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Go to Part 2 - 6 minute read
Go to Part 3 - 5 minute read
Go to Part 4 - 5 minute read
Go to Part 5 - 4 minute read
Go to Part 6 - 6 minute read
Go to Part 7 - 8 minute read
The storm swirled around the ship. Zalmo had fastened a rope to himself and to the mast.
Baelerwyn remained loose on his feet. He felt the ship climb and dip under him and rode it well. Still, the dark clouds and hurling rain greatly limited his sight.
A bolt of lightning streaked through the sky and the Feir'Dal was the first of the three to lay eyes on Him. Its long white snake-like body arced and dove through the waves alongside the schooner. It was fast. Baelerwyn slid effortlessly across the deck and caught the mast. He grabbed Zalmo, lifted him from the deck, and sliced through the rope tethering him to the mast. "Get the dwarf! He's here!"
Zalmo nodded with terror in his eyes. The little gnome clamored down the staircase.
Malphus was already rising slowly. "Can't say I like how you two are driving the boat."
The soaked gnome gasped for breath, "Baelerwyn said--"
The ship leaned to one side. The gnome and the dwarf braced themselves against the walls as a serpentine roar echoed.
Malphus looked grim. "So. He's finally come."
Baelerwyn leapt and swung himself by the ropes to keep track of which side of the boat the beast would hit next. Another bolt of lightning illuminated the head diving down towards the right side of the ship.
Malphus stepped onto the deck, armored, cloaked, and war hammer in hand.
Baelerwyn yelled at the top of his lungs, "Starboard side!"
Beneath the waves, the creature's tail pounded against the ship's creaking wood. The schooner all but rolled over. The deck reverted back as the ship skipped and crashed over another wave.
Malphus let himself slide along the deck as his hands clutched the passing ropes. He steadied himself next to Baelerwyn. The rain stung them mercilessly, but Malphus noticed something on the wood elf he had not seen in a very long time. Not a smirk, but an open mouthed smile.
The insane bastard was having fun. He spoke into the dwarf's ear. "You know, I heard you gave me quite the compliment below deck."
Malphus looked at him unamused. "What?"
"Something about my being invincible?"
"It was more of a complaint."
"To each his own, master dwarf."
The ship's frame rumbled as it pitched to the opposite side.
"If we let that thing kick us around much longer he's going to find a wave big enough to sink us. After that we're fish food. What say you put some of your witty remarks to good use, and see if you can't get the whelp to join us on deck."
Zalmo yelled from the stern of the ship, "I saw the tail! Port side, I believe!"
"Well done Zalmo!" Malphus waved. Baelerwyn dove into the water off the port side with the mast rope in hand. Malphus's head whipped as the elf disappeared overboard. He dove in turn to grab a hold of the twine attached to the mast. He pulled with all his might.
Baelerwyn's senses focused. Underwater was much more serene. He saw the white 40-foot body of the Stalker roll within the murky blue. Its tail gained momentum to uncoil in the elf's direction. It collided with the keel only a couple of feet shy of squishing him into the bottom of the boat. The polished granite tomahawk flickered in the vision of the Stalker and he made out the figure of the elf.
Baelerwyn's axe bit into the dragon's tail. The Stalker's mouth opened revealing enormous snake-like fangs. It launched itself towards the dal who was looking right back with his elbows cocked flapping like a chicken.
The ship rolled starboard side in the waves, and the elf was lifted out of the charging reptile's view. The fiend couldn't stop itself fast enough and hit the keel, rolling the ship further.
Malphus fell onto his back with the rope in his hand.
Baelerwyn clamored up the side and crashed on deck. He continued to slide and fall into Malphus. The two were headed over the other side.
The ship evened out just in time and washed them back to the center mast. Baelerwyn coughed up some sea water, "I think I got his attention."
"Next time you do that, elf, make sure he swallows you. And bury that axe deep!"
"Sacrifice myself so that you can have a fishing trophy? Never."
The sea dragon exploded from the waves onto the deck like a giant wriggling worm. The two clinging to the mast ducked as its tail flicked out against the wooden pillar. It recoiled and shot forward head-first.
The ship rocked to one side as Malphus spun away and swung his weapon. The fangs missed the dwarf by a hair as his war hammer connected with its jaw. The monster hollered in pain as it slithered over the starboard side. Baelerwyn caught Malphus just before he went over the port side.
"Well done."
Malphus wanted to shout back, but checked himself. "Thanks."
Another shrill roar blanketed the sky. The two warriors looked up to find the sea dragon sailing high over the ship. The end of its tail coiled and pulled the mast behind it, tipping the ship until the mast itself splintered. The creature lost its grip and disappeared back into the stormy waters. The sail was demolished. The upper third of the mast bent crooked.
Zalmo puked for a second time onto the slippery deck. He was doing well staying aboard, but that was all he was doing. The wood elf and the dwarf seemed to have luck's favor, however, even that had its limits. The scaly behemoth was tearing the ship apart. The waves hadn't calmed a bit. It was only a matter of time before their last night in Norrath would come to an end. The two warriors before him fought with all their hearts. They had taken the opportunity to put every bit of their souls to the test, never minding if they'd see the light of another day. And for that they were a spectacle to behold. It was time to see what fate held in store for himself.
To be continued...

I am loving this story, it has action and a good plot, I will continue reading you...
Right on @iamsaray ! Next part will be up today.
So glad to see that Curie has found you. :-)
You managed to describe a huge adventure. I enjoy your plot and I like how you make the story more exciting with every sentence. It makes me want to read more and more. Well done!
Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!
Thank you @delishtreats. Wonderful compliment! I try to impart a "sense of urgency", hence, fast fiction.
Hi cosimo,
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Thanks again @curie. :)
The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!Hello @cosimo, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine.