flak (8)in #neoxian • 2 years agoThe future of workPreviously people got job placements in the traditional workspace environment based solely on their qualifications or skills contained in their resume . However sometimes it…flak (8)in #health • 5 years agoThe coronavirus pandemic has exposed a clash among medical expertsThe coronavirus pandemic has revealed a contention among clinical experts over contamination transmission that stretches back just about a century - to the exceptionally…flak (8)in #kr • 5 years ago또 쿠팡 물류센터 감염, 왜?…붙어서 근무·식사, '코로나 양성'도 알바 채용쿠팡 부천 물류센터에서 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 집단 감염이 발생한 데 이어 고양 물류센터에서도 코로나 확진자가 나왔다. 쿠팡은 고양 물류센터를 폐쇄했다고 28일 밝혔다. 코로나 사태 이후 언택트(untact·비접촉) 소비가 증가하면서 호재를 맞았다는 평가를 받던 쿠팡이었지만 이제는 코로나로 물류가 차질을…flak rebloggedsteemer-sayu907 (75)in Threespeak - OLD • 5 years agoSTEEM FOR EVERYONE | Special GIVEAWAY !!▶️ Watch on 3Speak Hello Everyone, I'm back here with another video for you all and this one is gonna be an interesting one for sure ! In this GIVEAWAY everyone is a…