PostsCommentsPayoutserikodi (34)in #eosio • 6 years agoRE: The value of public APIs and a look inside one of the largest - GreymassFantastic... Are you going to open source the specs and software used? How about proxy servers used?erikodi (34)in #telos • 7 years agoRE: Telos - TLOSThanks Jim, I have made some adjustments. I'd used the non specific launch sentence above with this in mind, I have specified the Go/No Go vote as per your feedback.erikodi (34)in #eos • 7 years agoRE: Telos Forks EOSIO Software (Not EOS Blockchain)I agree with you on this. The 40k cap is designed to escape whale capture. The EOS mainnet is now in absolute danger of being taken over and commandeered by a handful of…erikodi (34)in #eos • 7 years agoRE: Announcing shEOS – All Female Block Producer Candidate for EOS BlockchainThis is simply brilliant....erikodi (34)in #eos • 7 years agoRE: EOS Tribe Block Producer Candidacy AnnouncementHi EOSTribe, good job on this.erikodi (34)in #eos • 7 years agoRE: Let's talk about BP Pay"We believe the pay structure for backups should be flat and sufficient for all who meet the entrance criteria to be adequately funded to run professional operations." Nothing more to add.erikodi (34)in #smokenetwork • 7 years agoRE: EOS GuiltI'm with you on this, and really think that BlockOne should have developed a user friendly voting tool.erikodi (34)in #eos • 7 years agoRE: Steal my EOS -- An experiment on the EOS.IO MainnetGood experiment... you could give me the 5 EOS and see if you can take them back lolerikodi (34)in #eos • 7 years agoRE: A look at the issue of EOS freezing accounts in order to restore stolen tokens to their rightful ownersI'm not even sure why this is a debate. I'd hazard that the those debating and condemning this matter have not lost their tokens. They would be singing a whole different tune.erikodi (34)in #eos • 7 years agoRE: One account one voteYeah, the long ICO was always going to concentrate tokens with those with lotsa money. One good thing is the airdrops, and hopefully everything works, then it won't matter anyway.erikodi (34)in #eos • 7 years agoRE: Why EOS Freezing Accounts is GOOD - NOT BADThis makes absolute sense. There is a cost to storage, just like storing gold ingots costs money, so should tokens in my view.erikodi (34)in #eos • 7 years agoRE: We're Working to Save Up to 1 Million EOS Tokens ($15m) From Registration Scams!Wow. Just wow. This is the new world, with decentralized investigations, decentralized collaboration of the eosPolice, eosJustice, eosBank and eosAsssetRecovery agency in…erikodi (34)in #zdnet • 7 years agoRE: Apple is close to becoming first the US company worth $1 trillionSoon the crypto companies will be coming through and steaming past these oldies.erikodi (34)in #eos • 7 years agoRE: Statement on Inclusion of specific exchange wallets in the eosDAC token transition to the EOS ChainMy tokens were on Bitfinex until 20th May, before withdrawing to a wallet for registration. Will I still get my eosDAC tokens?erikodi (34)in #eos • 7 years agoRE: Ethereum's Vitalik Buterin talks about EOSIs that Vitalik speaking mandarin?erikodi (34)in #steemit • 7 years agoRE: How sustainable is Steemit, and could it afford to keep paying the Haejin's of the Steemit world forever?Well, @dan is coming with "steem2" on EOS. These problems will be solved over there. I can't wait.erikodi (34)in #blockchain • 7 years agoRE: Should we tell FB not to bother?I heard that about Kodak. They got everything they deserved. Same with the Nokias and other initial mobile phone manufacturers. Outsmarted by Apple and other android…erikodi (34)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoRE: Trillion Dollar Question - which cryptos will last?EOS EOS EOSerikodi (34)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoRE: Millennials Buying Crypto For Retirement SavingsYeah...erikodi (34)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoRE: EOS: WTF? / ICON - Hyperconnect the World - Coin PresentationCould it be exchanges buying? The truth will come in June, when they stop putting out these 2 million tokens a day.