LIL: [ENG/DEU] Chairs & Benches for the LMAC Community & When You Write About CryptoCompany or Design Images

in Let's Make a Collage3 months ago
Authored by @PowerPaul



For today's contribution to the Let's Make a Collage Library, I have prepared 9 renderings of several chairs and benches from the main game. This completes the tables from the past 2 days and we can move on to other things in the coming days. Although... I still have a bed from this design line...

As always: all objects and images are created by me (@PowerPaul) with care, love and by hand. You can use this material (and more) for free under the public domain rules. Read more below in this post.

With this action I like to:

Support the Hive Blockchain & LMAC community and their activities.
Provide graphic material to fans & supporters of CryptoCompany when they like to write about their activities with CryptoCompany.
Support the game and service development and providing by generating a further income.
Promote CryptoCompany and its doings.

Learn more about Let's Make a Collage (LMAC):

Let's Make a Collage is a contest series, where you create collages - of course in best case (but not necessary) with image material from the Hive community, which you can find in the LMAC Image Library. If you want to participate in these contests, you can visit the LMAC community on the Hive Blockchain to see actual contest or the artwork of other participants.

Learn more about LMAC Image Library (LIL):

If you like to submit raw material for the LMAC Image Library (Link to the website/library), which other Hivians can use for their artwork, you should check out the page itself. There you should find all needed links and information on the website.

Learn more about CryptoCompany:

Voting Service, the most playful way of delegating Hive Power via "Delegation Dynasty 2", the info service "Hunt For HiveCryptoCompany Hive community or the CryptoCompany Discord or visit the official website

CryptoCompany (@cryptocompany) develops games & services to engage you with the Hive Blockchain in a fun & playful way. Beside the development of the main game "CryptoCompany CEO", a 3rd person experience in a tropical island world where the player can interact with Hive contents and projects in a 3D world, CryptoCompany already developed its first mini game, called Bro Bang (@brobang), a very rewarding ", the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool and much more. If you like to learn more about CryptoCompany, it is recommended to follow @cryptocompany, join the

LIL contributions from CryptoCompany | YOU can use it:

There is a big amount of items I created for CryptoCompany and I will try to add new content to the database on a regular basis.

cryptocompany in their database. You can use, modify or adapt the materials in the LIL free as Public Domain content, without restrictions.

By using this materials, especially in a LMAC contest, you support my and CryptoCompany's doings in a very direct way and I would be very thankful for that. If you have any wishes or needs what I should add to the database, please write me a comment and maybe I can add what you need.

You can find all contributions by CryptoCompany in the LIL when you visit or search for

Contribution for the LIL today:

Images in 2048 x 2048 pixels, rendered in Blender with 50mm focal length.


Für den heutigen Beitrag für die Let's Make a Collage Library habe ich 9 Renderings mehrerer Stühle und Bänke aus dem Hauptspiel vorbereitet. Damit komplementieren wir die Tische der vergangenen 2 Tage und können uns die kommenden Tage wieder anderen Dingen zu wenden. Wobei... ich hätte noch ein Bett aus dieser Designlinie...

Wie immer: alle Objekte und Bilder sind von mir (@PowerPaul) mit Sorgfalt, Liebe und von Hand erstellt. Du kannst dieses Material (und mehr) kostenlos unter der Public Domain Regelung verwenden. Lesen dazu weiter unten in diesem Beitrag.

Mit dieser Aktion beabsichtige ich:

Unterstützung der Hive Blockchain & LMAC Community, sowie deren Aktivitäten.
Bereitstellung von Bildmaterial für Fans & Unterstützer der CryptoCompany, wenn sie über ihre Aktivitäten mit der CryptoCompany schreiben möchten.
• Die Entwicklung und Bereitstellung meiner Spiele und Dienste, indem diese Beiträge ein kleines Einkommen generieren.
Werbung für CryptoCompany und seine Aktivitäten machen.

Lerne mehr über Let's Make a Collage (LMAC):

Let's Make a Collage ist eine Wettbewerbsreihe, bei der man Collagen erstellt – natürlich im besten Fall (aber nicht notwendig) mit Bildmaterial aus der Hive-Community, das man in der LMAC Image Library finden. Wenn Du an diesen Wettbewerben teilnehmen möchtest, kannst Du die LMAC-Community auf der Hive-Blockchain besuchen, um den aktuellen Wettbewerb oder die Kunstwerke anderer Teilnehmer zu sehen.

Lerne mehr über die LMAC Image Library (LIL):

Wenn Du Rohmaterial für die LMAC Image Library (Link zur Website/Bibliothek) einreichen möchtest, whelches andere Hivianer für ihre Kunstwerke verwenden können, sollten Du Dir die Seite selbst ansehen. Dort findest Du alle nötigen Links und Informationen über die Website.

Lerne mehr über CryptoCompany:

Voting-Service; eine spielerischste Art, Hive Power zu delegieren, namens Delegation Dynasty 2 und der Informationsdienst "Hunt For HiveCryptoCompany Hive-Community beizutreten oder den CryptoCompany Discord bzw. die offizielle Website zu besuchen.CryptoCompany (@cryptocompany) entwickelt Spiele und Dienste, um auf unterhaltsame und spielerische Weise mit der Hive-Blockchain zu interagieren. Neben der Entwicklung des Hauptspiels „CryptoCompany CEO“, einem 3rd-Person-Erlebnis in einer tropischen Inselwelt, in dem der Spieler mit Hive-Inhalten und -Projekten in einer 3D-Welt interagieren kann, hat CryptoCompany bereits sein erstes Minispiel namens Bro Bang (@brobang) entwickelt. Hinzu kommt ein sehr lohnender ", sowie den CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool und vieles mehr. Wenn Du mehr über CryptoCompany erfahren möchtest, empfehlen ich, @cryptocompany zu folgen, der

LIL Beiträge von CryptoCompany | DU kannst es nutzen:

Es gibt eine große Anzahl von Beiträgen, die ich für CryptoCompany erstellt habe, und ich werde versuchen, der Datenbank regelmäßig neue Inhalte hinzuzufügen.

Du kannst alle Beiträge von CryptoCompany in der LIL finden, wenn Du besuchst oder in der Datenbank nach cryptocompany suchst. Du kannst die Materialien in der LIL als gemeinfreie Inhalte ohne Einschränkungen verwenden, verändern oder anpassen.

Durch die Verwendung dieser Materialien, insbesondere in einem LMAC-Wettbewerb, unterstützen Du meine und CryptoCompany's Aktivitäten in einer sehr direkten Art und Weise und ich wäre Dir dafür sehr dankbar. Wenn Du irgendwelche Wünsche oder Bedürfnisse hast, was ich der Datenbank hinzufügen sollte, schreiben mir bitte einen Kommentar und vielleicht kann ich hinzufügen, was Du brauchst.

Mein Beitrag für die LIL heute:

Bilder in 2048 x 2048 Pixel, gerendert in Blender mit 50mm Brennweite.

Chair 01 (Pic 1) from the game CryptoCompany CEO cryptocompany, chair, furniture, brown, yellow, wood, wooden, game, png, transparency, digital, digitalart
Chair 01 (Pic 2) from the game CryptoCompany CEO cryptocompany, chair, furniture, brown, yellow, wood, wooden, game, png, transparency, digital, digitalart
Chair 02 (Pic 1) from the game CryptoCompany CEO cryptocompany, chair, furniture, brown, yellow, wood, wooden, game, png, transparency, digital, digitalart
Chair 02 (Pic 2) from the game CryptoCompany CEO cryptocompany, chair, furniture, brown, yellow, wood, wooden, game, png, transparency, digital, digitalart
Chair 03 (Pic 1) from the game CryptoCompany CEO cryptocompany, chair, furniture, brown, yellow, wood, wooden, game, png, transparency, digital, digitalart
Chair 03 (Pic 2) from the game CryptoCompany CEO cryptocompany, chair, furniture, brown, yellow, wood, wooden, game, png, transparency, digital, digitalart
Chair 03 (Pic 3) from the game CryptoCompany CEO cryptocompany, chair, furniture, brown, yellow, wood, wooden, game, png, transparency, digital, digitalart
Bench 03 (Pic 1) from the game CryptoCompany CEO cryptocompany, bench, furniture, brown, yellow, wood, wooden, game, png, transparency, digital, digitalart
Bench 03 (Pic 2) from the game CryptoCompany CEO cryptocompany, bench, furniture, brown, yellow, wood, wooden, game, png, transparency, digital, digitalart

you like what you see


Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day & stay healthy!
See you later in the comments &
make the best out of the your time!

Jetzt bleibt mir nur noch zu sagen... Genießen den Tag & bleibe gesund!
Bis später in den Kommentaren &
mache das Beste aus deiner Zeit!



You like to be informed or support CryptoCompany or PowerPaul?
Check out the posts from the CryptoCompany universe within the last 7 days:

[ENG/DEU] "CCD Repurchase & Burn" #7 | 24 Hours to Go! Vote This Post & Boost Your Token!@cryptocompany |
LIL: [ENG/DEU] Table 05 for the LMAC Community & When You Write About CryptoCompany or Design Images@cryptocompany |
[ENG/DEU] The CryptoCompany Voting Service is open again@cryptocompany |
[ENG/DEU] Bro Bang Event 21 is over, 22 has started + EVENT & SEASON RANKINGS@brobang |
[ENG/DEU] "CCD repurchase & burn" #6 | The first buyback is approaching! Vote this post & boost your token!@cryptocompany |
Quick 🎄 Christmas 🎄 Update on what I have been 💪 Supporting @ CryptoCompany CEO 🔥 Project@forykw |
[ENG/DEU] NEWS, UPDATE, REMINDER: What Is CCD & What You Can Do with Your CCD in the Best Use Case + ...@cryptocompany |
[ENG/DEU] "CCD repurchase & burn" #5 | The cash register is filling up! Vote this post & boost your token!@cryptocompany |
LIL: [ENG/DEU] Table 04 for the LMAC Community & When You Write About CryptoCompany or Design Images@cryptocompany |
[ENG/DEU] "CCD repurchase & burn" #4 | Quote: "Let's make CCD .001 again!" Vote this post & boost your token!@cryptocompany |
LIL: [ENG/DEU] Wooden Boat 01 for the LMAC Community & When You Write About CryptoCompany or Design I...@cryptocompany |
[ENG/DEU] Today I would like to give you something that you may have lost@powerpaul |
LIL: [ENG/DEU] Ship "Bronno" for the LMAC Community & When You Write About CryptoCompany or Design Ima...@cryptocompany |
[ENG/DEU] "CCD repurchase & burn" #3 | Great progress so far! Vote this post & boost your token!@cryptocompany |
[ENG/DEU] Let's Find, Promote and Use Comment Commands!@powerpaul |
[ENG/DEU] "CCD repurchase & burn" #2 | First rewards pending! Vote this post & boost your token!
LIL: [ENG/DEU] 4 Blimps for the LMAC Community & When You Write About CryptoCompany or Design Images@cryptocompany |
[ENG/DEU] What about the CryptoCompany office?@powerpaul |
[ENG/DEU] "CCD repurchase & burn" #1 | We begin to buy & burn! Vote this post & boost your token!@cryptocompany |
[ENG/DEU] Due to the high demand: Pause for new entries in the voting service for the rest of the week + GREAT...@cryptocompany |


Great designs.

Jewish History GIF by Hello All


[@PowerPaul:] Thank you buddy! Yes, the design is "okay" for the need in a low poly game, I would say. Critical as always... I am glad we passed this furniture stuff for now and can go on to other stuff... ;-)

Merry Christmas & Hive on! Thank you for your great support!



What do you call a row of people lifting a giant mozzarella?
A cheesy pickup line.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@edgerik, I sent you an

[@PowerPaul:] Nooooooo! I have forgotten to add @lmac as 20% beneficiaries like it's needed.... Noooooooo! Shame on me...

Hi @cryptocompany,

Thank you for your contribution to the #LIL.

Please make yourself familiar with our submission rules as explained in the initial LIL announcement.

Please note that we ask all contributors to set the @lmac account as 20% beneficiary in their contribution posts. This allows us to provide attractive community prizes and secures you the support by our voting trail.

If you need further guidance on how to set beneficiaries, have a look at this great user tutorial here.

💬If you have further questions about the LMAC or the LIL please leave a comment or come right over to our dedicated Discord at:

📢 >>> <<< 📢


I am Lily, a little bot. My job is to support the moderators on their job.

But because I am brand new, I sometimes make mistakes.
If you think this comment was not justified please let the moderators know. You can contact the team on Discord, or by replying to this comment and mentioning one of the moderators.

I already recognized this (and commented this here, 5 seconds after publishing), before you wrote me. But sure the conditions triggered the bot anyway...


You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 ALIVE@cryptocompany! to your account on behalf of @edgerik.

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