PostsCommentsPayoutsrusticus (45)in #politics • 8 years agoThe Donald and the Deep StateFor his myriad faults, it's easy to see why Donald Trump's anti-Globalist rhetoric has stricken a chord with the American electorate. His vocal opposition to Neomercantile trade…rusticus (45)in #news • 8 years agoOperation Gladio and the West African Drug TradeWhere in the world do the seemingly disparate ambitions of the "Green Economy," the international drug trade, State intelligence agencies, and Islamofascists intermingle? In a…rusticus (45)in #news • 8 years agoDr. BRICSLove or: How Alt-Media Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the NWOSince its inception, a common theme running throughout this blog's geopolitical musings has been the notion that the "East vs. West" dialectic presented in both mainstream and…rusticus (45)in #anarchy • 8 years agoGoing Off-Grid: 12 Volt Power, Building Codes, and "Anarchic Electricity"It's been a two-year journey, but this past weekend, I finally flipped the switch on my off-grid tiny homestead! In one fell swoop, a few solar panels and batteries have rid…rusticus (45)in #money • 8 years agoMasters of Metal: China, the Rothschild Fix, and the New World CurrencyBy Rusticus of Stateless Homesteading Lies, Damned Lies, and Forensic History As regular consumers of alternative media have likely noticed, China's voracious appetite for…rusticus (45)in #news • 8 years agoCall of PSYOPS: Video Games as Psychological Warfare in the 21st CenturyBy Rusticus of Stateless Homesteading Perhaps the most encouraging development in fostering freedom in our modern era is the rise of effective "counter-propaganda" to the…rusticus (45)in #steemit • 8 years agoSteemit Bots Attack Blogger for Reposting Own Content - Dictatorship by Algorithm?As a Deep Political blogger and crypto-enthusiast, Steemit struck me as a fantastic way to introduce my content to a new audience and potentially make a bit of money on the side…rusticus (45)in #news • 8 years agoRethinking the CIA Drug Trade - The Turkish Coup in ContextBy Rusticus It's been over a month since the July 15, 2016 coup d'état (color revolution?) attempt in Turkey, and already, the open-source research community has set forth a…rusticus (45)in #politics • 8 years agoCIA Breaks its Silence on “New Silk Road”: Says Challenging the BRICS and AIIB was a “Mistake”For the geopolitically alert audience, there's little worthwhile on television these days (assuming there ever was); but for those willing to wade through the Matrix Box's…ikamad (45)in #esteem • 7 years agoNugget tempeBahan: 500 gr tempe, dikukus dulu sampai matang lalu haluskan. 150 gr daging ayam, dicincang lau haluskan juga. 1 butir telur ayam. Minyak goreng secukupnya. Bahan yang…ikamad (45)in #esteem • 7 years agoClassic Panna CottaBahan : 1000g Fresh Cream 1sdt Toffieco Vanilla 150g Gula pasir 100g Susu UHT 14g Gelantin Cara membuat: Campur semua bahan (kecuali toffieco) lalu panaskan pakai api…ikamad (45)in #esteem • 7 years agoTelur bumbu baliBahan : 8 butir telur rebus 2 lembar daun salam 2 lembar daun jeruk 1 batang sere geprek 2cm lengkuas geprek 1 sdm air asam jawa 1 sdm kecap manis 1 sdm gula merah…ikamad (45)in #esteem • 7 years agoDadar gulung isi flaBahan-bahan 150 gr tepung terigu 500 ml air + skm coklat 1 butir telur secukupnya garam 1 sdm minyak bahan fla: 500 ml air + skm putih 5 sdm tepung tapioka 3 sdm gula…ikamad (45)in #esteem • 7 years agoBolu Putih TelorBahan: 500 ml putih telor 200 gr gula pasir halus 1 sdm SP 275 gr tepung terigu 25 gr maizena 1 sdt vanili bubuk 1 sdt garam 225 butter/margarine, lelehkan Cara:…ikamad (45)in #esteem • 7 years agoAGAR AGAR KELMUDBahan : 1bungkus agar2 500ml air kelapa 5sdm gula pasir 1/4blok gula kabung Cara membuat : Masukkan air kelapa + agar2 + gula pasir + gula kabung masak hingga mendidih…ikamad (45)in #esteem • 7 years agoKetupat lebaranBahan-bahan 30 buah 2000 gram beras Langkah Cuci bersih selongsong ketupat, tiriskan Cuci beras, tiriskan Isi selongsong ketupat dengan beras sampai 1/3 bagian lebih…ikamad (45)in #esteem • 7 years agoPudding Lapis Ubi UngguBahan A 240 gram ubi unggu 250 ml air Bahan B 150 gram gula 40 gram SKm 750 ml air 1 bks agar swallow 1 sdt garam Bahan C 90 gram manisan Kolang kaling (iris tipis)…ikamad (45)in #esteem • 7 years agopuisiCINTA ADALAH KENYAMANAN Cinta adalah Kenyamanan Kamu tau bahwa dunia kejam? Tapi tak selamanya dunia ini kejam Ada hal yang indah didalamnya tanpa kelam. Yang inginku…ikamad (45)in #esteem • 7 years agoJus Buah NagaBahan : 1/2 bh buah naga merah 100 ml yogurt 1 gelas es batu, serut 1-2 scoop ice cream vanila Cara membuat Jus Buah Naga : Pisahkan buah naga dari kulitnya, masukkan…ikamad (45)in #esteem • 7 years agoUdang tauco pedasBahan: 100gram tauco 250gram udang 100gram cabe rawit bangka + 4buah cabe merah 10 siung bawang merah 5 siung bawang putih 3 papan pete Penyedap rasa,gula secukupnya…