PostsCommentsPayoutscrishecas (42)in #writing • 7 years agoNATURAL MEDICINEFUENTEFor many generations and since man has reason use have used plants to produce medicine and thus cure and reduce diseases in a very natural way.crishecas (42)in #writing • 7 years agoMEDICINA NATURALFUENTEPor muchas generaciones y desde que el hombre tiene uso de razon han utlizado las plantas para para producir medicina y asi curar y disminuir enfermedades de una forma muy natural.crishecas (42)in #writing • 7 years agoPAPAYA BEATFUENTEThis delicious and juicy fruit should consume the people who suffer from constipation, all you have to do is get a ripe papaya, chop it and liquefy it with a little water…crishecas (42)in #writing • 7 years agoBATIDO DE PAPAYAFUENTEEsta deliciosa y jugosa frutala debemos consumir las personas que suframos de estreñimiento, lo unico que deben hacer es conseguir una papaya madura, picarla y licuarla con…crishecas (42)in #writing • 7 years agoWISDOM TOOTHFUENTEThey are called that way because when they are about to leave they always generate a terrible pain, and that is because they are the last to leave in most cases do not have…crishecas (42)in #writing • 7 years agoLA MUELA DEL JUICIOFUENTE Son llamadas asi por que cuando estan por salir simpre generan un dolor espantoso, y eso se debe a que como son las ultimas en salir en la mayoria de los casos no tienen…crishecas (42)in #photography • 7 years agoCLASSIC AIRCRAFTFUENTEcrishecas (42)in #photography • 7 years agoAVIONETA CLASICAFUENTEcrishecas (42)in #writing • 7 years agoThe rooster and the catFUENTE Once there are two friendly animals of different races, a cock and a cat, both were crossing a bridge when the cat catches a false step and steps on a damaged table and…crishecas (42)in #writing • 7 years agoTHE SEMAFOROSFUENTE In a very strange situation two people are talking, but you know what one of them tells the other, my brother, do not look at me, I'm changing. I hope you liked it, and…crishecas (42)in #writing • 7 years agoLOS SEMAFOROSFUENTE En una situacion muy extraña dos semafors estan conversando, pero usted sabe que es lo que uno de elos le dice al otro, olle mi hermano no me mires que me estoy…crishecas (42)in #writing • 7 years agoLA LECCION EN EL COLEGIOFUENTE estan todos atentos a la clase y llega el profsor y les dice, muchachos acuerdensen que todo hombre inteligente siempre tiene duda, encambio los tontos se las creen…crishecas (42)in #writing • 7 years agoTHE REVENGEFUENTE Who knows because people who suffer from diabetes can not do any kind of revenge, nobody, nobody. because the VENGEANCE IS SWEET. anyone or understands is very good…crishecas (42)in #writing • 7 years agoLA VENGANZAFUENTE Quien sabe porque las personas que sufren de diabetes no pueden hacer ningun tip de venganza, nadie, nadie. pues porque la VENGANZA ES DULCE. cualquiera o entiende es…crishecas (42)in #writing • 7 years agoA GREAT VELORIOFUENTE One day at work the boss asks his secretary, I ask you what he is doing here, because he is not at his mother-in-law's wake, and Pedro answers him, first thing first, first job and then fun.crishecas (42)in #writing • 7 years agoUN GRAN VELORIOFUENTE Un dia en el trabajo la jefe le pregunta a su secretario, pedro usted que hace aqui trabajndo, por que no esta en el velorio de su suegra, y pedro le contesta, jefe…crishecas (42)in #writing • 7 years agoTHE ELEFENTES LARGE ANIMALSFUENTE When we talk about elephants we mean very large animals capable of doing anything in a panic situation, there is a myth that is attributed to elephants and supposedly…crishecas (42)in #writing • 7 years agoLOS ELEFENTES GRANDES ANIMALESFUENTE Cuando hablamos de elefantes nos referimos a animales muy grandes capaces de hacer cualquier cosa en una situacion de panico, hay un mito que se les atribuye a los…crishecas (42)in #writing • 7 years agoLOS ELEFENTES GRANDES ANIMALESFUENTE Cuando hablamos de elefantes nos referimos a animales muy grandes capaces de hacer cualquier cosa en una situacion de panico, hay un mito que se les atribuye a los…crishecas (42)in #writing • 7 years agoKNOWING SLOVAKIAFUENTE The cuisine of Slovakia, in very cold weather conditions, and for that reason the meat and food were eaten much more, and during the autumn they harvested the cabbage…