Our Day in Tabogon, Cebu


Hello there my lovely hivers!! I hope you're all doing good. For today blog, I want to share with you our experience of getting medical certificate at Tabogon, Cebu.



When we arrived in Tabogon, we got lost and didn’t know where to get our medical certificates. We had no idea where to go. We're not familiar about this place.We asked a few people for directions, and thanks we finally found the clinic.



We finally reached the clinic, and to our surprise, some of our classmates were already there.



We had to wait a for a while before getting inside because some of our other classmates were already waiting at the door.

We started chatting to keep ourselves from getting bored, and we shared how we got lost earlier, they just keep laughing.



After about like 10 to 20 minutes, we were finally able to go inside. The process was pretty quick and simple. The nurses was so friendly.

First, we had to sign in by writing down our names and where we were from. After that, they checked our height, weight, and pulse.



When it was finally my turn, I feel a bit nervous. I felt the cuff tighten around my arm as they checked my pulse, but it was a normal thing and I can just get used to it.



After all of us had finished, we had to wait a little bit. It turned out that when we arrived, the doctor was just leaving, and we needed his signature on our medical certificates.

So as it is, we just keep chatting to pass the time, and sharing our moments earlier HAHAHHAHAHHAHA.



And that's it our experience getting our medical certificate at Tabogon, Cebu. It was quiet funny but it made our day.