In the ¨FungiFriday¨ hunt we found two beautiful varieties (Es-Eng)

in FungiFridaylast year
Oye que paso? Otra vez es viernes, día en que visito a mis apasionados amigos de esta maravillosa ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨: ¨FungiFridayContest¨:  No se puede creer como se están yendo de rápido las ultimas semanas del año, en un descuido estaremos hablando de las festividades de navidad y el final del año para enseñarles las fotografías de los hongos que hemos hallado para acompañar a nuestro amigo @ewkaw en su espléndido

Source: Family Álbum

Hey, what happened? It's Friday again, the day I visit my passionate friends from this wonderful ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  ¨FungiFridayContest¨:  You can't believe how quickly the last weeks of the year are going by, suddenly we'll be talking about the Christmas festivities and the end of the year

Tal como les había comentado, hace dos días hemos celebrado el cumpleaños de mi esposa, como saben, después de cada celebración quedamos extenuados, necesitamos equilibrar nuestras emociones y recomponer nuestras energías, y que mejor lugar que una reserva natural para hacerlo. Ayer por la tarde decidimos con mi esposa salir a caminar y hacer una cacería de hongos, necesitábamos algunas tomas para el concurso

Source: Family Álbum

As I had told you, two days ago we celebrated my wife's birthday, as you know, after each celebration we are exhausted, we need to balance our emotions and rebuild our energies, and what better place than a nature reserve to do it. Yesterday afternoon my wife and I decided to go for a walk and do a mushroom hunt. We needed some shots for the contest.

Como de costumbre el predio nos recibió gratamente, y nuevamente nos volvió a sorprender, obsequiándonos una especie de hongos que nunca antes lo había visto. Es como si la reserva supiera del cumpleaños de mi esposa, y decidió regalarnos esta hermosura. Se trata de un hongo que pertenece a la clase llamada ¨Heterobasidiomycetes¨: una especie muy particular, su textura es gelatinosa, y de vivos colores, a primera vista me recordó a una golosina que le gusta mucho a mi nieta Abigail, una especie de goma dulce masticable. Esta es la primera impresión que me causa, y para serles sincero, me encantaría llevarlo a la boca y probar su sabor

Source: Family Álbum

As usual, the property welcomed us pleasantly, and once again surprised us, giving us a species of mushrooms that I had never seen before. It's as if the reservation knew about my wife's birthday, and decided to give us this beauty. It is a fungus that belongs to the class called ¨Heterobasidiomycetes¨: a species very particular, its texture is gelatinous, and bright colors, at first glance it reminded me of a candy that my granddaughter Abigail really likes, a kind of sweet chewy gum. This is the first impression it makes on me, and to be honest, I would love to put it in my mouth and try its flavor

La otra variedad de hongos que hemos hallado, es uno que el año pasado los veíamos con mucha frecuencia, desagraciadamente, este año no lo vimos tanto como deseábamos. Estoy hablando de una variedad conocida como ¨Neolentinus¨ ¨lepideus¨:  Este tipo de setas acostumbran a desarrollarse en las ramas y troncos de árboles caídos y que se están descomponiendo. Su textura puede ser muy tentador para algunos de los insectos, en varias oportunidades los hemos encontrados con algún mordiscón

Source: Family Álbum

The other variety of mushrooms that we have found is one that last year we saw very frequently, unfortunately, this year we did not see it as much as we wanted. I am talking about a variety known as ¨Neolentinus¨ ¨lepideus¨:  This type of Mushrooms usually develop on the branches and trunks of fallen and decomposing trees. Its texture can be very tempting for some insects, on several occasions we have found them with a bite

Para serles totalmente honesto, no me sorprende que los insectos deseen comerlos, si a mi mismo me sucede, cada vez que veo este hongo, lo primero que pienso es en un pan de ¨hamburguesas¨ con sésamo; su pureza, su textura, y su sombrero con esos particulares pecas hacen pensar en llevar a la cocina y preparar un exquisito plato. Estoy feliz de haber llevado en nuestra caminata nuestra ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ gracias a eso pudimos hacer estos bellos disparos

Source: Family Álbum

To be totally honest, it doesn't surprise me that insects want to eat them, if it happens to me myself, every time I see this fungus, the first thing I think of is a "hamburger" bun. with sesame; Its purity, its texture, and its hat with those particular freckles make you think about taking it to the kitchen and preparing an exquisite dish. I am happy to have taken our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ on our walk, thanks to that we were able to take these beautiful shots


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

to show you the photographs of the mushrooms that we have found to accompany our friend @ewkaw in his splendid

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Muchas gracias queridos amigos por el enorme apoyo que brindan a mi post
Les deseo a todo el equipo un esplendido fin de semana

Great finds… and also orange 🧡
Thanks for sharing @jlufer have a great day further 👋🏻😊

Apparently today is orange mushroom day, I have seen several publications with them
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit
Have a wonderful weekendHow are you dear friend @littlebee4 good afternoon

You are welcome. Have a great weekend 🐝Thank you my friend @jlufer 👋🏻😊 it sure looks like today is orange 🧡 me too… funnily.

Great photos!

Thank you very much dear friend, you are very kind

Happy belated birthday to your wife. The photos are nice, one unique thing about mushroom is the ability to grow anywhere.

Many thanks will be given, Gabriela will be very happy.
I wholeheartedly appreciate the great support you give me, you are very kind.
May you enjoy the weekendHow are you dear friend @iskawrites good morning