PostsCommentsPayoutshajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agoConditions for banning the activities of public associations / Умови заборони діяльності громадських об'єднань.We continue to delve into the Constitution of Ukraine. According to Article 37 of the Constitution: Search Formation and activity of political parties and public…hajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agoThe right to freedom of association in political parties and public organizations / Право на свободу обєднуватись у політичні партії та громадські організаціїAccording to Article 36 of the Constitution of Ukraine: Search Citizens of Ukraine have the right to freedom of association in political parties and public organizations to…hajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agofreedom of religion / свобода віросповідання.Article 35 of the Constitution of Ukraine states: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and religion. This right includes the freedom to profess any religion or not to…hajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agoFreedom of speech / Свобода словаArticle 34 of the Constitution of Ukraine stipulates: Everyone is guaranteed the right to freedom of thought and speech, to free expression of their views and beliefs. Everyone…hajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agoFreedom of movement / Свобода пересуванняAccording to Article 33 of the Constitution of Ukraine: Everyone who is legally on the territory of Ukraine is guaranteed freedom of movement, free choice of residence, the…hajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agoInterference with privacy is not allowed / Втручання в особисте життя не допускається.According to Article 32 of the Constitution of Ukraine: No one may interfere in his personal and family life, except as provided by the Constitution of Ukraine. The collection…hajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agoGuarantee of secrecy of communication / Гарантія таємниці спілкування.Article 31 of the Constitution of Ukraine states: Everyone is guaranteed the secrecy of correspondence, telephone conversations, telegraph and other correspondence. Exceptions…hajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agoInviolability of housing / Недоторканість житла.According to Article 30 of the Constitution of Ukraine: Everyone is guaranteed the inviolability of the home. It is not allowed to enter a house or other property of a person…hajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agoPersonal inviolability is guaranteed by the Constitution / Особиста недоторканість гарантована Конституцією.Continuing the study of the Constitution of Ukraine, we approached Article 29, which states: Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one may be arrested or…hajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agoDignity of man and citizen / Гідність людини і громадянинаArticle 28 of the Constitution of Ukraine guarantees: Everyone has the right to respect for his dignity. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading…hajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agoAn inalienable right to life / Невід'ємне право на життяArticle 27 of the Constitution of Ukraine stipulates: Everyone has the inalienable right to life. No one can be arbitrarily deprived of life. The duty of the state is to protect…hajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agoCitizenship is inviolable / Громадянство є непорушнимArticle 25 of the Constitution of Ukraine stipulates: A citizen of Ukraine may not be deprived of citizenship and the right to change citizenship. A citizen of Ukraine may not…hajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agoEquality for all before the law: No - discrimination! Рівність всіх перед законом: Ні - дискримінації!Article 24 Constitution of Ukraine defined: Citizens have equal constitutional rights and freedoms and are equal before the law. There may be no privileges or restrictions on…hajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agoRESTRICTION OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS IS NOT PERMITTED / ЗВУЖЕННЯ ПРАВ І СВОБОД НЕ ДОПУСКАЄТЬСЯWe continue to delve into Chapter 2 of the Constitution of Ukraine: RIGHTS, FREEDOMS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF MAN AND CITIZEN. Article 22 states: The rights and freedoms of man…hajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agoObservance by the state of fundamental human rights and freedoms. / Дотримання державою основних прав і свобод людини.We continue to study the Constitution of Ukraine. According to Article 21 of the Constitution: All human beings are free and equal in dignity and rights. Human rights and…hajevoy60 (65)in #ua • 5 years agoCivil servants must be brought to justice! / Державних службовців треба притягати до відповідальності!We continue to study Article 19 of the Constitution of Ukraine. And so from arbitrariness of officials part 2 of this article protects us, which defines: Public authorities and…hajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agoLaw and order for people / Правопорядок для людейToday we will continue to study the Constitution of Ukraine. Part 1 of Article 19 of the Constitution of Ukraine provides: The legal order in Ukraine is based on the principles…hajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agoViolation of the integrity of the State of Ukraine, as non-performance with the Constitution of Ukraine / Порушення цілісності Держави України, як недотримання норм Конституції України.As everyone probably knows, about the current instability of the political, military and economic situation in Ukraine. And it could have been avoided. The Constitution of…hajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agoThe land (soil) of the state is the main national wealth of Ukraine / Земля - головне національне багатство України.Let's continue reading the Constitution of Ukraine. And not just read, but study and very thoroughly. And that's why? The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted, and President…hajevoy60 (65)in QUAC • 5 years agoUnconditional Basic Income / Безумовний Базовий ДохідLet's continue the excursion into the Constitution of Ukraine. Article 13 of the Constitution defined: Land, its subsoil, atmospheric air, water and other natural resources…