Hi, venerable Steemians!
We talked about the effect of words in one of our previous blog posts and how you can adapt your mind using the power of suggestion. Today, we are going to talk about the power of suggestion through imagination.
When you imagine something vividly in your mind and draw a clear picture of that scene, both your aware consciousness and your subconsciousness are affected and motivated by that image to follow a certain pathological thought train.
In the hands of those who know how to utilize the power of suggestion, imagination is a powerful weapon that can turn the tide in your war against lack of energy and motivation.
The power of suggestion through your imagination works in two different ways.
Consider that you are sitting at your desk performing a hard feat on one of your dream projects. You are getting tired and exhausted from all the work and the repetition that the process has made you go through.
The power of suggestion using words is when you say nice things in a situation like this so you can continue with strength.
You can use the same technique with your imagination.
Close your eyes and draw an ideal picture of your future. It may be a place of your liking, alongside those you love, doing the thing that is your true passion. Try to bring more and more details into that vision. Paint that world with different and tangible colors.
That image in your imagination could be your future. In a world where nothing is ever impossible, you could arrive at that scene and live your ideal life. This is the power of suggestion through your imagination.
That image will motivate you to keep going with strength. But as I mentioned earlier, there are two sides to the power of suggestion through our mind’s capability for imagination.
When you picture the ideal world, that is the dream you want to realize, and that gives you strength to not surrender in spite of all the difficulties that you are facing. But instead of drawing an ideal world, you could also picture yourself in a world of nightmare.
Think about your fears. Try to imagine a picture where all your fears have come through as a result of your shortcomings and your unwillingness to do the things that you need to do.
Imagine that you are broke or have failed the people closest to you.
Imagine that you have not fulfilled even your most fundamental obligations and responsibilities.
Better yet, imagine that all the difficulties that you are currently going through is like being stuck in a storm.
Close your eyes and picture yourself in the middle of the sea. Heavy rain is grazing you at every moment and the storm is rocking your boat in different directions. You are struggling. Every moment, you are struggling to survive.
Being in a difficult situation is basically like being stuck in a storm. When you are in the middle of the sea and stuck in that kind of storm, you do not even consider the idea of surrendering.
You fight. You fight to your last breath for survival.
When you open your eyes again and come out of that imaginary scene, you revitalize your strength and set your mind at the right place to continue performing your task and succeeding in it… because it has never been more serious than it is now!
The power of suggestion through imagination works in both a dream world and a nightmare world. Your personality determines which one will give you strength and help you in the face of your difficulties.
Do not be afraid of turning your imagination into a weapon that can push you forward.
After all, isn’t imagination the greatest aptitude in the history of our species?