dardrey rebloggedoleftinochka (53)in Hive Book Club • 3 years ago[ENG&RU] Lunar chronicles #1: "Cinder" by Marissa Mayer. Book reviewEnglish Hello, friends! I'm sharing with you my impressions of the book "Cinder" by author Marissa Mayer. This book is a retelling of the fairy tale of the same name and the…dardrey rebloggedoleftinochka (53)in Movies & TV Shows • 3 years ago[ENG&RU] "Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts" movie (2022) . My reviewEnglish Hello, friends! As someone who grew up with Harry Potter, has read all the books and seen all the films countless times, I couldn't get past the acclaimed 20th…dardrey rebloggedoleftinka (59)in Worldmappin • 3 years ago[ENG&RU] “Kudykina Gora” park, Russia (august 2021)English Hello everybody! The famous Russian expression "to Kudykina Gora" has turned from words into a specific place - a safari park located on the banks of the Don River…dardrey (58)in Movies & TV Shows • 4 years agoImpressions: "Forever" (2014-2015)Image Source Welcome, dear movies funs! Today I want to tell you about one of the most awesome pearl of modern fantastic series. Plot Main hero of this movie is Henry…dardrey (58)in Movies & TV Shows • 4 years agoImpressions: The Outsider (2020)Image source Hello, movies fans! :) Recently I had seen really interesting serial in thriller genre. The scenery of this work is based on Stephen King book and you can…dardrey (58)in Team Ukraine • 4 years agoСерiaломанiя: ДвійникImage Source Представляю до вашої уваги фантастичний шпигунський трилер з динамiчним та дуже захоплюючим сюжетом. Саме такi напруженi фiльми визивають найбiльший iнтерес у…dardrey (58)in LeoFinance • 4 years agoBlockchain: Let's grow price of own coinImage Source Hello, dear cryptoinvestors, traders! Each from us use some strategies in cryptocurrency selection and trading process. Many counts of posts and articles were…dardrey rebloggedludmilla666 (10)in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE • 4 years agoReasons Why You Should Know How to Manage Personal Financesimage source Have you ever thought about why managing personal finances is one of the important things in life? We often get caught up in other activities and focus, so forget…dardrey rebloggedtheoctoberwind (69)in Photo Lovers • 4 years agoA sweeter place !When i come to the mountains i tend to forget about everything else ! Maybe all i need is the mountain breeze and the tall trees ? Have a great day ! Sending love and…dardrey rebloggedoleftinka (59)in Movies & TV Shows • 4 years ago[ENG&RU] "Shadow and Bone" Netflix TV series. My review English Hello everyone! On April 23, Netflix released one of the most anticipated series of the spring called "Shadow and Bone", based on the books of the Grishavers by…dardrey (58)in LeoFinance • 4 years agoAttractive cryptocurrency propertiesImage from keywordbasket Welcome, dear crypto enthusiasts! We know that cryptocurrency now surround us. Tremendous amount of different coins, tokens are listed on big count…dardrey (58)in Team Ukraine • 4 years agoДелегацiя Ecency: 100% нагорода + Ecency pointsДля тих, хто ще не побачив новину: блоговий сервiс Ecency запускає можливiсть вигідної делегацiї Hive Power. Усi 100% заробiтку щоденно будуть розподiлятися мiж делегаторами.…dardrey rebloggedecency (76)in Ecency • 4 years agoDaily 100% curation rewards In our last post, we requested help from community with our onboarding efforts . We now bring you update that distributes 100% daily curation rewards to delegators according…dardrey (58)in LeoFinance • 4 years agoSyscoin: The future of cryptocurrenciesHello, friend! If you does not know anything about Syscoin it time to show you why it deserves on your attention. I will write the main facts about this crypto and you…dardrey rebloggedoleftinka (59)in Hive Book Club • 4 years ago[ENG&RU] "Six of Crows" Duology by Leigh Bardugo. My reviewEnglish This month, I continued to explore the work of Leigh Bardugo. After reading "Shadow and Bone trilogy" (review here: I read her most popular dilogy: Six of…dardrey (58)in QUAC • 4 years agoМоя поезiя: СтежинаЗображення с belinaart Наступна мить залишить слід Мiй крок по стежці у діброви Що буде далi: ґрунт чи лiд Я не дiзнатимусь нiколи Можливо там виднiє свiт Можливо…dardrey rebloggedtheoctoberwind (69)in Nerday • 4 years agoSpring has sprung ! Hello everyone! Flowers have started blooming , butterflies are here ! enjoy ! sending love and light ! @theoctoberwinddardrey (58)in Team Ukraine • 4 years agoIT: Вступ у напрямЗображення з risovach Напевно кожна людина вiдчуває на собi вплив вiд розвитку iнформацiйних Технологiй (IT). Cоцiальнi павутиння, безлiч програм, сервiciв охоплюють життя…dardrey rebloggedoleftinka (59)in Team Ukraine • 4 years ago[ENG&RU] Maslenitsa in my cityEnglish Hello everyone! Today we had the last day of Maslenitsa, seeing off winter. All week long, everyone baked blini (pancakes), held festivities, went to visit. In my…dardrey (58)in Hive Pets • 4 years ago Charismatic guestHello, friend! Today I want to tell you about new temporary member of our cat's family. This pretty cat is a Dusya. It appeared in our yard several times ago. It seems that it…