leonelvu rebloggedannepink (78)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years ago双十一我撸了很多“药品”双十一期间我无动于衷不知道有啥需要,主要我懒得去看,看的眼花又累,还费钱,我主要是怕我一看上什么就刹不住车,啥都想买了😂😂 但又囊中羞涩没法满足自己的消费欲望😅😅 所以索性啥都不看也不想,买与不买都是为了省钱,不消费才是真正省到钱不是吗?除非是非买不可的刚需那就另当别论了……leonelvu rebloggedukyron3 (70)in Splinterlands • 2 years agoGUILD BRAWLS REWARDS - SPLINTERLANDS PT/ENSPS Rewards for Splinterlands Guild Brawls and your benefits!leonelvu rebloggedmango-juice (80)in Splinterlands • 2 years agoRUNEMANCER FLORRE - this new Rift card is Ruling High mana limit matchesGreeting to all my Splinter friends! I hope all of you are having a nice day with your loved ones and also spending time while playing various types of matches - Ranked…leonelvu rebloggedstayoutoftherz (78)in The Chess Community • 2 years agoReminder: Round 9 of the Hivechess Tournament S13 , Friday 19h GMTDear chess fans! the 9th and penultimate round of S13 is played this Friday, 28th Oct., 19h GMT, as usual. The current standings after 8 rounds you can find here .…leonelvu rebloggedecoinstats (75)in #faucet • 2 years agoINCOME Synergy Fund Daily Update Oct 06, 2022This project is built on HIVE! Step 1 is getting HIVE KEYCHAIN: HERE's a GUIDE . We know getting started on HIVE is hard, because you need HP to generate the RC's you need…leonelvu rebloggedthemarkymark (81)in LeoFinance • 2 years agoHow to update your witness to hardfork 26 release canidate 4 (Updated)Update: Release canidate 4 has been released to fix an issue with rc delegations. Post has been updated to reflect this. Hardfork 26 is right around the corner and offers a…leonelvu rebloggedmeesterboom (80)in #life • 2 years agoNo SocialsHey! What was that? The Good Lady darted forward as if from nowhere and pecked her fingers at the phone in my hand. Oi, paws off the God machine! I yelped like a…leonelvu rebloggedoflyhigh (85)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years agoO哥聊投资:某行贵金属,离了个大谱当我还是个孩子的时候就参与过黄金交易(帮人拿金条,称重,以及负责把交易款项背回来),所以对于黄金这个投资品种,我一直是情有独钟。 (图源 : pixabay ) 但是实物黄金交易还是有诸多不便的,比如会有一些加工成本,还可能会担心成色问题,保管也需要考虑,最重要的是,变现可能会比较麻烦,所以账户黄金成了我的首选。…leonelvu rebloggedjoshsigurdson (78)in #news • 3 years ago15 HOUR EPSTEIN INTERVIEW! - Where's Steve Bannon's EXCLUSIVE Interview With Jeffrey Epstein?See the FULL video report HERE: Josh Sigurdson reports on the shocking clips from the trailer for Steve Bannon's film "The Monsters" featuring now allegedly "dead" global…leonelvu rebloggedpouchon (77)in LeoFinance • 3 years agoCHECK & BALANCE ALWAYS FAVOR CRYPTOsource You probably heard from times to times, what does not kill you make you stronger. it sure does not mean you need to act vaguely financially thinking you will always…leonelvu rebloggedtattoodjay (81)in Photography Lovers • 3 years agoMonday Motors the Whaling City Festival car show Part 4Monday Motors the Whaling City Festival car show Part 4leonelvu rebloggedbala41288 (79)in LeoFinance • 3 years agoSplinterlands - The UI updates looks so cool but still a few options are missingI recently noticed these updates on the splinterlands website. Maybe this has been there for several days already but I got a chance to take a look at this only now. They have…leonelvu rebloggededmanuelwild (74)Fitnessin Full Deportes • 3 years ago¡Seguimos entrenando!, hoy la caminata fue con nueva compañia 🚶🚶♀️⛰️ Probablemente este sea mi penultimo recorrido en el pino antes de la gran caminata, apenas me quedan dos días para iniciar, estoy intentando darle con todo ya que me encuentro en…leonelvu rebloggedmrspointm (79)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 years ago「生活」芒果奥利奥千层蛋糕我们做的千层蛋糕颜值还是很抗打的 第一步的准备工作由我完成 面粉已经很细了~没想到过筛之后更加细腻得多 黄油隔水融化得超级快 摊饼李师傅上线 摄影师朋友负责打奶油和切芒果 我是最后一步的收尾工作leonelvu rebloggedenginewitty (76)in #pimp • 3 years agoThe Good😁The Mad👿& the Fugly💩 (G0LD Foil Splinterlands Sale!😥)Good News First! I mean, does it get any better than a princess' 'All I Want For Christmas is my 2 Front Teeth' shit eating grin from catching a tiny bass? Not really. In a…leonelvu rebloggedsilversaver888 (80)in LeoFinance • 3 years ago1925 S California Silver Half Dollar and I found it in Hawaii!I could never find it. I gave up. It has been in my Christmas list for many years now and even wrote about it some three years ago HERE. I certainly did not expect to find…leonelvu rebloggeddeanliu (82)Hive-Onlyin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 years ago區塊鏈反映出來的記憶力衰退問題,比吃錯麵還嚴重這標題是不是有點丈二金剛呢?😁 別急,且聽我道來。 最近比較忙,中午就隨意一點,幾次到便利商店去買微波食品來果腹。雖然說是權宜,但也是想嘗嘗新鮮的食物啦!😋 我心中一直惦記著想再吃一次全家便利商店的鹽水意麵,我一直記得之前吃過很好吃,還發了文章跟大家分享過: 便利商店的口腹之慾…leonelvu rebloggedhivecreators (68)in #hive • 3 years agoHive blockchain infographics - Update ¡Hi, Hivers! Some time ago we started to make a series of infographics to help promote Hive on digital media in order to show some relevant aspects of the Hive blockchain. We…leonelvu rebloggedstayoutoftherz (78)in The Chess Community • 3 years ago@sawko won Round 6 of Hivechess Tournament S12Dear chess fans, yesterday the sixth round of S12 was played with 26 participants (9 new in this season!) and an average rating of 1803. This time @sawko could succeed with…leonelvu rebloggedoflyhigh (85)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 years ago带着父母妻儿去海边吹吹风今天一早,去哪玩,犯了愁,其实附近可以玩的地方很多,比如说可以去爬山,又比如说可以去公园,还有可以去到附近几个著名的寺院拜拜菩萨。 不过这大热天的,去这些地方,想想就很累。想来想去,或者可以去海边吹吹风,应该不错。…