immaculatecraft rebloggedverbal-d (77)in Vibes • 5 months agoVIBES' JUDGE'S CRITERIA TO BE A VIBES WINNER!WRITTEN & CREATED BY OFFICIAL VIBES JUDGE @VERBAL-D And Remember, it is best of "SKILL". It is based on your musical ability. To be a…immaculatecraft rebloggedafri-tunes (71)Moderatorin AFRI-TUNES • 5 months ago AFRI-TUNES WEEK 137 WEEKLY EVENTS WELCOME TO AFRI-TUNES COMMUNITY A community open to all musicians all over the world, to share and enjoy African music. Do well to subscribe to our community to…immaculatecraft rebloggedlordbutterfly (79)in Vibes • 6 months ago🚩IMPORTANT UPDATE🚩🥇VIBES WEEK 20 WINNERS //🎵WEEK 21 (September 30th - ⚠️October 10th⚠️)Lets get this out of the way first before we get into the winners of this week. 😉 Upcoming Changes to Vibes: 🚩🚩🚩 We wanted to announce several key updates to Vibes aimed…immaculatecraft rebloggedobaro (74)verifiedin Music Zone • 6 months agoJamming zone week 28 - Spontaneous flow on C-major ▶️ Watch on 3Speak Hello there everyone! How are you all doing today? For me, it's a certain busy week as I'm extremely busy with my project write up. Writing a…immaculatecraft rebloggedhiveopenmic (74)Official Accountin Hive Open Mic • 7 months ago🎵 Hive Open Mic 229 - Worldwide Live Music EventHive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community working for world peace through a love of live music. Each week is a new invitation to express and connect. 🎵 Hive Open…