that they looked for.”

Mark 13:27

“And then shall He send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the Earth to the uttermost part of Heaven.”

Mankind will not be able to explain this technology … but this will be the way maybe to reveal the Elohim … like in the movie … how it was presented … thru Chariots.

The movie presents the story of the 12 Tribes that must reunite and go back to Israel, the real warrior women that stays behind men like it was in Ancient Times … nowadays we’re having only this expression “ behind every men stays a strong women” … really? Maybe a sellfish women who betrayed men ;-) O’Koye represents in this movie the ancestral Spirit of the strong women but still the one filled inside with the pure Love … loyal in Eternity to his Men.

I recommend you all to watch this movie and “read between the lines” … actually there’s one quote that says: “ What happens here, determines what happens to the rest of the World”

The way the movie ends it’s with T’Challa revealing Wakanda to the whole world … this will leave you with a smart “?” but I can see the Truth within’ … it’s with a question from a representant of the united nations: “what kind a nation of farmers have to offer the rest of the World?”

The smile of T’Challa says everything …

Africa will be the next step in this World … presented as a 3rd world … but actually being hidden from people’s eyes … with a purpose :-)

Enjoy it

as T’Challa said that we need to support each as one Tribe … maybe that will be the moment when … the World would be back … as the Garden of Eden …

Shalom aleihem steemians