PostsCommentsPayoutsflsfserkan (69)in Hive Türkiye • 10 months ago(EN-TR) I'm Here Again - Tekrar BuradayımHello again after a very long time. It's been almost a year and a half since we met. For some reasons I had to take a break here. During this interim period, I wanted to return here many times and shareflsfserkan (69)in Worldmappin • 2 years ago(En-Tr) One-Day Konya Trip - Bir Günlük Konya GezisiHello. We have come to the end of another weekend. Not only the weekend, but also the school break is over. Tomorrow, after sixteen days, we will start work again. I tried to…flsfserkan (69)in Hive TR • 2 years ago(En-Tr) Spending Time with Goats - Keçilerle Vakit Geçirmek Good day guys. The snowfall, which we have been waiting for months, has come true as of today, albeit a little. When I took a look at the weather, I learned that it will snow…flsfserkan (69)in Hive TR • 2 years ago(En-Tr) Walking in the Village - Köyde YürüyüşGood day guys. We are living the last days of our holiday. We will be back at work on Monday. In the first week of the holiday, I was in Konya and Ankara. It was quite enjoyable…flsfserkan (69)in Hive TR • 2 years ago(En-Tr) The Effects of Inflation on Me - Enflasyonun Üzerimdeki EtkileriHello dear friends. I am here with a content that I can express myself comfortably. @anadolu suggested we do an event. The theme of the event was based on a question that…flsfserkan (69)in Hive TR • 2 years ago(En-Tr) Museum of Mevlana - Mevlana Müzesi Good day dear friends. I am here with a new content of my trip due to the holiday. In the Konya part of my holiday in Konya and Ankara, I had the opportunity to visit the Mevlana…flsfserkan (69)in Hive TR • 2 years ago(En-Tr) Walking the Streets of Konya - Konya Sokaklarında GezmekHello my dear friends. I would like to continue with the sharing of my visit to Konya about walking. As you know, I chose the provinces of Konya and Ankara to evaluate my…flsfserkan (69)in Hive TR • 2 years ago[En-Tr] KONYA Alaaddin Hill / KONYA Alaaddin Tepesi Hello. I don't understand why the holidays go by so fast. Normally, time does not pass, but these days when we take a vacation go by very quickly. We are not even aware of how time flies. I came to Ankaraflsfserkan (69)in Hive TR • 2 years ago(En-Tr) My Observations in the Iron Casting Industry - Demir Döküm Sanayisinde GözlemlerimHello dear friends. I left behind my second day in Ankara. My second day went pretty well. First of all, I went to the place where my sister's husband works at noon. Then I…flsfserkan (69)in Hive TR • 2 years ago(En-Tr) Places to Visit in Ankara: Wonderland - Ankara Gezilecek Yerler: Harikalar DiyarıHello guys. I want to start a new day with a new content. Schools in Turkey were suspended on Friday. For a two-week period, the children will rest and the new turn will start…flsfserkan (69)in Hive TR • 2 years ago(En-Tr) Sunny Winter Day - Güneşli Kış GünüGood day guys. After a short break, I came back by sharing the HPUD #4 Event that we organized as the Hivetr team yesterday. Then I decided to post a new post today. Today was…flsfserkan (69)in Hive TR • 2 years agoHivetr HPUD #4 EtkinliğiMerhaba çok değerli hiveTr ailesi. Olumsuzluklar yaşadığımız son günleri atlatabilmek için güzel bir etkinlik olacağını düşünüyorum. Her ayın 19. günü Hivetr ailesi olarak…flsfserkan (69)in Hive TR • 2 years ago(En-Tr) Hivetr 7 Day Adventure :#7 (Historical places ) // Hivetr 7 Günlük Serüven :*#7 (Tarihi Yerler)Good day, happy Sunday everyone. Today, we are writing the last of the articles we wrote under the title of 7 Days Adventure, which we have organized as the Hivetr family. We…flsfserkan (69)in Hive TR • 2 years agoHivetr 7 Günlük Serüven : #6 ( En Sevdiğim Yemekler)Hivetr ekibi olarak düzenlemiş olduğumuz 7 Günlük paylaşım serüvenimizin son gününe yaklaşıyoruz. Bugün Hivetr ailesi olarak altıncı soruyu cevaplayacağız. Bugün sizlere en…flsfserkan (69)in Hive TR • 2 years ago{EN-TR} Hivetr 7-Day Adventure : #5 ( The Most Beautiful Day) // Hivetr 7 Günlük Serüven : #5 ( En Güzel Gün)Greetings to everyone from the fifth day of our Hivetr 7-Day Adventure. Today, just like the four days we left behind, we will answer a very good question. The theme of each day was pretty good. But itflsfserkan (69)in Hive TR • 2 years agoHivetr 7 Günlük Serüven : *#4 ( En Sevdiğim Kitaplar ve Şiirler)imagesource İyi günler arkadaşlar. Etkinliğimizde dördüncü güne geçiyoruz. Dün etkinliğimizin üçüncü konusu olan sevdiğimiz film ve dizileri cevapladık. Bugünün etkinlik…flsfserkan (69)in Hive TR • 2 years ago[En-Tr] Hivetr 7-Day Adventure : *#3* (My Favorite Movies and TV Shows) Hivetr 7 Günlük Serüven : *#3* (En Sevdiğim Filmler ve Diziler)Hello my dear friends. We continue to come up with a new topic every day under the title of Hivetr 7-Day Adventure. We are on the third day of the 7-day adventure. In the first two days, we talked aboutflsfserkan (69)in Hive TR • 2 years ago[En-Tr] Hivetr 7-Day Adventure : #2 My Hobbies ~~Hivetr 7 Günlük Serüven : #2 Hobilerim Hello everyone from the second day of our Hivetr 7-Day Adventure. On the second day of our 7-Day Adventure, we talk about our hobbies. Each person has different characteristics…flsfserkan (69)in Hive TR • 2 years ago[En-Tr] #HiveTr 7-Day Adventure: How Do I Spend My #1 Free Day? // #HiveTr 7 Günlük Macera: #1 Boş Günümü Nasıl Geçiririm?Good day guys. I stated that I was thinking of joining the 7-Day Adventure as well. At first, I did not fully understand this activity. Later, when I read @mehmetfix's post about…flsfserkan (69)in Hive TR • 2 years ago(En-Tr) My Thoughts on the Place I Discovered - Keşfettiğim Yer Hakkındaki Düşüncelerim Hello from the first day of the new week. I always make new resolutions as I start the new week. I am trying my best to implement these new decisions. There is always a situation…