Movie Review: Lone Survivor [Warning: Spoilers]

in #realityhubs6 years ago


My Ratings 9.2/10

Lone survivor is a 2013 American Biographical War drama movie based on the 2007 non fiction book by Marcus Luttrell. Written and directed by Peter Berg, the movie , stars Mark Wahlberg, Eric Bana, Ben Foster, among others.

Plot Review.

In 2005, Taliban leader Ahmad shah is responsible for killing marines as well as villagers and refugees who were helping American forces. In response to those killings the United States sends a four man navy seals team Michael Murphy, Marcus Luttrell, Danny Dietz and Mathew Axelson. The team was dropped in the middle of Afghan, so they had to walk to their destination along the line they met a local goat headset which they didn't know what to do with him but later let him go which wasn't the wisest (You'll need to watch the movie to really know what happened next)

The quality of the cinematography was just simply amazing, the action was just over the top and the acting was strictly profession and real, all the actors played their part really well especially those soldiers and not one of them fakes it because everyone of them gave their best. The action is raw and very graphic (not for the faint hearted) the action picture was top quality and the sound design and editing top notch, you can hear every detail in the forest every breaking bone especially from the fall from the cliff, that scene was amazing. The gunfight was terrific especially in the beginning of the battle, good sound design and camera work.

Cast Review

Mark Wahlberg played the role of the team leader Marcus Luttrell. For me I've said it to people around me times without number, this guy mark Wahlberg is the best when it comes to movies of this kind. Mark showed the true traits of a leader. He was so sharp, cool, nervous and scared all in this movie which he brilliantly killed his role.

Taylor Kitsch also played the role of Michael Murphy who was part of the navy seal team. He did superb also. In fact all of them did including Emile Hirsch, Eric bana, Alexander Ludwig and especially Ben Foster who is also one of my favorites.

Ali suliman an unfamiliar face played the role of gulab, I mean I immensely love his role and that if his kid, he showed some real heroic stuffs in the movie. They made it all look like i was watching the real event as it was unfolding.

Final Analysis

One thing I enjoyed about this movie was that the whole movie was based on the soldiers alone and no other stories were involved, no back ground story or relationship kind of side stories. It was just every thing about the soldiers, I seem to love military movies a lot and I really hate the part where they divert from the action movie as every military movie which I've seen seem to do that but this one doesn't
Them people who did this movie did a really lovely job and you will know how much they tried because there were broken ribs and punctured lungs during the shooting of the movie.

I haven't seen a movie that made me cry and feel so emotional since watching Denzel Washington's unstoppable, this movie drove tears into my eyes with ease.
If you ever feel like you don't owe the military anything or don't feel appreciative towards the military people in your country you should definitely see this movie I bet you'll have a change of heart.

Check out the official trailer


Lone Survivor was legit one of my favorite military movies up until two years ago, I loved every scene in this movie.

It was breathtaking, emotional and thrilling at the same time and it's definitely worth a re-watch.

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