I was reading our local newspaper today. Yes there are some of us who still read it. I counted 2 murder trials, 4 robberies, and 2 assaults. I was hard pressed to find much good news. The world is full of sad stories. We do not have to look to hard to find them. As a member of @familyprotection I read heart wrenching stories of the CPS foster care system daily. There are even never ending lists of fatalities of victims of the CPS system by fellow Steemian, @kryptocoin. But I ask?
I mean there was a day and a time when even one robbery, assault or trauma on a child was unacceptable and would not be tolerated. Folks would be beet red angry at this years ago. Not today. Our hearts have become numb and Callus to the news. It is as if people don't care. They are so engrossed in their 'Facebook and work that they don't see.
The news of the horror is no longer news. We have heard it enough times that the repetition of it is old. Such articles are often passed up for lack of entertainment. Granted news like this should not be entertaining, but some sad stories do not even rate that high.
Society has become conditioned to tolerate and even accept such news as the norm. CPS child kidnapping is accepted today. Burglary and assault is considered part of life in the big world as we yawn. We have become apathetic and willing to allow any and all evil ...as long as it dos not inconvenience our personal life.
In this process we become desensitized. It is as if a switch in our conscience is flipped off. Our heart stops caring and we are numb to any need of humanity outside our own selfish needs.This is part of the conditioning process and acceptance of evil.
It is only out of misery and discomfort that anything can be done. For example we will not put an end to child trafficking or CPS kidnapping if we do not have discomfort as a society. If it does not bother us and make it a priority, little will be done. But the misery often must reach a point of desperation to see any action taken. There is truth in the old saying necessity is he mother of invention. Out of misery comes action and change is born. But only when people are fed up enough will it ever happen.
The big question is...
How much apathy will it take until we are in such discomfort and fed up that we want action and change. Yes that is the million dollar question. How much is too much? I have heard it said that it only takes 5% of the people to create change. But I think it takes more.
The big question is...
When will YOU be so sick of being apathetic that you will want change. YOU will want to see an end in assaults and murders. YOU will want to see no more sex trafficking or CPS child kidnapping. When will YOU want change? When will YOU want all people to be free?
Stand for truth and freedom. Consider a cause like @familyprotection that stands for truth, justice, family and is not afraid to take action to make change a reality.
Support Family Protection
THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THE PROTECTION Of FAMILIES AND CHILDREN EVERYWHERE! God bless the folks @familyprotection who are speaking out for others. I encourage you to support their cause and support the bloggers who expose this tyranny and injustice. I want to offer a shout out to @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam in gratitude for all their efforts in this cause. Support @familyprotection?
This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.
Thank you so much my friend I'm glad you liked it @thethreehugs
You are welcome my friend! Keep up the awesome work!!