Taking a break for 24 hours.

in #life6 years ago

Good day Steemian's

I've been quite busy on the blockchain lately, and although I thoroughly enjoy it, I recognize a correlation between organization, stress, and overall mental and physical well being.

I generally get a decent amount of exercise due to the fact that I bike or walk everywhere, (public transportation is too stressful for an INFJ like myself.) but I still get fatigued from copious amounts of computing.

I think it's important to think about life before we had computers, and IOT gadgets , and think about the things we used to do for enjoyment before we had them.

Wait, doesn't that contradict your name futuremind?

Life has no filters.

Well, yes I suppose it does, but I think it's also important to remember the past. I'm not exactly speaking in terms of "those who forget the past are destined to repeat it." No, there are a little more dynamics involved with my thought process here. I simply think we shouldn't forget the little things that make us human. It's easy to get wrapped up in this technology and think of little else.

I'm absolutely horrible at making short and to the point posts. I was supposed to be done with this by now, but my autonomous thinker has started ticking.

I experienced a flash back the other day that really bothered me. It was a family member who is terribly addicted to fakebook. She types faster than me, which is impressive, and converses nonstop with strangers on her messenger. She is addicted through and through. She literally doesn't leave the computer, but to take care of her basic needs. It's not my place to judge her for this. I have tried to get her to steemit to help her monetize her skills, but those efforts are useless at this point. I've given up.

The flashback entailed her life when I was a child. How dutifully engaged she always was, enjoying cooking, enjoying family dinners, enjoying hikes in the woods, enjoying interactions with children.

Now she looks like a zombie in front of the screen, telling her own family to "hold on a sec" so she can finish her conversations with strangers.

I cannot describe how this makes me feel. Sadness is the best word I can fathom right now. This is an immediate family member, and I have to accept what she has become from her internet addiction. It isn't easy.

I'm mentioning this, because I feel it is very important for us to hold onto the things that make us human. Go outside and connect with nature for cripes sake!!! Read a book to your kids, make them put the tablet down for a little while. Don't be a fucking slave to the internet!

But wait futuremind, how are you taking a day off if you are typing this right now? Whoah, got me there.. This must be a thought from my imaginary friend. Stubborn one she is.

  • I vow to never forget what makes me human.
  • I vow to to take breaks from this digital haven for my mental and physical well being.
  • I vow to connect with nature, connect with my children, and connect with myself, in a natural way, regularly.
  • I vow, to never forget where I came from.

Here's to looking forward to the future.

Now I'm gonna go to a friends house , and play a good old, human game of cards, while smoking quality herbs, and contemplating life.

Please considering voting helpie for witness

Our hope is that those who decide to support @helpie's efforts do so because they see the value in people too.


Much love,



A sharp reminder of the internet abyss...great advice too bro, there are times when I push myself to go out and I'm always grateful that I did. Nice to hear you have access to quality herbs lol, life may not but my rollies and doobs sure do have filters 🔆

From: https://www.16personalities.com/infj-personality (you're a rare gem my friend!)

  • The Advocate (INFJ) personality type is very rare, making up less than one percent of the population, but they nonetheless leave their mark on the world. As members of the Diplomat Role group, Advocates have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but what sets them apart is that they are not idle dreamers, but people capable of taking concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting positive impact.

    Advocates indeed share a unique combination of traits: though soft-spoken, they have very strong opinions and will fight tirelessly for an idea they believe in. They are decisive and strong-willed, but will rarely use that energy for personal gain – Advocates will act with creativity, imagination, conviction and sensitivity not to create advantage, but to create balance. Egalitarianism and karma are very attractive ideas to Advocates, and they tend to believe that nothing would help the world so much as using love and compassion to soften the hearts of tyrants.

    Advocates find it easy to make connections with others, and have a talent for warm, sensitive language, speaking in human terms, rather than with pure logic and fact. It makes sense that their friends and colleagues will come to think of them as quiet Extraverted types, but they would all do well to remember that Advocates need time alone to decompress and recharge, and to not become too alarmed when they suddenly withdraw. Advocates take great care of other’s feelings, and they expect the favor to be returned – sometimes that means giving them the space they need for a few days.

My doobs don't ever have filters, and I would might not use try one. This is likely due to my "dubious" ;) nature. I'm afraid they won't work as well with a filter.

Thank you for this personality breakdown barge. I think I've read it before, but it's certainly helpful to reread, and may help individuals who are interested in the Briggs/Myers personality test.

PS. Yes, it's a bit to digest knowing I'm one of the rarest types!

Thanks for stopping by mate, you rock!

Dont you even use like a roach as we call it in UK like, a folded and polled up piece of thick paper or thin card?! I would use ciggerette filters in joints, but i have use carbon filters or coal filters, i think they are meant for pipes?!

No, perhaps I should? I've never been too concerned with health risks associated with MJ though.

Carbon filters and coal? I didn't know such filters were available for smoke lol. I guess that's a good indication I should be a little more health conscience.

Ah a joint is much better with a "roach filter" the smoke flows through it much better than a squashed and soggy end 😂

The coal filters are for pipes but i guess your smoking without tabaco? Heres a pic of the coal filters thet I mean..

Yes, I don't mix tobacco with my smoke. Is this what you would refer to as a "spliff"? (tobacco mix joint?)

Not that I'm opposed to the idea, as I am also a tobacco smoker, but I prefer the taste of the marijuana by itself.(I think, I've never tried it any other way!) I might just give this a whirl.

Thank you for this information @movingman

I have some homework to do ✍🏼

Awesome we have this tokers converstaion :P

In uk we smoke all joints with tabacco, called spliffs or joints, doobies etc, and if its pure we just call it a pure one, or a blunt (even if its not in an actual blunt paper) but hey green is fucking expensive in UK, I don't even want to guess what a 0.8g costs (sold as a gram!)

I hardly smoke ciggerettes but im obviously addicted to nicotine and so spliffs are quite common hahaha.. an anti cancer med mixed with a cancer causing thingymabob.. just pure balance man :)

oh and the high from the tobacco and the high from the weed :)

Man im sat smoking a joint right now, and wondering if you've already gave it a ago also lol! Use nice organic rolling tobacco though in spliffs :)

Now she looks like a zombie in front of the screen

A visible zombie :) which will turn into invisible if she does not change that soon. I am sure, this becomes a psychological problem as well, and it will be very hard to quit the addiction. Because I have seen someone, who was taken to a doctor and could quit only after being put on medication.

Yes, I only see this problem becoming worse in society. Keen observation my friend. Thank you for your feedback.

Man! Nice to read your post!

Its so stressful, tech- especially if you dislike it, but need it (just for now to learn on crypto , and invest ) for future financial freedoms and financial backup.

This post is great because of the example of the woman you speak of, and I see it just in the general public how sad everyones looking compared to 15 years back.
But hey, someone took a decade to design smart phones, so I guess they are perfectly designed exactly how the government wants them as a tool. Distraction from the corruption, and self hypnosia from pixels lol. That dam film, Idiocracy is on its way to be a reality. Imagine then when everyones jobless, there will be whole nations of people who were once ALIVE and living moments of life, but who know are stuck on a screen.

24 hours is a bit short, but better than nothing lol :P

Yes, it is the general public now. I do mindfulness exercises where I just walk around and observe my surroundings while leaving the devices turned off.

It's astounding what I witness.

I believe as well, this is all by design. The pleasure center of the brain is being bombarded by many aspects of the tech, and this sets the perfect foundation for addiction.

I read your comment right after you posted it, but decided not to answer until I was done with my break. I also watched Idiocracy the same night as part of my relaxation/disconnect. It's funny as all hell, and totally feasible as a theory. I really enjoyed it, thanks for piquing my interest!

Yeah, 24 hours isn't very long. I ended up breaking for a couple days though, only creating one short post yesterday. So, I cheated a little, but compared to my normal volume, it was a break lol.

I believe as well, this is all by design. The pleasure center of the brain is being bombarded by many aspects of the tech, and this sets the perfect foundation for addiction.

We are on the same thinking page I guess :) Mindfullness exercises are just paradise. I take the bus to the city for 30 mins each way most days and find whilst on the bus, I could either do what everyone else does, look at a device or think - and both are causing stress the stress in life - or I can let the mind go blank and feel so fresh after and grounded :)

Using social media also strengthens the ego which is devastating and then we have physical injury's from the neck from looking at the screens, or back whilst slouching at the PC.. It must be all completely orchestrated because the multiple negative things that lets say a smartphone alone can create.. physical injury, addictions, anxiety, eventually depression.. the list goes on as I'm sure your aware!

I got my first smartphone two years back or not even when I came to Norway, and for one reason only- for dating apps as this country is just sociably retarded hahahha.. And then since falling in love with Crypto I find myself with a Binance app addiction! Its great not to have to hold it all the dam time like I see people do in the streets or on the bus, they have a moment of no thought and the mind is instant, the eye brows perk up and they whip the phone out to message someone.

Constant mind stimulation.

Anyway.. Good on you for not replying even straight away, I did think about that lol. Meditation even open eyed mindfulness activity's are what keeps people sane- keep it up man!

Will keep an eye out for your future posts :) waiting for the esteem upgrade to happen and ill download the app again!

Good point! I think we all need a really check from time to time. HF20 made us realize what Steemit means to us and how much time we spend on a daily basis on Steemit. Well done my friend! 🤗😘

I upvoted your post.

Keep steeming for a better tomorrow.
@Acknowledgement - God Bless

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thank you so much omg!!!