drphil.rb - Voting Bot - Windows Installation

in #radiator8 years ago (edited)

For these steps, we will install the cygwin package manager, which will provide the support packages and dependencies we need.


We need cygwin to install git, ruby-dev, gem, and make for us. Run its setup and take all of the defaults, clicking Next until you reach the Select Packages dialog. Select the View option of Full. Search for:

  • git and find the package named: git: Distributed version control. Change Skip to 2.12.2-1 (or later).
  • ruby-dev and find the package named: ruby-devel: Interpreted object-oriented scripting language. Change Skip to 2.3.3-1 (or later).
  • gem and find the package named: rubygem: Ruby module management. Change Skip to 2.3.3-1 (or later).
  • make and find the package named: make: The GNU version of the 'make' utility. Change Skip to 4.2.1-1 (or later).

Click Next until cygwin is done installing these packages.

Open the Cygwin Terminal

Now, we can continue with the usual install:

$ git clone https://gist.github.com/61bcc2b821aa5acb24f7fc88921950c7.git drphil
$ cd drphil
$ bundle install

Then run it:

$ ruby drphil.rb

To configure drphil, you will need to modify the drphil.yml which will be located in:



Does this apply to my query? You work fast!

bundle install does not seem to work, tried git bundle install, but that also returned errors.

Did you use the cygwin terminal or the windows cmd environment? You must use the cygwin terminal.

I used the cygwin terminal

I have now gem installed the bundler, but getting different errors