The Best Way to Evangelize!

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Beloved in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Understanding that there is a divine order to comply with Evangelism, it is sensible to ask:

What is the best form that a Christian congregation should adopt to evangelize?


Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke's ministry, Christ for All Nations (CfaN), says that 845,875 Nigerians accepted Jesus Christ during his last farewell crusade held late last year in Nigeria.

How do you talk about Jesus to your classmates or work?

For many Christians, it can be difficult to express their faith in certain jobs, but the fact is that our lives end up inspiring others to seek for Christ.

We must be an example for those who do not yet know God.

"I have the following vision, which is not mine, it is really from Augustine, the first Christian philosopher: 'Always evangelize, if necessary use words.' Then, if necessary, people should speak, but our life is a form of evangelism "

"A person who is a Christian must evangelize by his own example." Her life is an example and brings people to the Gospel, because a person at work, or in a class, who has a beautiful life, people say: person is very incredible, what do you do? "You want to know the secret of success, you want to go behind and discover Christ".

Care in evangelism

The importance of evangelizing without causing people to create a blockade against the Christian.

"Maybe what happens, is that many people want to push a very Christian discourse without mercy and that can have the opposite effect, alienating people, because they create a natural resistance."

"They say, 'I do not want to change my life.'" So they already create a blockade and, instead of doing this you have a really attractive life, it's going to be much more effective. "

A Real Testimony

"Enter my Christian partner, Hunter." Well-known and loved in the office, he was a high-performance salesman.He knew Hunter did not fit into the mold of a Christian he had built mentally, outdated, hypocritical and monotonous.Hunter was not like that. Then I began to observe it. "

"We became friends, we spent time together and talked about various subjects: The Simpsons, The Lord of the Rings, Christ, Krishna, coffee, work, while the Lord used Hunter to catch me, I never felt like a project, but a As only God is capable of doing, he provided Hunter with me at the same time as he orchestrated a spiritual crisis in my life, and he gave Hunter the wisdom and boldness to speak the truth to my life when needed "

Good examples should be followed, good examples generate other good examples. If the bad things happen in your family, in your home and you do not agree, be the first to set the example, be the first to love, be the first to do good and your example will be followed by others, for his brothers, parents or children, later.

You may not see immediate results, since the seeds sometimes take time to germinate and the fruits take time to be good to be harvested, but be sure that the seed was planted and that, if you continue to act well, doing good, imitated Christ, that seed will be watered and well cared for and the fruits will be wonderful.

Let us be examples for all around us, wherever we are, but not to magnify ourselves, but to magnify Christ who helps us and makes us better every day as we fill.

I'm @kristal01



What a good message Sister Kristal, God bless you
knowledge of the scriptures and your experiences. Few know the true meaning of evangelism. You should motivate yourself to send us a video with audio. regards



Thanks steemchurch, I'm glad that this teaching is blessed, I could consider doing a video hahaha.

There is a fifth gospel and it is the one that every Christian lives in a specific place every day. That testimony is what justifies our reason for demonstrating the truth of the Gospel