davidlau (39)in #ppt • 6 years agoP咖,让您1小时学习大咖10年经验!在竞争激烈和残酷的职场上,人们永远在经历“知识饥渴”。对于知识的渴求,来自于对提升能力、进阶职场、丰富谈资的需求。 然而,在学习职场技能时,我们常常遇到这些问题: 在得到、喜马拉雅等平台上,课程只有声音讲解而缺少画面,听时畅快,听完就忘;…davidlau (39)in #btc • 6 years agoBlock chain lending platform Celsius will perform IEO on Liquid exchangeCelsius, a block chain lending platform, announced that it will issue its CEL tokens on Liquid exchange via IEO.Since July 2018, Celsius has attracted over us $1.2 billion in…davidlau (39)in #cosmos • 6 years agoThe Cosmos SDK has detected a serious security vulnerability and is currently coordinating the Cosmos main network hard forkIn a link message, the Cosmos team says it has found a serious security vulnerability in the Cosmos SDK, which has been patched in the Cosmos SDK version 0.34.6 and will provide…davidlau (39)in #btc • 6 years agoTim Plakas, former head of over-the-counter trading at Coinbase, joined Galaxy DigitalTim Plakas, a former head of over-the-counter trading at exchange Coinbase, has left to join The over-the-counter trading arm of encryption fund Galaxy Digital, The Block said…davidlau rebloggedifyredeemer (44)in #steemchurch • 6 years agoTHERE IS HOPE FOR SINNERS IN HEAVENJOHN3:16-19 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.3:17 For God sent…davidlau (39)in #btc • 6 years agoA comparison between bitcoin and the InternetIt is difficult to understand where economic activity is concentrated. Because people are always swayed by prejudice and fanaticism, they are more concerned with controlling the…davidlau (39)in #ethereum • 6 years agoEthereum governance project HumanityDAO team was kicked out of users to attract "ethereum elite"The ethereum governance project HumanityDAO was pointed out by reddit users that the team members "kicked out" the top 40 people registered by ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin in…davidlau (39)in #btc • 6 years ago[Voice of Blockchain] an analytical framework for solving the problem of "institutional supply" of Commons governanceNo matter how well a set of rules works in a set of environmental and economic conditions, some important changes -- such as a fourfold increase in resource prices -- are a major…davidlau (39)in #btc • 6 years agoStarting from Loom, can blockchain really run starcraft as Vitalik told you?"You can think of us as EOS on ethereum," Loom Network officials once said. With an SDK as the entry point, Loom Network is committed to expanding ethereum and planning to build…davidlau (39)in #btc • 6 years agoSpeaking through digital RMB: legal tender based on blockchain, make M0 great againContrary to what many in the western community believe, China is not opposed to blockchain technology. The main contradiction in China's attitude towards digital currency has…davidlau (39)in #btc • 6 years agoTokenInsight: BTC sentiment and traffic rebound at the same time, but volumes shrink slightlyThe TI index, which reflects the overall performance of the blockchain industry, rose 715.66 points in August, up 76.93 points or 12.04 percent from the same period yesterday…davidlau (39)in #zcash • 6 years agoWhat's SERO ?What's SERO ? SERO Super-ZK Protocol confidential transactions zero-knowledge proofs NIZK blockchain privacy smart contract The SERO system is the world's first blockchain…davidlau (39)in #fail • 6 years agoFail"I didn't think I would fail." This is the bold words of most entrepreneurs when they set out, or Ling Yun's ambition when they achieve periodic success. Such language and tone…davidlau (39)in #sexual • 6 years agoWhat happens when parents know their children are sexually assaulted?When I was in elementary school, I got a little girl in my class. I didn't do anything, but the people she liked liked liked me. Later, she found a group of gangsters to drink.…davidlau (39)in #life • 6 years agoJernalTime flies! Ever wonder where have you spent your time? We need to recall the time that you spend on your interest, your goal and your lovable half. Record and upload to…davidlau (39)in #block • 6 years ago仰望成功者,也要关注失败者一轮轮创业浪潮,造就了一批批成功者和企业家,成为大家学习和仰望的对象,各种成就、荣誉、奖励、资源和媒体报道,纷至沓来,这是我们大家都看到的追捧成功者现象。 然而,创业成功者凤毛麟角。…davidlau rebloggedknowhowchain (32)in #block • 6 years agoKnowHow Chain进度报告(10.15-10.31)KnowHowChain(脑海链)是创新的金融市场,各路老师、匠人、KOL的知识产品收益权上链和身价变现平台,可谓全球知识精英的纳斯达克。 该平台由新加坡脑海链国际基金化支持运作。集成了知识发布、知识传播、知识服务、知识消费的知识经济区块链解决方案,并且通过老师、学者、KOL权益通证(Security…davidlau rebloggedknowhowchain (32)in #block • 6 years ago霸屏中关村,脑海链让KOL们身份倍增!11月1日,中关材创业大街的大屏上赫然显示"3000 KOL 的纳斯达克,脑海链打造知识投资的创新金融市场" 北京中关村创业大街,其巨大的影响力和标志性意义已经成为全球知名企业争相展示的舞台,微软、腾讯、联想、新浪、百度、3W等国内外知名企业都曾在此亮相。它不仅仅是向全世界展示一家企业的绝对实力,同时也是标志着不可估量的影响力。…davidlau rebloggedknowhowchain (32)in #khc • 7 years agoKnowHowChain进度报告(7.15-7.31)技术开发进度 1.完成KHC智能合约安全审计报告 2.完成KnowHow Chain系统六大核心模块功能结构图设计和用户应用场景说明 完成KnowHow Chain平台币KHC的流转生态,完成锚定币KHD的使用场景设计,完成KHC、KHD的交易配对设计和法币进出场规则制定 4.Github项目代码库启动维护更新…davidlau rebloggedknowhowchain (32)in #khc • 7 years ago张人蟠 : 币改项目的多复合通证设计经验分享7月24日晚,张人蟠在币改试验区教育培训行业群里分享了关于币改的三个方面的信息 一、关于币改项目的筛选…