goldenshark rebloggeddivinetruth (47)in #divinetruth • 6 years agoJesus on Magnetism and the Strength of Soulmate Attraction -**<{[VAR]}>**-- 20100123 The Human Soul - The Soul-Mate Relationship S1P1Jesus on Magnetism and the Strength of Soulmate Attraction Published in July 26th 2016 Jesus discusses soulmate attraction. This is a section of the presentation by Jesus…goldenshark rebloggedajmiller (44)in #divinetruth • 6 years agoJesus on Soulmates and Sexual Chemistry - <({[eYe]})> - The Human Soul - The Soul-Mate RelationshipJesus on Soulmates and Sexual Chemistry Jesus explains the relationship between sexual chemistry and sexual injuries. This is a section of the presentation by Jesus…goldenshark rebloggedolivier79797 (41)in #divinetruth • 6 years agoNotes Along The Way A place to find helpful, heartfelt stories & tips for living God's Way ---Responding to Spirit Attack: A LetterOriginal post: Responding to Spirit Attack: A Letter Hi Jesus and Mary, I am wondering if you would be willing to have a conversation with me by phone or skype. Everything…goldenshark rebloggedajmiller (44)in #divinetruth • 6 years agoNotes Along The Way A place to find helpful, heartfelt stories & tips for living God's Way --- Deconstructing Self PunishmentDeconstructing Self Punishment This is an exert from Mary's blog: I’ve written in the past about my own issues with self punishment and many people still ask me about…goldenshark rebloggeddivinetruth (47)in #divinetruth • 6 years agoNotes Along The Way - A place to find helpful, heartfelt stories & tips for living God's Way - A message from Paul (of the bible)Original post on Mary's blog: A message from Paul Recently I had the privilege to speak with an old friend of ours in the spirit world. Jesus and I were discussing what…goldenshark rebloggeddivinetruth (47)in #divinetruth • 7 years ago42 b00 VAR[{00,we}]INTERPOLATE / ({[20090926 Overview Of Divine Truth - Secrets Of The Universe S1P1]})/ A [VAR{00,we}] tribute to The Cranberries + Nirvana unplugged in new york r<3>d<1>r<3>c<600>t(s) * * * * * * *…goldenshark rebloggedolivier10101 (3)in #divinetruth • 7 years agoVARIABLEALEATOIRERAMDOM([{00,we}])CROSSG00GLETRANSLATE[ @divinetruth Redirect Divine Truth channel on YouTube <<< transpose = d.tubeP5Jo3sxDXKxXj1dDACFSEiAvP5r2gcQQZvvFry1YMkkSgmSDGo9E ERADICATE~RHINO(1 O35) (2739)(1979)2018 ai^7ai^9-. .-'^'-. .- minL00P1NBL00M b00X/VAR @faceb00k {…goldenshark rebloggedolivier10101 (3)in #indexation • 7 years agoINDEXATION(*d0h) it' still confusing --- INTERPOLATION --- more clarity on its way - Retrieve the root article >> < deeprabbithole red pill < QUIZ and artificial intelligence updatePlatinum Blonde EyE CAPt<««U«<>re: INDEXATION of articles from @olivier10101 since February 2018: In chronological order February:…goldenshark rebloggedgoldenaardvark (37)in #vaxxed • 7 years agoHolistic Doctors Being Killed_ GcMAF and Nagalase (Vaccines and Autism)1:09:05 Nirvana - In Utero (1993) [Full Album] Lone WolF --- Recomm3nd4d 4 u --- 11:53 Dramatic raw footage of NOAA researchers tagging orcas with cross bows (killer…goldenshark rebloggedgoldenark (28)in #vaxxed • 7 years agoHolistic Doctors Being Killed_ GcMAF and Nagalase (Vaccines and Autism)_2empty n3tli ---- guess what --- ▶️ DTube ▶️ IPFSgoldenshark rebloggedajmiller (44)in #divinetruth • 7 years agoThe Human Soul - Fear & The Parable of the Green Tree Frog date{[20110130 ]}red 56:06 ☼ Mastering Fear It Just Got Better 2,8 k visionnements 1:34:54 20091115 The Human Soul - Fear, Emotions & False Beliefs P2 Divine Truth 1,5 k…goldenshark rebloggeddivinetruth (47)in #divinetruth • 7 years agoRelationship With God - Humility P2 [date{20091114}]1:48:33 -^--^--- 20091114 Relationship With God - Humility P2 ---^--^- Divine Truth 3 k visionnements 27:00 What is spirit influence, attachment, over-cloaking &…goldenshark (8)in #vaxxed • 7 years agoVAXXED Documentary Explored with Filmmakers on Antidotefeed - - - - - 11 13 17 [P {R [ l {M [ E {ioaloi 11 TRIO-INTER-POLATION INTER QUATRE-POLATION INTER FlVE-POLATION INTER SIX ▶️ DTube ▶️ IPFSgoldenshark rebloggedolivier10101 (3)in #divinetruth • 7 years ago20180403-1030 Women Spirits who Attack Jesus & Mary /{[{ Responding to spirit attacks from Mary's blog }]} + Red1rect: What?What is spirit influence, attachment, over-cloaking & possession? 39:21 20180418-1200 Malcolm a 1st Sphere Doctor in Fear of Repentance Divine Truth 281 visionnements…goldenshark rebloggedolivier79797 (41)in #thecranberries • 7 years agoA VAR[nth{00,W0-0W}] TRIBUTE 2 THE CRANBERRIES BZOMBIE-FITISH 0vrtkn SLIDE redirect ZOMBIEeYeCapture-: TTTTrouvez l'erreur IIII AAAA EEEE UUUU OOOO 00000000 WWWW 'WhOOOO 00000000's the green man tOOOO 00000000day[{/^][?6}] WWWW…goldenshark rebloggedolivier10101 (3)in #divinetruth • 7 years ago☼ Sexual Issues In Our Sleep StateTTTTrouvez l'erreur IIII AAAA EEEE UUUU OOOO 00000000 WWWWWWWW VAR{ 00 ; WW } tactic@&al>red>direct>TURBW@O&W-BL0@&0M…goldenshark rebloggedgoldenaardvark (37)in #artificial-intelligence • 7 years agoPABLO-An American Prayer extended-VARBL00MB00M[a^e]Z00MVR00M-Wvv000000vvW 20090926 Overview Of Divine Truth - Secrets Of The Universe S1P1 PLEASE-NEO-FOCUS[@-I]N_THE-red-NUMBER-RELAY-RED-DIRECT-}4th}Le Nombre 7}PRIME}extended ([({]{?é/Can-US/é? keyboardTim Morrison An American Prayer extended 125 372 visionnements 17 PARTAGER Dusts1256 Publiée le 21 avr. 2010 (I have alternative(IN{TER[szSZ]POL}ATE) steemit…goldenshark rebloggeddana-edwards (74)in #tauchain • 7 years agoWill Tauchain allow for augmented self religions?Definition of Self Religion A self religion (or self-religion) is a religious or self-improvement group which has as one of its primary aims the improvement of the self.[1]…goldenshark rebloggeddana-edwards (74)in #tauchain • 7 years agoTauchain, the Internet of languages, and precise communication (ambiguity minimized)ti mupli lo ka frili fi lo ka fanva fi lo glico lo nu la lojban The previous two posts leading up to this were "The power of ambiguity and of ambiguity minimization in…goldenshark rebloggeddana-edwards (74)in #tauchain • 7 years agoThe power of ambiguity and of ambiguity minimization in communicationFormal communication benefits from ambiguity minimization So what exactly do I mean by formal communication? Well when we think of how human beings communicate with machines…