PostsCommentsPayoutsdekoning93 (26)in #nl • 8 years agoRE: Nieuwe lijst van Nederlandstalige bloggers - Meme uitdaging - Op zoek naar sponsoren - #nl tagDit is top! Hoe houd je bij wie allemaal een NL blogger is? Ik kan denk ik wel wat sponsoren.. Om het lekker Nederlands te houden: wat zit er in voor mij?dekoning93 (26)in #introduction • 8 years agoRE: My name is Davey and I'm here to stay on SteemitHi Nils, Well, I haven't sold it. Actually I have closed the company myself because I got in trouble because I wasn't really able to handle all that money in a good way. About…dekoning93 (26)in #introduction • 8 years agoRE: My name is Davey and I'm here to stay on SteemitGa ik zeker doen Dicabo!! Tof dat ik nog bij de early adapters zit.dekoning93 (26)in #introduction • 8 years agoRE: My name is Davey and I'm here to stay on SteemitDankjewel! Leuk om hier ook Nederlanders te treffendekoning93 (26)in #introduction • 8 years agoRE: My name is Davey and I'm here to stay on SteemitGreat @ragnartheking ! It seems like you are a very active users. I'll read through your posts and follow up any advice that I find useful.dekoning93 (26)in #introduction • 8 years agoRE: My name is Davey and I'm here to stay on SteemitMany thanks @bottymcbotface ! I appreciate it.dekoning93 (26)in #introduction • 8 years agoRE: My name is Davey and I'm here to stay on Steemitthank you!