WYDARZENIE. Practical Philosophy Club: The Ethics of Consumerism

in #polish5 months ago

W sobotę, 12 października, odbędzie się w Królestwie pierwsze spotkanie Klubu Filozofii Praktycznej, którego tematem będzie etyka konsumpcjonizmu. Rozpoczęcie o godzinie 16.30. Dyskusja prowadzona będzie w języku angielskim. Wstęp (jak zwykle) wolny.

On Saturday, 12 October, there will be the first meeting of the Practical Philosophy Club in the Kingdom, the topic of which will be the ethics of consumerism. It will start at 4.30 p.m. The discussion will be held in English. Admission (as usual) is free.

How does buying a lot of things affect who we are and what we value in today’s world?

Do we have a moral duty to cut down on how much we buy, and if yes, how much should we limit?

How do ads and marketing change how we see the difference between things we need and things we want?

Can an economy based on buying and selling be fair, or does it always lead to unfairness and taking advantage of people?

How does buying a lot affect the environment, and what values should guide what we buy?

How much does consumer culture affect our happiness? Is having less really better?

Are you tired of dull and empty small talks and want to think bigger? If so, our practical philosophy is exactly what you need!