Spirituality vs Hoax

in #spirituality6 years ago

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I keep constantly hearing around me how Spirituality is so importantly vital for us in order to transcend to the state of becoming eternal beings.

To a certain degree, this became somewhat even a pretty annoying trend and is even a fashionable thing now to come out and present yourself as you possess some expertise on this topic.

Usually I don’t like to be an adherent to what the majority thinks or practices, however, this time around I decided to make an exception and join the movement by coming up with my own version of what Spirituality actually means. 🙂


Indeed, that’s one of the interesting parts about it: it’s kind of unanimously recognized that our present society has a very big void and has disconnected itself from the true source by sacrificing its Spirituality, and yet there are so many people out there preaching so many versions of how a true Spirituality should look like. And to be honest, it’s quite captivating and even mind blowing to listen to and analyze each of these versions, trying to anticipate why a specific person would insist on a particular version, how the person’s background influences his/her choosing of a distinct version over another, is the person’s version based on a personal genuine consideration or hired to promote some subliminal propaganda etc…

But let’s take a step back and look at a bigger picture here: all throughout the history, the people in power (called sometimes the elite) tended to exert dominance over the rest of the population. And believe it or not, this is not a very easy task to perform; pretty much could be, as a matter of fact, the most difficult and insidious one, especially with the ever growing population — that’s why they dedicate a colossal amount of resources for achieving this diabolic purpose. It necessitates enormous physical and intellectual resources and probably stimulates their brains, hence they like it. Also in most of the cases, it requires them to go beyond their moral standards and principles, which, the way I see it, conflicts them with the Universe; and this is never an easy path.

And so, we see this happening all the time; and the most obvious one being through physical violence, clearly visible especially in earlier ages of our history. But the history also showcased that this is the most primitive, conspicuous and even stupid way of accomplishing it and is not reliable, long term and ultimately, not very efficient altogether.


Thus, they needed to put in place a more sophisticated and refined mechanism — and this is via Mind Control. It’s a very complex and multi-leveled dimensional cold-calculated matrix and I will not get into all of its aspects, just in one, which leads to Spirituality.

But don’t jump into conclusions just yet, I’m not denying the existence and the importance of the Spirituality; what I’m saying is that this is much deeper thing that we used to believe, because the one that is obvious and displayed out there is actually a Hoax designed to distance us even more from the original Spirituality so they can manipulate and control us easier. Because the moment we become true Spiritual beings, there is no way they can impose any influence upon us whatsoever anymore, because this is not the natural state of the energy in the Cosmos.

So what is going on, according to my perspective, first thing they try is to make you believe that you’re a very limited entity and without help from an external force, there is no way you can survive and succeed, nor should you dare to even let pass such thing for a single second through your mind. You should perpetually rely on an external force or entity to come help you and ultimately rescue you; there is no way you have the knowledge and the capability to be your own master and your own savior.

By implanting this in your thought process since the very early stages of your life when you still aren’t capable to think for yourself, they make sure that you grow with this inclination where you will never be able to think for yourself. By making this drastic modification, they change the very core of your desire to be a free, happy and Spiritual being.

This is put in place at all levels of our society: physical, intellectual and Spiritual. Starting with birth where they vaccinate you having the already brainwashed parents believe that chemical intoxication is what their child desperately needs.


Then, when you become just a little bit older and begin learning how to think and differentiate things, they have your already brainwashed parents sending you in these indoctrinated camps called schools to teach you and dictate you what your thought process and behavior should be and learn their manuals and prescribed books, because without them there is no way around you can adapt, survive and thrive in our robotic “civilization”. Then, when you become even older and start for the first time pragmatically thinking what future do you want for yourself, they send you in this high-respected brainwashing institutions called colleges and universities to definitively enslave you by tricking and urging you to go grab that diploma asap, because if you don’t do that — well, then the corporations will not want to accept and hire you to be their slave so you can work and live paycheck to paycheck till the end of your days; no, sorry, you will not be granted such privilege.


Ok, but let’s assume you kept your head above all this and proven to be not as stupid as they thought and now you succeeded in creating your own business, allocating your funds in investments and created for yourself a financial freedom. Wait a minute, that’s a problem; now you will have more time on your head and you might start again learning how to think for yourself; what?! That’s unacceptable!!!

So now, they come in front of you with the Mainstream Media, which isn’t there to inform you, but to program you so they can make you to believe what they want you to believe. But let’s assume that you are smarter that that and you don’t really believe what you hear on there, better off, you just stop watching that lying machinery and start learning how to obtain the information via your own means on your own terms. “What, are you kidding me? We can’t let that person do that!”


So, what happens now? Right, they have put in place for you our beloved Governments and Central Banks vertical of power so you feel safe, protected; they are here to act in your interest and whenever you want to do something, you must appeal to them because without them as the middle man, there is no way you can do it by yourself. Oh, and don’t worry about their intricate judicial system that they designed for you that even lawyers can’t figure it out properly, don’t beat your brain out in trying to debunk it; let them do the hard work and use it to [“legally”] put in jail people who they don’t see fit to be at liberty. Oh and just as a side note, did they tell you that they might put you in jail as well in case you don’t agree to be their slave? And don’t worry about taxation either, it’s for the greater good; see, they need to finance, fuel and maintain a lot of wars all around the world because this is the best thing for the humanity, not for their cartels alone.


But let’s say even at this stage you saw right through it and said “you know what: this is bs, I’m not playing this idiotic game and I don’t believe a single word”. “Well ok, we saw this coming, that’s why we created the Religion for you, our dear citizen”.

Now they try to keep you occupied once again with yet another thing stating that Religion is the most important ingredient for your Spirituality; and don’t worry that you have to entirely become dependent on an external force, nothing too bad can happen except that you only are going to be disconnected from the Infinite Wisdom and you will never be truly happy since your genuine source of happiness should come from inside yourself, not from any other external “divine” source. You absolutely don’t need to know that the God is You and You are the God, instead you should blindly and categorically be convinced of the fact that only a force from exterior is capable to make you happy. And never, at any point, you should admit even for a moment that you can save yourself; you’re nobody and nothing and without an external force you simply can’t exist and function.


In this way, they perform a very painstakingly calculated system to take away from you the ability to think for yourself and then present you with their alternative of the Spirituality which is a Hoax, since you’re already propagandized on a subconscious level and are tilted to accept it and they can continue manipulating you the way they like.

That’s basically my take on this matter and I evidently realize that a lot of people would severely disagree with my outlook, but that’s natural since the majority, at this point in history, are under the elite’s heel. But who knows, perhaps I’m naive and delusional, and my reasoning is completely based on subjective premises without having any grain of common sense. Well, I guess that’s a thing we’ll never find out for sure, including myself; and that’s beautiful.

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