Kind Ads: The Magic of Decentralized Advertising

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

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Do you believe in magic? Bear with me for a moment: Do you believe that "energy flows where attention goes?” It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, because advertisers do, and you’re probably subjected to their spells on most days of your life. Magic can be getting someone to pay attention long enough to influence change or get a desired effect - pretty similar to the marketing process. Are you listening yet? You’ve probably wished you could cast dispel magic on annoying pop-ups and intrusive ads while you’re browsing the Internet. Well, there’s a new kind of decentralized advertising platform being developed, and it’s anything but ordinary.

Enter Kind Ads (, a pioneering decentralized ad platform. Utilizing blockchain technology, third parties between businesses and users will be removed. Almost like magic, the advertiser can access the target market for way less money. Publishers benefit with no ad networks, fees, commissions, or late payments.

Users benefit greatly - you enter your information and advertisers bid for your attention. You get commission on selling yourself, and you’ll only see the ads that you actually want to see, not just what some robot decided you liked based on your bought-and-sold Facebook data. Even better, the whole process is anonymous and you can also choose to opt-out of ads altogether. Real techno-wizardry!

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The Kind Ads platform runs entirely on KIND tokens. Advertising companies pay with KIND and users and publishers earn them. The cycle is like this - create an ad channel, deliver the campaign, and get paid. Simple, decentralized, and no middle man. Kind Ads is all about real people sharing with other people for the benefit of all - everyone gets paid.

These are exciting times. Kind Ads brings humanity back to the advertising process. Are you ready to get magical? Pay attention to the technology of the future and sign up for Kind Ads! Follow the link here:



Good stuff, I like the way you appear to think. We seem to be on the same wavelength on some things.

You could say that CTV advertising allows you to reach your audience by broadcasting your marketing content to smart TVs or other internet-connected devices, find more info here. Similar to addressable TV advertising, you can provide targeted content to users based on factors such as demographics, interests or viewing habits.

Posted by Waivio guest: @waivio_anthony-hall