Illustration #2 Salamander bot 蜥蜴战斗机械人 | 齐白石杯 月旦评

in #drawing6 years ago (edited)

I love to read comics so much from a very young age. Due to family finance constraint, I don't have many privileges to have a mountain of comic books. Even so, give me one or two comic books and I could read them over and over again. From the story to the drawing skills and presentation, everything.

That's why throughout my whole primary school's year, drawing artist was the top entry for the ambition list that every kid have to fill in. I didn't become one til today, but my love towards art creation never fades away.

Steem gives me a reason to pickup my childhood passion, and the new collaboration with @cryptogee somehow fills the gap of my 'comic artist ambition' in the other way. I'm grateful to find ways to continue this passion.

This illustration took me unexpectedly long 4~5 hours to finish, thanks to the great amount of detail in the bot. The more I draw the more I realize how much of talent and effort it could take to be a professional artist, much respect to them.

Read the chapter here: Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 32 - Reclamation Inferno by @cryptogee


这虽然是为 @cryptogee 的科幻小说而作的插画,但内容描述的正是充满攻击性和周身武器的沙罗曼达战斗机械,和 @angelina6688 的最新绘画比赛主题军事装备不谋而合,干脆就一起投稿吧!就不知道这种充满未来感和现实中并不存在的战斗设备是不是可以算数,就看评审怎么说吧。








I'm glad I stumbled upon your account after you commented on mine. My feed needs more art haha!♥ I like how you did the details of the steam and the machine!

Thanks, glad that I checked out the OCD post to find you content as well!

Glad to see you haven't completely given up on your art posts. I must admit, I've missed them.
And here's another awesome piece! Pen and watercolor?

Yo @osm0sis, good to see you finally get back to blogging life huh. Thanks for your appreciation, this were sketched by pen and painted by color markers.

Yeah, I needed the break... Just remembered I have to write that name post thing. Oops.

Take the break whenever you like, Steem is not going to anywhere, I hope, LOL. I've been waiting for it for so long, haha.

What?! But... I thought we were on our way to the moon?! 😜

Okay, not anywhere else but the moon.

I Think its a hard work result @fr3eze

am i right ???

You are god damn right.

I absolutely fell in love with this! I am so happy with my collaboration with @fr3eze and it is so beautiful seeing how the picture came together. I feel a real emotional connection to these pictures and writing with this backdrop is so exciting to me.

The more I draw the more I realize how much of talent and effort it could take to be a professional artist, much respect to them.

You have the talent @fr3eze, and if you keep up the effort more and more people will recognise that. It is all there for you if you want to take this up as a profession!


Your words truly justify all the effort I've put in this piece of work. Million thanks.

Had no intention to make art as a profession as of now, but who knows? At least I'm enjoying the art on Steem here and there for some contests or our collab for the moment. Cheers!


@cryptogee said to check out your art. It's really good. To be honest, I'm at a complete loss trying to understand how visual artists do what they do. When I draw, it never looks anything like your stuff. Indeed, it makes me wonder whether we belong to the same species.

The upshot ... I'm a poet. Apparently, creativity in one domain doesn't always transfer.

BTW: That bastard Cryptogee ... my poems deserve custom artwork a lot more than that damned crypto-rag he's coughing up. Indeed, I think he would be very fortunate if his book was judged by its cover. I'm heading back to his feed right now to give him some writing advice: Stop. :-)

Anyway ... YOU, keep up the great work.

Poet and artist is different species I can assure you sir, I would hold the pen in the air all day long if you were to ask me to write a poem, haha.

You can try to get an artist to make custom art for your work anytime, if you believe they are worthy!

This is great art @fr3eze... u have an awesome talent... Next challenge: try to be consistent... 😊

Glad to have the approval from pro artist. Damn, you know what it takes to be the Great from Good.

Me myself haven't achieve greatness yet... not sure how to defines it... 😅

My perception of greatness: if an artist became an iconic figure, contributes a lot to the world of knowledge, won many prestige awards, listed amongst the greats in the Art History... then its greatness to me...

My 2 cents...😅

Woah those will take a life to accomplish man, let me just draw my lil sketch in the corner of my lil room. Haha.

Damn, dude. That's really good. Very nice silhouette.

Haha, so glad that you like it!

@branlee87, Isn't it just!! :-D


Haha yes it very much is!

why do you still work in PA? LOL

I don't believe in single stream of income, PA is perfect for a part time job woi.

This is some serious art. Can earn real money drawing covers for steemit fiction writers already.

Guess this is what I'm doing with the new collaboration already. But not much of real money to be made of. Take it more like an experiment and confidence building process, haha. Thanks man.

If you build it, it will come! :-)


When there is will there is a way right? 😙

非常漫画 ~




謙虛 : )



Your work is fantastic, I've been really impressed by your drawings on @cryptogee's Asimov's ghost chapters!

Truly appreciate it, your words mean a lot especially as a reader of his work!

is so nice and interesting !

Thanks for the kind words!

I like cartoons very much because people increase their imagination. Promotes creativity and visual memory.

@fr3eze, 这是小可可我在steemit最好的邂逅,好喜欢你的贴(^∀^)哇~~~ img

@fr3eze, 朕是来给你月旦评雨露均沾的...