I Know What You Did Last Summer............

in #life6 years ago


I Know What You Did Last Summer .....


  • Now there are certain people in life, in fact there are many people like this, in fact, I should really start off by saying there are many people in life, okay , lemme do that

  • Now, there are many people in life who make it their job to grate on people’s nerves, I am one of them, you almost certainly will deny it when I say this but you are one of them too, but wait, let me explain.
    The person that understands you the most is yourself, not your mother / partner / children / etc. No, yourself, no one understands you more than you understand yourself and the reason for this is quite simple, the reason for this is because you are you.




  • So now, with you being you, no one else can be a better your than yourself, that is the literal definition of impossibility, people can know you quite well, there are some people who know you to a frightening degree and can almost predict your actions and intentions almost all of the time, this is often quite frightening, impressing, annoying and disturbing etc in equal measure because no one wants to be too predictable but really there are some relationships that are so close, (often amongst couples, often parent /child, etc) that the other person is able to anticipate with some accuracy what your wonts are ...but still they do not know you as well as you know yourself
  • I bring this up really to speak to and about people who portend to have a knowing relationship with you, people who attempt to anticipate your intent and complex dynamics of that sort of relationship and it is really a complex thing, you see when you have a relationship with someone (and by a relationship I mean friendship / couples / parent-child / colleagues, etc, any type of relationship) you are vested in their happiness and you do not want to do anything to upset them, so, in instances when they try to anticipate your intentions to show how good their relationship is with you, you go with what they had anticipated, even though that might not necessarily be what you want, just not to upset them –
    Let me cite a pixy little example to make the point, now this example is not particularly weighty, just a little example to guide your thoughts to understand what I am saying.



  • Okay, so you are making your place feeling particularly parched and looking forward to a drink, you fancy a coke with plenty of ice in it, now the person waiting on the other end rightly anticipated that you might be thirsty and makes you a drink, this person knows you to be an avid coffee drinker so he/she makes you a nice warm cup of coffee, you get there and the person greets you with a nice warm coffee and a smile saying, “I thought you might be thirsty and I know how much you love coffee!” , now what do you do, you of course take the coffee, drink it and forget about the coke, you might even say something like “oh you know me so well!” .

  • Of course you did not want a coffee, you do not mind a coffee but fact is, that was not what you wanted, what you were in fact looking forward to was a nice glass of coke, so why then did you take the coffee instead and said nothing, I think you and I both know why .............

  • I know what you did last summer, I know you so well, it is like telepathy! Etc, there are these sort of relationships out there and by and large it is a good thing, where it often turns sour however is when it is unwarranted and unwanted.

  • “I know you think”, I don’t think that there are four other words, sequenced to form a sentence than that four word sequence - “I know you think” – four words, short sentence but I absolutely detest it, you see, often, nearly always, in fact virtually most of the time that short sentence is tooled up for political use, when somebody says to you “I know you think” it is almost guaranteed that what follows next is not at all what you think, it is either the direct opposite of what you think or more likely a thought that you never even gave consideration



  • You see, when people say “I know you think” they are not really saying what they necessarily think you think, (they may think it is what you think, they may not, it is really immaterial) what they are really doing is inviting you to contend a position, what they are saying to you is that that have taken a stance on a particular matter and they are inviting you to either contest their stance or yield, and there is often a price to pay whatever you choose to do – who pays that price is dependent on who outwits the other – so, really “I know you think” is effectively daggers drawn, nothing more than that, a political tool.

  • Yet it is necessary to allow people to anticipate your thoughts, this is how relationships are formed, if you form a relationship with someone then it necessarily has to be a consequence of that that the person is able to vouch for you to a degree and being able to vouch for you necessarily means that they have to be able to predict you to a degree.

  • I know what you did last summer – I know the sort of food that you like, I know what you like to drink. – I knew that you would like this .

It is a difficult one I tell you ...... a difficult one

Cryptogrind ............


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