SU2C and November HPUD Guessing Contest

in Hive Powerlast year (edited)

I just powered up 200 Hive today and when I checked my total HP afterwards I noticed it was 107,999. Ewh!! That's annoying and what an eyesore, now I need to power up another 1 Hive to make it a nice round number. Then I remembered this nifty feel good tool that has come back on line recently. It shows your wallet growth in real time. I opened it up and my HP was 107,999.208268. If I hang around for long enough I can witness it grow to 108,000. It sure beats watching paint dry 😀

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I made good use of the waiting time to write this post and have dinner, and finally after 2 hours 10 minutes I captured it jumping to 108,000. Hooray!! It took a while but it's so rewarding to see my assets grow in real time just for staking it. The more you stake the quicker it grows, it's a no brainer. I don't understand why many people on Hive still don't have the long term vision to grow their stake. Plus, during these two hours, Hive has gone up from 33.45c to 34.24c and my account value has gone up by nearly $900. If this still doesn't convince you about the power of Hive, then I don't know what will.

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This month's HPUD Guessing Contest is a bit different because I don't have the answer yet😊.

I rarely do exercise and have never done any fund raising before, so this year I decided to take part in a fundraising event called Stand Up to Cancer Squats Challenge.

This is an initiative by Cancer Research UK, and Channel 4, a UK TV station, and they do all sorts of events to raise funds for cancer research. My challenge is to do 100 squats every day in November. Today is the first day of the challenge. My first 20 squats were easy, I did it in 1 minute. After the next 40 squats, my legs started to tremble like jelly 😅. I had to stop for a rest and get myself a cup of tea. Then I figured I'd better get some photos for my post and took 10 shots until I got a good one.

The final 40 squats weren't so bad and I completed them in about 2 minutes. All in all I did 110 squats and exceeded my target for the first day. I'd say that's not a bad start.

So how do I link this Squats Challenge to the November HPUD Guessing Contest? How about you guess

how many squats in total will I achieve over and above the 7 day target?

My daily target is 100 squats, that's 700 squats in the first 7 days. Today I over achieved 10 squats, so your guess will be the total squats I did over and above 700 during the 7 days. My target is to achieve the 100 squats every day, that's a must and I will definitely do it. If I can, I will try to do more but I am not going to force myself to do more. I will only do whatever I feel comfortable with regardless of what people have guessed.

I will be posting daily updates from my alt account @lut-studio as I don't want to trigger autovotes from my main account for short content. Your first guess will be your entry and you cannot change it on subsequent days after seeing my daily updates.

I don't know if anybody will guess the exact answer this month because I don't even know the answer myself yet, but if you do, you will win or share the 20 HBD prize pool. If there is no correct answer, the person/s who guessed the nearest to it will win. And if you HPUD at least 10 HP today, I will double your prize as a bonus. As usual, I will upvote your entry and the % will be based on your level of engagement as the whole reason I started this HPUD Guessing Contest was to drive up quality engagement on Hive. Good luck everyone!!

Edit : Contest is closed

Last and not the least, if you would like to support my fundraising campaign you can donate via the link below. Alternatively, you can send me Hive or HBD which I will convert to GBP and donate on your behalf. Thanks everyone!!!


Wuaoo what a challenging contest this month, I almost missed it but I got there just in time.

Your growth is so inspiring that I got that momentum and today I received the news that I am a dolphin 🥳

I'm a little late but it's because the universe conspired for me to win 😆 and according to all the data you have given us and knowing that you like round numbers I say that you will achieve a wonderful 1055 in squats this week.

That's a great number congrats, you'll end up with great legs and great pompi. @livinguktaiwan 🥰🥳

Congrats on becoming a dolpin @soyunasantacruz, I know you have worked very hard to achieve that, so well done!!! Double dolphin next!!!

Good luck with your guess, I still don't know what the answer is yet because I still haven't finished my squats for today which is day 7.

Thank you, double dolphin so be it.

Well I calculated today's and it all adds up to 355 squats in addition to the 700 squats for the week, for a total of 1055.

🤣😊 I'll keep my fingers crossed @livinguktaiwan

110! Wow girl. That's amazing 👏

As fitness connoisseur, @phortun, what do you think? 🤔
I see parallel to floor, socks because LUT is a showoff and knows she can get depth without elevated heels, and 110 squats!

Hahaha, I´m far from being a fitness connoisseur and I only very rarely work out my legs so I´m the last one to evaluate anyone´s squats but yeah, they look good to me too :) But there is a little catch that everyone who suddenly start to exercise a part of body that they didn´t exercise before will face and I´m going to consider it in my guess ;)

socks coz my toes are shy that's why I never where sandals or flip flops 😄

this was taken at squat 50ish, you should have seen me at squat 110 !!!

Well done for doing this squats challenge. 👏 I completely stopped with my planks when we went to Krakow and I didn't start doing them again when we came back. (And will not for some time because of my right arm). Maybe this is a message that squats are the thing I could do, but no chance of achieving something like 100 per day for me. 😁

So, let's see the guess...

how many squats in total will I achieve over and above the 7 day target?

In total... 108

(Guess based just on the number of you HP 😁. Not 108 K is my guess though hahaha)

I was doing plank every day during lockdown a few years ago, and it's pretty tough. Don't think I can do it now again, because like you my arm has started to hurt recently. I'm surprised I managed 100 squats on the first day, even though it nearly killed my legs afterwards!!

Good luck with your guess!

Yeah, I can imagine the feeling, especially the next morning when you start to feel the pain the muscles... 🤐

Great cause what you decided to support and very original and fun guessing contest you came up with this month!

You said you don´t exercise regularly but you did a great job with those 110 squats on the first day. However, if you don´t exercise legs regularly, the chances are that your legs are (very?) sore today (and tomorrow probably too) as the quads are some of the biggest muscles in human body and they take a lot of time to recover after a workout. I remember that it always hurt a lot the other day after I did some random binge squatting. You also said that you wouldn´t push yourself too hard with those extras so I would say that today and tomorrow, you will not do any (extras). On days number 4 to 7, you might do some again though so my guess is that in total, over the first 7 days of the challenge, you will do 770 squats, which is 70 above the target :) Good luck!

@tipu curate 3

You're spot on! My legs, particularly inner thighs were so sore after the first and second days. Now after the 3rd day they're much better but I wouldn't say I can skip and jump yet!

I think tomorrow should be much better and hopefully I can smash more squats.

Congratulations for this great growth and above all for the hard work you do. That arrival at 108K was exciting. Yesterday I was watching the high jump competitions at the Pan American Games and it's like passing the rod to a millimeter and it stays firm.
I think you're going to push yourself to do those extra squats every day... maybe you'll do 120. But the most important thing is that whatever the number, it will be an important challenge that you will meet. That's what life is all about. It's about bettering yourself.


I like this month's guessing game. It means a lot to you and is a commitment to a noble cause. I thank you so much @livinguktaiwan for all the support you are always willing to give.

Thanks for your words of encouragement and motivation @nanixxx. And you are definitely correct in saying it's about bettering myself, otherwise I'd just be sitting around doing nothing useful everyday.

Well, not like this either. Hahaha... you always do something useful. Don't overdo it. 😂

My first 20 squats were easy, I did it in 1 minute. After the next 40 squats, my legs started to tremble like jelly

Wow, I cannot even do 15 squats properly because my knees hurt so badly... By the way congrats for achieving such a nice amount of Hive power...

I forgot to mention, I could hear my knee joint crackling initially!!! it was so weird!!

Ah, so I am not alone. I thought I only felt that way. But yes, my knees are weak...

I'd say that's not a bad start.

🤣 Oh Pauline this makes me laugh. Mrs T and I just recorded a podcast for NaPodPoMo and it about language differences, she is American me British, and for many years she has never got over our use of not bad or not half bad etc. Just say it is good for fluffs sake!

Seriously that is a great cause and well done on those squats! That is fluffing amazing and I will say 100 over for the week.

You got your fingers in so many pies Ed, podcast and blog!! The US vs UK thing is always fun, I remember a particular one at work, let's table something for discussion. It causes so much confusion!!

Thanks for your guess, I'll see how it goes by day 7.

I agree on having a long term vision to grow your stake here. Not only are you helping yourself it helps other as well. I've found in my little time here the longer your all in on growing the larger you get quicker.

Wow 100 a day is impressive. The extra 10 on the first day makes me think you will increase over the 7 days. I'm thinking my guess needs to be even 🤔 with you waiting to see 108,000 HP instead of an odd number, haha. I guess you will do 140 additional squats. Take care :)

We need more people with a long term view on Hive. To many disappear when the price is low (which is daft because that's the best time to post), and resurface when the price goes up thinking they can just swop back in and get support.

I'll see if and how near to 140 I can do 😃

I'll say 10 extra for the 70 days, so 70. That's a conservative guess. You can do more! 50 extra a day? 🤔 You can do it!

This is a great challenge. I think I might join! Well, I already missed the first day of the month (it's the second here) so does that mean I have to do 200 on the first day? Hmm... let me see how easy or hard it is for me to do around 100 today, then we'll see if I offically join this challenge! !LOLZ

Why was it so easy for the scientist to learn how to make glass from lizards?
It was clear from the gecko.

Credit: reddit
@livinguktaiwan, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of dbooster



You can still start, it's not too late. If it's a personal challenge, I think it doesn't matter when you start, and if it's for fund raising, I'm sure they won't say no to donations, whenever it comes in.


So you guess is 70? or 350 ? 😃

That’s awesome… well done on your first day.
I guess tomorrow will be a bit less with muscle ache hehehe 🤭 (hope not of course)

So 62 for the 7 days 😁
Good luck and have fun!

Happy new month Pauline 👋🏻

My inner thighs were burning last night and when I got up this morning 😄 I'm doing my squats today in smaller chunks. Still fun so far!!

I can imagine 😊
Smaller chunks are good too. As long as it is fun 🤩

@livinguktaiwan! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ littlebee4. (9/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Hello P!

What a super interesting challenge for both parties! Both for you and for the campaign that will raise the funds. Just today, when I went to the supermarket to do some quick shopping, I was approached by volunteers from the Portuguese Cancer League. Every year, around this time, there is a fundraising campaign that goes towards cancer research and support for patients who are unable to afford treatment (family or social support).
Returning to your challenge, it's certainly a win-win situation! You're helping a very noble cause, and you're increasing your physical capacity! I bet you'll get into the habit, and you'll do this monthly, one-off challenge, maybe something more regular that will become part of your daily routine... who knows, right?

Well, with regard to the challenge you're launching here, to try and guess the number of squats you'll do over the course of these 7 days... Well, looking at your OCD (I'm not putting it down, I suffer from it too... it would annoy me to see a non-round number in my HP value ending up at 7.9999 LOL. Taking that "hint", I reckon that in the next seven days of the squat challenge you'll be able to do 1000!

PS: I loved the link you shared I got hooked on watching the numbers go up second by second... It's motivating, isn't it?

Have a good week! 🍀

300 over the target!!! It will definitely be great if I can get to a situation where I am so strong, let's see.

That little website is really fun and makes everything so real when you can see the real time growth, great for motivation

Wow! Yes for a healthy lifestyle. I have not done it for the past months since I rarely exercise too. But walking a long distance is okay for me. By the way, regarding the guessing game, my answer would be 750 squats. Good luck and Happy Hive Power Up Day dear!

We have such busy lives now, any exercise is good especially long walks and getting lots of fresh air. UK weather is starting to get horrible now, so doing the squats indoors keeps me nice and warm 😃

And your answer is 50 over my target of 700?

Yes, my answer is 50 squats over your target. Hehe. Blessings to you and have a nice day!

110 squats is incredible! I can't even do 50 😅..
If you always have 10 extra squats each day, then I guess you'll have 70 in 7 days...but if you do that everyday, you will achieve more than expected. And with connection to your power-up, maybe you want to achieve an extra 108 squats?

I like your thinking Jane. Let's see if I can match my HP.

You always do a lot of walking and out and about over the weekend, plenty of exercise for you!!

That challenge is so good because aside you help yourself you also helping others.

About the Guess? Oh it is really hard to guess something that it is still on going. Anyway, we will still give a guess.

Squatting is hard for me especially that I really gained weight now hehehe maybe I can do just a number and my feet will feel pain but for you it seems easy so for sure you can hit your 100 target everyday.

I will guess that since you made 110 squats in the first day, you might add another more 10 the next day and so on. So I will guess 980 squats in 7 days..

The squats sound difficult but surprisingly I found it ok. I mean it's tiring, but I'm happy that I managed to complete the target so far everyday. I want to see if I can lose any weight, or better still reduce my waistline afterwards. That would be awesome!!

That's an exciting part after a challenge - the result. Hopefully you will lose some weight and will reduce some number in your waistline.

Me, I gained a lot of weight lately.

That is a challenge. I would definitely pass, 100 squats are a lot for me because of my age and because of how "crunchy" my knees are. However, I can stay in the habit of walking for about 30 minutes daily.
But now, seeing what you say and that you also don't seem to be very used to exercises like squats, I could say that your extra number would vary in the following days, especially when you strive for additional ones. The muscle will definitely take its toll and there will be pain!

I estimate that in 7 days you will be able to do about 810 squats. Taking into account that your spirits may be high for a few days and you remember long-term well-being!

If you walk for 30 minutes every day, that's a nice amount of exercise!!

Sometimes I can feel and hear a little cracking in my knees when I come up from a squat, I think that's maybe due to lack of exercise because there is no pain, so I think I'm ok and haven't injured my self. The first few days was very tiring, now I'm getting used to it.

Thanks for your entry, and good luck!

Yes, life is good if you walk a little daily. Before taking up the habit, I suffered from night cramps. They are quite scary!
But now life smiles, I'm glad that it is like that for you too. Greetings, thanks for the good vibes and good luck!

That's a fun challenge. You clearly like nice round even numbers so I'll have to factor that in. I'm going to guess 230!

Good luck 👍

wooo.... 230, now the pressure is on. Based on my current performance, I will need a not of luck to achieve 230, but who know if and how much I can improve over the next few day 💪

I have faith. You'll have one day where you'll have a crap ton of energy and just really feel the urge to get a lot of push ups in. I can feel it. It's going to happen...

push ups 😲 that's really pushing it😅

Haha squats! Yeah, that's how short my memory is...

Go you!!!! Well done. I'll go for 105, as I think you'll average an additional 15 a day! I believe in you 😁

Thanks for your confidence in me!!! 💪

I never knew squats help prevent cancer but now that I do or surely try doing the squat daily too but I'm not sure I can do up to a 100 daily, woohoo, that's a whole lot of commitment.

You are growing your stake really well and you are definitely part of those I look up to emulating in that regards.

As for my guess, I'd go for 805 squats by the end of 7 days, good luck with your squats and thank you so much for the awareness.

I'm not sure squats can prevent cancer, but any form of exercise is good for you. So your answer is 105 squats over the 7 day target of 700 squats?

You're right any exercise is good.

Yeah, I'm guessing you will do an extra 105 squats by the end of 7 days 😄

That's a great challenge and for a greater cause. And I say you'll go to 110 extra squats, pushing ourselves even further brings an extra dopamine rush! ;) !BEER

I will need a few beers after I finish the challenge. Thanks

They'll be well deserved!

Super happy for you dear. 108k HP is no small feat. You're one of my biggest motivations to keep going. Powering up daily or powering up each post to 100% has helped me tremendously and I'm not about to stop.☺️

As for your squats, I'm going to pick lucky 108, just to celebrate this milestone of yours. Good luck.💜


Just take a long term view with Hive, try not to withdraw too often and stake your earning and you'll be on the road to dolphindom very soon as well.

20 squats in 1 minute would made me ignore this exercise for the whole day but I'm surprised to know that you did 40 after that. Well done.
I see you have a decent amount of hp in your wallet, congrats.

I have a target to hit, so will continue to the end of the month, I might even continue after that.

As to HP, we can all grow our wallet, it just depends on if we want to.

I think as the days go by, you can go up or down. that's going to depend on your routines with the exercises! If you're used to it I think you could make it, but I have doubts about your first day 🤔☺️😅 the first ones were 110 👍 we started well, although a little shaky.... In conclusion I'm going to trust you to achieve 750 squats. Successes my beautiful @livinguktaiwan.

Thanks for your words of encouragement. So your entry is 50 squats above the target?

Yes, I think you do have the potential 👍.

I am thinking 312 squats as interest will wain........ but I am today feeling in a good mood and shall suggest 743. Go girl!

so that's 43 over my target of 700 for 7 days? On my way 💪!!!

go for it, but dont blame me when you collapse in a heaplol

Congrats on your power up its really a huge margin to own. My guess to the total squats will 760 which is not bad for you to achieve lol.

Thanks for your entry, good luck!

Your squat challenge is reminding me of my gym days and now I am becoming super lazy. My body wanted to do exercise but my mind always stops me saying that you will be tired.
Well I think you will do 120 extra squats.
Moreover, congratulations for hive power up.

I know what you mean, the body wants one thing but the mind wants another. That's why I find documenting it on the chain will help put pressure on myself to do something

I love this kind of thing, I've walked several kilometers a day for this kind of event and it was good to do it for a cause.

I think you will continue to do an average of 110 squats over the 7 days, so I estimate that you will do 770 squats in total, which is 70 squats over your total target.

The weather is too bad to do too much walking now, plus it's cold outside. Doing squats indoors is much better 😄

For now yeah you are so right! It's so cold outside 😄

What a noble cause your challenge has inspired. To participate is already commendable, but to do 100 squats....for me is admirable. I couldn't even do 50 no matter how hard I try 😔😥.

I think you do 90 squats over. Best of luck and take care of your knees.

...I captured it jumping to 108,000....

Congratulations for this achievement that shows perseverance and dedication.

Thank you, I will be sure to take care of my knees, still got a lot of days to go!! And good luck with your entry

Hi, you started off very well by doing 110 squats, but if my calculations don't fail me I think it's possible that you will achieve 580.
However it is likely that you will show us the opposite, what if you will achieve your goal.


Thanks. Is your answer 580 over the 7 day target or 700 squats?

7-day target envelope.


110 squats for a day is quite amazing and within the whole 7 days I think you can achieve 730 squats within those days.

Is that 30 over the target?

108 to make 808.😎

ha ha! that was an easy quess for you

All the best for the challenge

Happy hpud. This system is a very good system of this project, it motivates people a lot and my own intention is that I will also do power-up every month in the same way, but right now the conditions of our country are deteriorating. Because there are no jobs here so I have to take out this HP for expenses like if I get a good job here then what will I do in the same way every month and also mine to work on this project here. The intention is very strong and I have been working properly for months here and I will continue to do so. And many many congratulations to the great achievement its motivated us alot. 110 squats is incredible.

Hope you get a job soon because at the rate you're going on Hive, I don't think you can survive on a few $ a day, and if you continue to do this, your support will eventually dry up. Good luck

You are absolutely right even if I get a good job I will continue to work on this platform because I enjoy it so much.

You have achieved a lot here.
That is so good and a motivation for me t do better.

As long as you put the effort into Hive, you will be rewarded, you just need the long term vision. By the way, I see you have put some Hive into savings. That does not give you any interest, only HBD does. If you have liquid Hive you'd do much better to power it up to grow your account

Thank you very much I appreciate I my doing my best to be active here
I am powering up and yes I will remove that from saving and hopefully power it up too

My guess is 820 in the next 7 days. 🤞🤞🤞

That's 120 over target? Thanks for dropping by!

You can do it 💪

wow 100 squats a day?? thats a lot!! i can only do 15 squats per set. my total is only 45 hahaha. how many squats do you do per set?

Currently I'm up to 35, will try to do more as the days go by.

I think you will go for 750 squats in total.So I think it will be 50 more squats.

You started well by achieving 110 squats and this in total for 7 days will be 770 squats because I might feel you may want to round it up to that figure.

So your answer is 70 squats over my target?

110 squats

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Hive Power Up Month Challenge - October 2023 Winners List
Be ready for the November edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - November 1st 2023

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