jackvandie (26)in #plants • 7 years agoMembahas tentang ibunya segala cabai yaitu paprika merahNah kali ini kita akan membahas ibunya segala cabai NII yaitu paprika merah,, Katanya sih tidak terlalu pedas seperti cabai biasanya,, tapi tau gak teman stimeet, ada manfaatnya…jackvandie (26)in #foot • 7 years agoGilingan cabai hijau (Green chili pepper)Bagi para ibu ibu pasti tau rasa pedasnya cabai hijau.. Cocok buat disatukan dengan terasi,, jadinya terasi cabai rawit hijau.. Bisa juga taouco ayam pedas cabai rawit…jackvandie (26)in #question • 7 years agoa celebration of duct tape (pertanyaan tentang lakban)Teman steemit kenal dengan lakban yang saya posting ini kan ? Lakban kan sejenis lem kertas atau plastik kan, Terus dia digulung dalam bulatan yang otomatis tertimpa timpa…jackvandie (26)in #apples • 7 years agoBuah apel merah (apple )hi gusy do you know the apple cider contains cyanide ?? Hai teman tau kah kamu bijik buah apel mengandung sianida, Nah bagi teman steemit yang penasaran berikut manfaat buah…jackvandie (26)in #plants • 7 years agoKecambah (taoge) Sprouts or sproutsSprouts or sprouts are young plants that have just developed from the embryonic stage in the seeds. The developmental stage is called germination and is a critical stage in plant…jackvandie (26)in #food • 7 years agoPizza pinggiran sosis sapi rasa texsas barbequetonight I want to share with my friend steemit my photo about pizza suburbs sausage texsas barbecue .. nah here is more delicious because there are pieces of chicken that has…jackvandie (26)in #appreciation • 7 years agoappreciationThank you for the awards that you have given me, hopefully steemit keeps running smoothly and gives you a message that makes us all the more able to communicate or post history…jackvandie (26)in #foot • 7 years agoPizza grazy (pizza banyak rasa ) the results of my photos are very beautifula photo of my own creation, which I took this afternoon while I was working ,, and the form of this grazy pizza is very unique other than the pizza I'm posting .. and it feels…jackvandie (26)in #food • 7 years agoPizza 2 rasa America clasik dan AS Abon sapiThis time I want to calculate my own photo work about pizza two flavors, euhh may be ane shape but it feels like a friend steemitjackvandie (26)in #food • 7 years agoFitucini beef (pasta)steemit friends this morning I want to upload about the cuisine that spoil your tongue, the pasta fitucini beef food of the italians, let it taste like europeans, especially…jackvandie (26)in #theory • 7 years agoMalam ini bahas tentang adonan pizzaBahan yang digunakan adalah Air hangat suhu sekitar 40 kira kira, Tepung sekitar 57 gram Doblen 1/2 The material used is Warm water temperatures about 40 approx, Flour is…jackvandie (26)in #funny • 7 years agoInfo unikTaukah kamu bahwa hampir semua manusia tidak bisa menjilat siku nya sendiri Selamat mencoba Do you know that almost all humans can not lick their own elbows good luck steemit friendsjackvandie (26)in #my2018 • 7 years agoHappy new yearjackvandie (26)in #kuliner • 7 years agoRujak buah bumbu pedas(spicy fruit salad)Kuliner ini cocoknya buat ibu hamil ni, Ataupun yang lagi suntuk, galau, Resepnya sederhana kok sahabat steemit Pilih buah segar yang kamu suka, potong kecil setelah itu…jackvandie (26)in #lhokseumawe • 7 years agoKumpulan uang zaman 1000 pohon pinang dan 20 sen malaysia( A collection of money of 1000 areca trees and 20 cents malaysia)Hai sobat steemit ada yang ngumpulin uang recehan 1000 Indonesia dan 20 sen malaysia.. Cuma belum seberapa sih kumpulinnya baru sedikit, Hi there is a steemit buddy who coins…jackvandie (26)in #lhokseumawe • 7 years agoEs cream Banana pelangi (rainbow banana ice cream)Malam ini mau bagiin es cream pisang pelangi Kenapa diberinya nama es cream, karena bentuknya mirip dengan lengkungan pisang, sebenarnya bisa juga diberi nama perahu, cuma gak…jackvandie (26)in #lhokseumawe • 7 years agoToday's title is sunde chocolate ice cream(judul hari ini es cream coklat sunde)friends ice cream choklat sande this is just a taste of cohklat just dihiasin various sense of the term garnis, there are peanuts and meseseres and there astor wafer too, can be…jackvandie (26)in #lhokseumawe • 7 years agoPizza grazyKomposisinya Tepung Air dan doblennya Pizza grazy ini banyak rasa dan dijamin deh mulut terasa dan perut pun terisijackvandie (26)in #lhokseumawe • 7 years agoCahaya terbenamnya matahari sore (the light of the afternoon sun)this photo I took exactly at 17:00 in the afternoon, when I was looking at the sky around the lhokseumawe aceh dam foto ini saya ambil tepat jam 17:00 sore hari, ketika saya…