In humbleness, I bring the song parody, 'Oh Child As This' based on the familiar Christmas carol 'What Child Is this.' An Orwellian darkness blankets this world, as families are separated and children are kidnapped for cash. The corrupt green sleeves of the governmental Child Separation Services (CPS), have quotas to steal. The innocence of babies are stolen as parent grieve. This shameful crime must be ended. The battle cry for protection and freedom is heard in the distance. Can you hear it?
Cash! Cash For The Baby Theft!
A cold winter chill blankets the world, bare, in a wasteland of tears and pain. This is not the magical snowy white that preludes Santa or even a animated Grinch. Far worse, is a ere of the evil Orwellian, with horrors unimaginable. This is the CPS.

OK. Listen up! We have a quota of 29 more children yet to be secured. You guys need to look past the parental emotion and be 'mean for the green.' Jerry, what about that Davis kid? He should be an easy catch.
The racketeering and governmental fraud is wrapped up in the CPS (Child Parent Separation as I call it). Families are torn apart and handsome profits are made. Children are kidnapped and placed with strangers in foster care or sold for sex. And sadly, our elected officials look the other way, as tax dollars help fund these agendas. The cancer of corruption can merrily frolic, as children are stolen from parents and green backs are made. It's the green sleeves of corruption that is protected rather than innocence.
Jerry's mind wondered to the Davis family. He could certainly use the CPS holiday bonus. But, this family was such kind and gentle people. Why did they deserve having their child taken for his gain? Something was not right here.

As Mothers Mourn In The Grief That's Left
Under the watch of the CPS (or lack thereof ), these young ones are treated worse than cattle. Many are bruised and battered by strangers who sign on as foster parents. The grief of mothers and the fear of the heart is ignored. The oppressed become voiceless, as their pain and tears fall on hardened hearts. The distress of children and innocence is an income gold mine for corruption.
He could not bring himself to cause pain on this family. What wrong did they do. Why should he lie. He would not. Why lie anymore?
Raise! Raise! The Battle Cry!
Yet, it is our responsibility to protect the helpless and innocent. When we see the need, we heed the call. We raise the battle cry of truth and justice. Gone are the days of lying for profit and selfish misdeeds. Gone is the corrupt spirit. When we turn from wrong, a beautiful feeling enters our hearts. Our self esteem becomes healthy, and we feel good about us because we are doing good. We are getting healthier, as we move away from the sickness of selfishness and do what is right.
A feeling of peace filled Jerry's heart. He knew he made the right decision. He had heard of a pro-family group who meets on Tuesdays. He had never attended, but thought...just maybe...he could get a better picture of his role in helping families.
Protection And Freedom We Carry
There are pro-family groups who help parents and children. They protect the freedoms and rights, listen to concerns and are an umbrella of safety. Folks like @familyprotection, on Steemit, work tirelessly to defend and educated families. They uphold truth and secure justice. They listen to the pain of the oppressed and the heart of the voiceless. I encourage you to support @familyprotection, as they bring a voice and the hope of freedom to all.
What about you? What can you do to help protect families and the innocent?
The Green Sleeved Irony
The melody line of this carol is taken from the old English folk song, 'Greensleeves,' of the 16th century. The parodied lyrics are written to replicate that same style of poetry. The real meaning of Christmas is found is selfless giving and represented by the color green. Yet, the CPS foster care system steals children, and selfishly takes green cash in their worldwide theft and racketeering. Thus we have an irony and Orwellian inverse in this parody.
The Videos
I offer two videos to accompany the song parody. The first is by Johnny Mathis from his recording, 'Home For Christmas.' He offers an exceptional performance. The second video is a Million Light Show in Johnson, Texas. It is pretty to see the lights of Christmas. The music goes on and on for multiple verses. With a festive spirit, it reminds us that we must shine light in this darkened world. Which ever video you choose, may the message of the parodied lyrics speak to your heart.
Now enjoy the song parody and be sure to support @familyprotection.
Oh Child As This
Like cattle they are keeping.
Whom poorly treated, bruised and beat,
While parent's hearts are weeping.
This, this is the CPS,
Where cash is made on your distress!
Waste! Waste! It's such a fraud!
Where racketeering is merry.
As hearts of families bleeding.
In dreadful fear with voiceless tear
The kidnapped are cut up for feeding.
Cash! Cash for the baby theft
As mothers mourn in grief that's left.
Crime! Crime! The truth does chime.
Oh meek and mild be wary.
Of family, freedom and justice.
For foster care will destroy and tear
With chains of death to enslave us.
Raise! raise! The battle cry!
The helpless, weak must never die!
Pray! Pray! The child forlorn,
Where dreams are taken to bury.
What is @familyprotection
If you do not know what family protection is I would encourage you to read our posts and help support the efforts of the fine bloggers who support the freedoms and rights of families. We work hard to promote an support the values and rights of moms and dads, that has come under attack by governments who wish to eliminate the God given authority and power of the family. @familyprotection uplifts the family and is always welcoming bloggers who wish to contribute to its cause. Consider standing for truth and the family. Consider @familyprotection.
Support Family Protection
THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THE PROTECTION Of FAMILIES AND CHILDREN EVERYWHERE! God bless the folks @familyprotection who are speaking out for others. I encourage you to support their cause and support the bloggers who expose this tyranny and injustice. I want to offer a shout out to @canadian-coconut in gratitude for all their efforts in this cause. Support @familyprotection.
Depressing -- but you've done a great job with these lyrics.
My husband just said that we should get a group of people to stand in front of the CPS offices and sing this song. :)
You should! I would love to see a post on that!!
Great idea! Any of these song parodies may work for that. I would love to join you! Thanks and Christmas blessings @canadian-coconut