The moment in time

in Galenkp's Stuff5 months ago

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Black and white are the colors of photography. To me they symbolize the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is forever subjected.

- Robert Frank -

I always use photos I have personally taken in my posts but it's been a long while since I've done a photography-specific post so I went searching through my folders and ran into these, the reject shots from a shoot I did with one of my watches. I like black and white photography, it adds a more dramatic feel to the shot and I like the contrast of one extreme to the other and the nuances of all those shades in between.

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This is a watch I rarely wear. It stays locked up in one of my gun safes and only comes out a couple times a year. I have thought about selling it a few times but feel reluctant as I purchased the watch to mark a momentous achievement in my life and even though I don't wear it much just knowing it's there reminds me of what went into that achievement; it's not the watch that truly matters, it's the effort and achievement that brought it into my life that means the most.

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Life isn't black and white; most people's lives hold many shades of grey in between those two extremes and mine has too. Life is colourful - vibrant hues subtle pastels - life is varied I guess. No matter what it may appear to be in any given moment, though whether it is good, bad or indifferent, it's always life, and I think the fact we have it is something we should take the time to celebrate and respect...and make the most of.

So that's it today, just a few images that signify a moment in time, part of my life I hold as significant. I wonder if y'all have things within your possession that you have acquired due to a special event of moment in your life, or one that reminds you of such a time. Feel free to comment should you wish to.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own


You have a magnificent watch collection, Mate! That Rolex is spectacular 😍

Personally, I don't have an object that I bought for a significant moment, but I have received several gifts that I still keep, like a Parker pen from my grandfather (his favorite brand when he was a lawyer) and I still have it as a memento for when I graduate soon, or the stethoscope that I use, given to me by the first patient I discharged in the emergency room when I started rotating there.
These are objects that mark important parts of my early life, which I didn't buy personally but hold the same meaning as that beautiful Rolex. In the future, I will follow your footsteps, it a nice way to remember moments that are important to us.

Very good work as always

Thank you man, I have worked hard my whole life, made good and bad decisions and am fortunate enough to have acquired some things along the way, skills, understanding, knowledge and material items.

A pen is one of the most common event-significant mementos a people have I think, I have one too.

It's incredible the way events and the feelings that come from them can imbue themselves into material items, I think it's nice as long as it's the memory of the event and feelings or emotion, that are the most important thing.

I'm a bit like that, I find it hard to let go of things to which I once gave some kind of meaning. I think you should keep that watch. And by the way, I really like those black and white photos.


Thanks, you know me (not much of a photographer and all) so when I get something that's even remotely ok I'm happy to share it here.

On the items, yep it's good to have some of these mementos around as I think it shows respect for the event or achievement and also reminds one to pat oneself on the back from time to time for effort, diligence, persistence and all the other things that bring good results.

I hope you're well nutbag. 😀

😁 tú eres nutbag! I'm good, racking up kilometers.

You'll reach a bazillion kilometres soon...You'll be able to call yourself a bazzilionaire!

Also...Sí, lo sé. (Loco)

I have a ring like that, although not nearly as valuable, that I bought upon my first real promotion a year after I started with this company I work for.... 26 years ago. It is a gold ring with a blue topaz that has been laser treated on the top so that it has a multicolored, iridescent sparkle when the light hits it. I wore it a lot for years, but have not now for years more, but I can't imagine letting it go on purpose.

Funny how we do such things.

It's funny indeed, the way we attach meaning to these things but I think it's ok too. I have some furniture that's been in my family for 125 years, other items too, and they have meaning far beyond the item or items purpose itself. I like that you have that ring and I can tell it's meaningful.

I think my biggest purchase when I started working was my computer. It has been with me for a long time and even though I already need to upgrade, I just can't get myself to do so. I think the only time I'll replace it is when it actually breaks down for good.

I don't like disposing of computers, I usually keep the old ones for a while and then kill them in various ways, axes, fire and so on. I don't like the thought of all that data possibly getting found and extracted.

That's fair. It would also be safer if you also factory reset them before burning since I don't know how effective burning is to the parts inside.

Lol, well when a hard drive is nothing but a melted hunk of twisted metal I think it's safe to say the date is protected. Of course, I reset the computer after putting all of my data through a digital shredding software, I've been a round for a while and know a thing or two.

Haha, that's good to hear.

A beautiful and expensive wrist watch, a lovely keepsake because of the sentiment attached to it. I would feel reluctant too, since it holds special memories of a vibrantly colourful moment in my life, not the shades and the greys.

I like to see (perceive) things broadly in respect of my life and it's all of the moments (light and dark) that have made me who I am and provided a life that I look back on as fulfilling. Sure, some of those bad moments were terrible to experience but they helped me find the strength to improve, change and to reach for the stars. I even got close sometimes.

Yes, you are right! The good, the bad and the ugly, all of these have acted as agents of evolution and have moulded us into whom we have become. We are better and stronger, thanks to them!
But Galen! I have no keepsakes for those scary moments! ☺️

I think scars, emotional and physical, are keepsakes. I have many.

The pictures were missed, I always love the approaches you give them. They are all excellent, I always told you so, even if you dismissed them at first.

There are points in history that deserve to be remembered because there is a lot of effort and dedication in them. Others because they are important events. I don't usually buy myself something to remember them, although I have some things... like rings for example, and not only from special events, but they are special gifts at specific moments.

An example is a ring that the first student I had gave me... and it was hers.

It's nice to have some keepsakes that have a deeper meaning than the value itself. A nice gift to get from a student.

It was a nice gesture, he just took it off his finger and gave it to me. Now it is the memory I have of her.

It looks like a nice watch. I don't think I have anything quite that significant though. I have mementos from my youth but most of those are just knick knacks.

I think we all have good memories of things that happened or we did and we remember them in different ways. I think as long as we remember them that's the important part.

A beautiful Rolex wrist watch you have there!
Yes life is short and should be enjoyed. My wedding ring is something very valuable to me, it reminds me of the day I became one with one I love so much!
I think you should keep it though.

Wedding rings are one of the most common keepsakes people I think and rightly so, it's a special day and the ring takes on a special meaning.

Using your pictures on all your posts is very impressive, I hope to have such collection as can serve a variety of purposes in posts.
I have a shoe in my possession which I got from a special occasion and from a special person, given to me under special circumstances.
Whenever I put it on, I remember how it came to be mine and I smile.

It shows personality to use one's own images in posts rather than stock images. I rarely vote on posts that use stock images.

Yh, it does show personality indeed. My aim is to be able to do same.

Life has many colors and many shades. The way we manage our lives reveals the colors it will reflect.

Well said.

Wow G. That watch has got class... And wait did you say locked in a gun safe 😳 that watch is more protected than the President... One day one you wear it, we would love to get a picture 🥰

The moment and achievement it represents, I believe, is priceless. That moment and day is gone, some gloomy memories probably remain, and what remains is this watch, that symbolizes that exact moment and feat.

So, I say it's worth keeping in the collection.

I agree although because I don't wear it much, I don't even think about wearing it, I have thought of getting rid of it...haven't yet which I suppose says a lot.

Maybe then after letting go of this one, it's time for an upgrade? 😉

It's always time for an upgrade and I may have bought many upgrades since, but I'm not getting rid of it though.

Well, I say that's the way. 😏


The seal of approval.

Yeah, he's back again. Went on a vacay for a few months. 😂

Lovely Rolex watch.... The black and white picture make it look very cool in some way.

Yeah, cool indeed.

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