Welcome to my new home

in Reflections6 months ago (edited)


Over the last several months my partner and I have been deliberating around the possibility of moving home again; it's not that we don't like our current home, just that there's things we have and don't need and things we don't have and would like (and need) moving forward if we are to move closer to our goals. We've been looking at it from various angles and while we're finding answers are not really any closer to a decision.

We moved a short while ago and have been happy in that house and, like I've said before, it's not the house itself that makes the home, it's the people in it and how we make the house feel like our home through our personal touches that truly matters...but the house itself needs to have the right feel as well and that's become an issue because we haven't been able to locate a property that ticks that box.

Some have most of the elements we need, and the right feel, but aren't quite in the right location, and some feel really great but don't have the features we need, the space for my vehicles and things for instance.

We're not being picky, or precious about it, but when one spends this amount of money and is intending to stay for a long time it's important to get it right - mistakes are costly. I'd also like to move away from the city, say an hour or so out, which would put me in a quiet location, a smaller town; The Barossa Valley fits that location need: Tanunda, Lyndoch, Nuriootpa, Williamstown, Angaston, all small towns dotted around the lovely Barossa Valley region...but the house has to be right and they can be difficult to come by. It's been frustrating.

I'm looking forward to opening the door to my friends and saying, "welcome to my new home," to inviting them in and celebrating a new stage of life but I can't do that without the right home and that's been elusive. I suppose the good thing is that there's no real rush; I've had to move homes quickly, make rapid decisions, in the past, and that's not the best way to do it so we'll slow it down, take our time and work towards finding the right place...and deal with the frustration of not finding what we want.

Have you ever been house hunting? I know @ksteem recently did it then moved and all at a time when things were in turmoil in other aspects of his and his wife's life...it can be stressful and very disheartening if things don't come together quickly, it's important to keep focused, and Kris certainly did that but I guess we all handle it differently and maybe you've done it well, very badly or somewhere in between yourself. If you've got a house hunting, buying or moving story and want to share it in the comments please go ahead.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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As you mention, we recently did this and I think it all boils down to how you look at it. The fact that you're already discussing it means you both subconsciously know it's time at some level. It's simply allowing that subconscious knowledge to come to the surface and accept it to make forward movement.

Yes, the time we spent in Vermont was good for us. I think it was necessary for us to experience and transition. We do miss the wonderful meadow in the backyard. However, that is the only thing we miss. We have gotten settled into the new digs fairly quickly (we're both a bit obsessive about that). We've had to do more repairs than expected, but overall we are so much happier here. It's amazing how much difference and vibration one place can have vs another. We're definitely in a better vibrational place and very glad we made that decision.
We're still struggling a bit on getting back all the financial stability, and recovering from the cross-country moving costs and repairs, but that will come in a short enough time. The feeling we get waking up each morning is worth it 10 times over.

I'm sure yours will go in a similar pattern as well. Key for us was planning and then follow thru on execution, something I know you do well.
Looking forward to hearing more about it!

That feeling you mention is so important and it's not just about the house, it's about weather, surroundings, the town, the activities one can engage in due to the relocation...so many factors.

It's never an easy thing, selling, buying and moving, and the stresses can be immense, things go wrong, repairs in your case, financial matters...but if one can sit back later and feel right, that vibration you mentioned...well, it's that which matters.

My wife and I have been on the hunt for a house for a while now, several years. We picked a few towns over the years and got down to visiting them and checking out houses. Then a hurricane DECIMATED one completely, the others ended up unaffordable and now we are back to square one lol. In that time though we've done a lot of other things that are better for us such as spend the time and money to fix my wife's health issues, although not completely gone, they are much better now than if we were stressing out about a bigger house payment than what we've got now.

We know that when the time comes, it will be the right choice. It just takes time to get there!

You'll find the right place, and there isn't a huge rush so that's good.

Oh yeah, I reckon living in a hurricane zone might be a bit of a challenge, people do though. I watched a documentary on it only a few days ago...brutal.

It's important to consider all of the individual elements such as health needs, proximity to schools, jobs, amenities/servkces, family and so on. It makes the process more complicated but if done right the result will be more satisfactory.

Like you say, there's a right time and you're young so you have enough of it ahead.

Hey! I watched that too... Oh no wait. That was not video, that was real life. Twice in one year!! It is pure madness to stand on your open air deck being pelted with sideways rain watching the trees on your property bend and snap off.

But we will not move. Ever.!!! We will add on someday or rebuild if the worst happens. We definately got the vibes going on here.

Dig a bunker...protection from the storm, the zombies, democrats, and cool factor all rolled into one.

My wife and I spent a year looking for our last house. Wouldn't you know it, now we are also considering giving. It has a ton of stairs and we know as we get older that will be dangerous. It's also a bit bigger than what we really need which seems funny at only 1600 square feet. It also doesn't have a large gathering spot. Just two really disjointed living areas. The one downstairs we use as a gym.

It pays to think down the track, something we're doing also, because if one leaves it too long things become difficult or even untenable and then it's a nightmare. Having a little foresight can save a lot of pain down the road.

For sure! It's hard to find the right mix though. Especially given how upside down the real estate market has been in the US since 2008.

Yeah, it's often difficult to plot it out because things change so rapidly and the future is often indistinct. All we can do is our best, work on what we know at the time.

I like the hunting bit but if you are selling to move then that is the bit that gets super stressful. With us when we moved to the area we are in now the houses go within hours of going on the market so that too was stressful but, the looking and finding the right one can be a fun thing. Seeing all these other places and how folk live!

The market is bonkers here, prices and time on market, with prices skyrocketing and time on market plummeting whixh makes it really difficult to secure something. A friend of mine just paid $920,000 for a new build that five years ago would have cost her $450,000. They had an asking price of $820,000 and it ended up $100,000 more...and that's for a first home buyer. Prices are mental.

Anyway, we're taking it slow, no hurry really, and w know we'll make the right decisions; we're pretty experienced in this sort of thing.

Oofty! That is crazy. Bit like here or at least in some areas . The desirable ones, the kind we like to live in 😀😀

I think the ideal position would be if you could buy without having to sell to get the funds to complete. I would love house buying then!!

That's what we've got planned. Buy, then sell the other afterwards, one of the reasons the complexity level is so high.

Here's to desirable areas. 😏

Yeah man, that is the way to do it. I would have expected nothing less from a Titan!!

Titans must set the example right? And Titans must issue 100% upvotes for Titanic comments. You're welcome.

titan in name and Titan in nature!!! 😀

Luckily, I haven't had to move around since my college days when it was a yearly routine. My wife and I have settled down just five minutes from her family, and mine is only about an hour away. We both work close to home and live in a suburb just outside San Diego. It’s nice to enjoy a slower pace of life here, even though San Diego itself is already more laid-back compared to other major California cities.

Yeah, I've heard that about San Diego, more chilled, sounds nice and somewhere I'd visit.

House hunting can be fun and frustrating, and you're so right about taking your time to get it right. No house will be perfect, but finding the best fit doesn't always happen right away. I hope you find exactly what you want in an excellent location and at just the right price. Good luck!

You're right, and at the end if the frustration is the right house hopefully; I've seen people not take the time to do the process right and it rarely ends well, or as well as it could have.

Now if I understand the point, sorry for not reading before, but I tell you that I know what it is to look for a new home, with my wife took about 10 years to find a home of our own, of course I must indicate that the economic fact always played against us, and after going through two scams, there came a time when we felt very bad in our search, But then we got up and managed in 2009 to give the initial for our home, at that time they were starting to build a residential complex on the outskirts of the city of 17 towers, we managed to buy in tower 2, after a year of waiting on June 15, 2010 we moved to what is now our home.

It is very frustrating to search and not find but it is even more frustrating when you get ripped off, but we kept going, today we are in our home.

There's plenty of scammers out there in the property market, especially when it comes to hirise and master planned developments. Fortunately it all worked out for you.

My sister moved houses and while they hired movers, a lot of stuff were still done by us. The hardest ones were carrying their wine and whiskey bottles. They like to drink, and they splurge on these, so when it was time to move in to the new house, we were the ones hauling all those heavy boxes full of bottles. If you're going to move, don't skimp on the movers, and maybe even pay them extra to do the fragile ones. Your back will thank you for it.

I've moved several times in the past and have the process sorted out so there's no worries there.

I have during the past year as we bought both properties in Portugal, the farm and the stable, but they are not intending to be our first home, although I intend to live several months here. Prices were quite cheap and both places needed renovation so the main point was location, space and possibilities.

How did you find the process of searching and buying, hard or easy?

It took me several months searching real estate sites online and watching youtube videos. Then last summer vacation was used to visit the small group of properties and make a final offer for the one we wanted as it was meeting our needs. The stable was a bonus, we were looking for a place to rent and leave our valuable stuff but the selling price was good and the building condition was also quite nice to convert into a small apartment.

I love that picture and the house, I can't deny it but it's true, if you have the opportunity it's better to take it easy.

Until I moved to Spain I always had my own house, I didn't rent. Here at the moment it's better to rent. At the beginning it was very hard for me, and I rented a very small place, a loft (is it called that?) and I lived there for 8 months, until my family arrived.... it was a real hassle to look for a place, it took us two months, because there are not many houses available here.... anyway, here I am in this flat for five and a half years but I am looking for something far away, if possible a house, in a quiet neighbourhood or a village not too far away, the climate here is ideal!

Hopefully you find a house, living in a flat is a place to live but renting isn't as good as home ownership, so I believe anyway, so hopefully you'll find something of your own eventually.

That's guaranteed... it's just a matter of time, maybe far away will be easier.

The current apartment we're living in was hunted down by me, well, partially; a friend did help track it down. We've been here for almost two years now, in a completely new area; compared to where we used to live before. We've lived there for over two decades, in our previous home and area. And even though this place is new, it feels just like home. Because as you said, it's the people, and not the house itself, that makes it feel like home.

Cheers to the new home, man. I hope you create some great memories here with your loved ones. 🥃

I don't have a new home...looking for one as per my post, but I'll have a new home eventually and I'm pretty sure it'll be what we want.

Just a matter of time. and a bit of luck maybe. 😏

I wish you to find that house that fits your requirements and needs. It's just one more step, because I believe that wherever you both are, you know how to turn space into a beautiful home. 😍

Nice day, G.

I'm pretty sure things will work out to plan and no matter where that house happens to be it'll be home once we move in.

Have a nice Friday.

Hi, friend. I agree with you👌, I believe that when we choose a home to spend several years of life, it must meet all the conditions.

In my case, I have been looking for a house to move into with my daughters and my husband for approximately a year. And although I enjoy a very spacious and airy one, I think it is still not the one that meets all my requirements.

I'm looking for one in my husband's beautiful hometown (Viñales, Cuba), since he works at night every day and travels 30 km to get home. It should also be located near my little ones' school so that I don't have to make other expenses for their early arrival to school. On the other hand, the real estate must present a design capable of resisting the scourges of the Hurricanes by which my country and especially my province is invaded annually.

So friend, believe me, I am also going through that fun🤪, frustration 🥴or hobby whatever you want to call it. I just try to keep the balance so as not to despair and thus find the perfect option that satisfies my goals.

Greetings and happy weekend.

Hopefully you manage to find the right location and house, especially considering the hurricane situation. It might be frustrating but once you find it and move in you'll settle in nicely.

Currently considering, as part of a way to speed up our UK immigration stuff, buying the house mum lives in. She's poor, working class and lives in the middle of nowhere so it's only about $130,000!

Would I live there myself though...? Absolutely not. In my head I guess I'm a bit spoilt, I feel like I should either live in a house like in the photo (doesn't exist in the UK), or none at all

Buying from one's family members is a good way to go as it often assists everyone concerned (saying this without knowing the situation your in or your mum). It could be a good plan to get yourself back there and with the markets like they are it may work nicely moving forward as prices fluctuate upwards.

Hi Galen, I think in the 1990's I moved house several times. I was living as a renter at the time and sometimes, due to my own decisions and sometimes due to external circumstances, I moved several times. In those years I lived in the center of Madrid, very close to the Royal Palace, when the rents began to rise in price exaggeratedly, my partner and I decided to buy an apartment in property. I remember the moves as very stressful moments, and in the case of the purchase I also remember that we spent months looking at apartments, until we decided on one. We made the right decision, and I think it was the right one.

We bought the apartment before the remodeling of the neighborhood, so although in 2008 the apartment lost much of its value, it is now located very close to one of the cultural centers of Madrid, which pleases me a lot.

I fully understand that you are not in a hurry to buy the house, it is a very important decision for all the reasons you have stated.

I hope that soon you will present us your new home.

I think it takes some careful planning and if that's done a lot of the stress can be reduced although it rarely goes away completely.

It's interesting how time changes suburbs and pricing. I still actually own the first house I bought (in 1997) and the amount it's increased in value is phenomenal even despite the renovations I did to it.

Anyway, I've done the process quite a few times and am good at it, but at my stage if life I really want to get this next move right. I'll not show my new house on the internet however when it happens I may write about it.

Hi Galen, when I suggested that you present your new house I meant that, that you tell us about it, I am sure that there are many of us who will be happy with the news.

Have a great weekend.

No worries, I'll write about it when it happens. Have a good day and a good weekend ahead.

That's a beautiful house mate...
Haven't been house hunting yet actually as the house I'm in is a personal one.

House hunting in this country is hella expensive 😂😂

It's expensive here too.

Congrats on the new home! I hope that it ticks all the boxes and bring you guys joy.

As for myself... I am still working hard at trying to enter the property market.

Right now we are renting and I am happy to stay here.

I haven't got it yet, this post was about the process of looking. Take a read.

!LOL I did. Sorry. I must have misunderstood.

I read that you had moved and moved recently and were still not happy.

I was pretty paste yesterday after work. It was not a good day.

No worries...I sometimes write misleading titles to find out who reads and who does not read the actual content. Just a thing I've done for seven years or so here on Hive.


No I read the whole article. Just tired.

I had plans to do so much today and ended up not doing much at all. I tried, but ended up with a splitting headache so decided to get into bed and just rest and vegetate.

I get it, I have plantar fasciitis in my heel currently, it's agony, and is distracting and annoying and prevents me from running. I'm on the rower instead but it's disruptive to my life. So I understand.

I had planar fasciitis from jumping off ducting on the roof of a building to get around... did not realize what damage I was doing to myself until the next day.

That was a while ago.

There is something messed up with my Achilles tendons. Both get sore and swell up in the middle, especially the on in my left leg... I suppose I should go see a doctor...

I don't know why I can't fit this upside boat on my head
It is clearly capsized.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of zakludick



@galenkp, I sent you an

Wow that's a nice home, congratulations! Are you liking it so far?

Oh, that's not my new home...this post is about looking for a new one. I'll certainly not show it on the internet when I get it.

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If I move, it'll be across the world. All of that hassle and expense just to wake up in the same city; I just couldn't do it to myself :)

Yeah, I'd like to be elsewhere too if I'm totally honest, but it's not something I can do right now. I'd like that house in the image though, (despite it being in Mossman, Sydney, and worth several million dollars...but I want to go somewhere smaller, say an hour or slightly more out of the CBD. Working on it.
