A year ago

in Weekend Experiences11 months ago

Since this morning, I have been thinking about whether or not I would write a post today about what I experienced a year ago. I was more inclined to write about how these days I have been celebrating life with my family and my closest friends. It is always a good day to celebrate life but even more so when we celebrate a year of a second chance in life. For me, the second chance was a year ago. But then, I saw the theme of this weekend's engagement and I thought, maybe it was a coincidence or a signal to write about what happened to me a year ago.

A year ago. It was Friday, November 25th. In those days my mother was staying at home with us after having suffered a fall, in which she broke her arm. So that Friday morning, I was doing what I needed to do to help her get ready to bathe, but I didn't feel well. I had a tightness in my chest. At first, I thought maybe it was gas or maybe stress. But the pain became more acute and started to radiate to my arm. A little worried I took my blood pressure and I recall that I had it high in 17. So I told my husband, that day he was working from home. My mother heard that I wasn't feeling well and immediately started to say that I had to go immediately to the emergency room. After what she had experienced with my father, who for many years suffered from heart disease and had two heart attacks. my mother's alarm bells went off. At that moment, I was a bit scared too, so my husband took me to the hospital.


This photo is from the hallway of the hospital where I was hospitalized.
Coincidentally, I had taken it a few days before I was admitted while visiting my brother-in-law, who had surgery.

So we went to the hospital, which fortunately was not far from home, because already on the way there I was sure that I was about to have a heart attack. When we arrived at the emergency room, I felt like an elephant was squeezing my chest, but the first electrocardiogram they did showed no signs of a heart attack. By that time, we had already called a doctor, a cardiologist, friend of the family, who soon arrived.

When the cardiologist arrived, my electrocardiogram was already altered. It was a frightening few hours. And for the first time in my life, I thought I was going to die. They gave me morphine for the pain, and after a while, they took me for a catheterization.

I have vague memories of that moment. I was sedated. I was in pain and very cold. I was shivering from the cold while lying on the stretcher in the hemodynamics room while they were preparing me for the intervention. But at some point, I lost consciousness.

When I woke up, I had the feeling that not much time had passed. They were taking me on a stretcher to the ICU. I had the feeling that something was not right. I still had the discomfort in my chest. When they let my husband in and I saw his face my suspicions that something was wrong were confirmed. My heart attack had been caused by two blood clots blocking two arteries. Nothing could been done during the catheterization and I almost died during the procedure. My health condition was critical. The treatment was to inject anticoagulants in the hope that they would dissolve the clots but the prognosis for my condition was guarded. They would wait 48 hours to do another catheterization and see if the treatment had any results.

These days, I have been thinking about what I felt in those moments. Incredibly, I was much calmer than those around me. I had no fear or anxiety, but I was very concerned about my son. He was not with us because he was studying abroad. And I was very distressed to think that he was alone and anxious. I remember I asked the doctor to let me call him to talk to him so he could hear my voice even when it was forbidden in the ICU, and they let me.

That first night in the ICU I was still with chest pain. I remember the doctor on call kept coming up to me to ask if the pain was subsiding, but I remember that until I fell asleep I still had chest discomfort. The next morning when I woke up, the pain was gone. I saw the relief on the faces of the doctors. That I had no chest pain was a good sign. The treatment seemed to be working.

I spent that weekend in the ICU, and on Sunday, around noon, I was taken back to hemodynamics for a catheterization. On that occasion, I was not sedated or anesthetized for the procedure, and I will never forget the laughter and cheers of the doctors when they saw that there was no trace of the clots. That day, I was born again.


Hubby and I ready to go home when I was discharged from the hospital.

I spent a few more days in the hospital while my treatment was changed from injected anticoagulants to pills. For six months, I was taking warfarin and having regular check-ups of my coagulation.

A year later, I feel good. I have completely changed my eating habits and exercise regularly.


In one of the recent hikes I usually do to exercise.

I try to take it easy, even if I don't always succeed. I never miss a chance to tell my loved ones how much I love them. I try to enjoy life every day. And I am very grateful to have another chance at life.

This is my response to the Weekend Engagement writing topics for this week. Thank you for reading!

All images and writing are my own unless otherwise stated.

© CoquiCoin

November 26, 2023

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A virtual hug. I was impressed by your post because I could imagine every moment. When you tell about the doctors' applause, I smiled. And you are right, life is a gift to celebrate and it is better not to miss opportunities to have a good time or tell and show someone how important he/she is or how much you love him/her.

Thank you @nanixxx

Yes, life, even though it throws us curve balls from time to time, is a gift that we have to enjoy. When you see yourself on the edge of the abyss and think you might die it is as if the movie of your life is presented before your eyes and at that moment you realize what is really important. Sometimes we pay attention and stress over so many things that at the end of the day are not important.

Have a wonderful week. Abrazos

It's those things in life remebering us, to love and celebrate every given minute, to rethink what of all these needless stuff we always think about is worth to worry, isnt it?
I am happy you're doing well and your heart is still beating for the people and things you love

Hello, dear Beeber!
Thank you ♡
It's like that. We waste so much time worrying about things that at the end of the day are irrelevant. It´s not worth it at all.
How do you feel? How are you doing? You have been very quiet lately. I hope all is fine.
I send you a big hug 🤗

Hi dear ❤️ Yes doing okay, although the story still goes on... Started to deeply change things in my life, one of them was reducing too much online time and stress wich came with it.
Feel hugged too !LUV

That's a good decision. I am also trying to reduce my online time.
We have to take things slower.
❤️❤️ !HUG

Dear @beeber, you just got hugged.
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@beeber sent you LUV 🙂 (1/5)

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Isn't it funny how an event like this can change our perspective on life? I did know this story but it's good to read it all at once. My sister had a heart attack in her late 30s for no reason anyone could find - it's more common in woman than I ever thought! It was definitely a life changing moment for her.

Wow, your sister was quite young when she had her heart attack. My father had his first heart attack when he was 39. Events like that definitely change our perspective on life.
Thank you, River ♡ Have a great week.

Happy heart birthday! I am so glad that you are well and, even though it's in cyberspace, to have you as a friend. Take care, Eli!

Gracias, Fiona!!!
I'm also glad to have you as a friend ♡ Take care and have a good week 🤗

The fact that the first diagnosis came out negative was risky on its own. It must have been really trying times for you. To think that such things just happen out of the blue.

I'm glad it was handled and that your body was susceptible to the anticoagulants and medication. You are amazing and take care🌼


Apparently, it's not that uncommon for the EKG to come back clear when you haven't had a heart attack yet but the symptoms are already there. I was very lucky, the heart attack happened while I was already in the hospital, otherwise, it would have been fatal.

Thank you, Wongi! Take care 🤗🌱

Big !HUG dear @coquicoin 🤗🥰🌺
Have a wonderful new week!

Gracias, Jackie 😊🌱
I hope everything is well with you. Have a great week 🤗

De nada @coquicoin
I’m well thank you. Just busy and again traveling until mid December. So busy times…
Thanks enjoy your week 🤗

Dear @coquicoin, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @littlebee4.

I recall when I first heard about your heart attack last year, you were already starting to recover but I did not know about the details. Thank goodness you were admitted to hospital so very early, and your mother's instinct were spot on. It doesn 't matter how old we are, our mother is always there for us.

Take care!

I was lucky that my mother was at home and insisted that I be taken to the hospital. Otherwise, I wouldn't be telling.

Thank you, Pauline. Hugs!

I'm so glad you wrote about your experience and shared the positive changes that you've done. I'm sure this will encourage someone and is good advice at the same time, we should not ignore symptoms, your Mom was wise! Importantly, we need to learn to listen to our bodies, and take action to improve our health, we're only givenm one chance after all! Well done Eli xxx

That's right, Lizzie. We must not ignore the wake-up calls our bodies give us. Big hugs and a good week to you 🤗.

After moments like that, we appreciate life even more... Thank you for sharing this experience, we must enjoy life and our family 🙏

That's right! We have to emphasize enjoying what is really important.
Thank you very much and have a great day :)

OMG, just a little discomfort in my chest and I'm already in panic but, you, gosh! I think if you panic, the pain will get worse, I'm not really sure but just a guess. And good thing you are with someone that time and you were able to admit in the hospital immediately. I remember my Mom, she has a stroke and her blood pressure went up to 240, she said that time the whole house was spinning. Thanks heaven she survived that.

And so that's how you started your healthy lifestyle? That's good, if we want to live more, we should really take care of our body while we still can.

I'm glad your mother survived. She must take good care of herself now.
After that scare, I changed my eating habits. Modern life and the food industry have flooded us with so much food that is not the most suitable for our health, so if we want to have good health, we have to learn and change our habits.

Have a nice week 🤗

Hello dear friend @coquicoin good morning

I am very sorry for what you had to go through, those moments of anguish, especially for your son who is abroad.

It's good that your mother was home, and with her experience, she set off the alarm that made her go to the doctor.

I know what it feels like when life gives you another chance, this last year has been for me a constant discovery of conditions to face, and as you say, one tries to enjoy every moment and give the true value to life, in each opportunity to tell the people we love how much we love them

It makes me very happy to know that life has given you another chance and that you have changed your way of living healthier.

I take this opportunity to wish you a happy start to the week.

That's right @jlufer. Despite the circumstances we have to face, we should keep on going without forgetting to enjoy every moment that life gives us.
Have a good one, my friend!

Wow, it is a second chance and you have to appreciate it to the fullest, you just have to adjust to new lifestyles. My mom also had a heart attack, about 10 years ago and there she is, grateful to life for this second chance, and so are we. Take things slower and you will see that many more years of life await you. I wish you lots of health! 🤗

Thank you very much 😊
Blessings to you and your family. May God give you all good health, and my best wishes to your mother.

Ah I remembered about this when you shared that fast! A year had passed already, glad to know you are doing well these days, heart attack was indeed a traitor type.

Hehe, I hope you are eating well too, I mean the nutritious one and good for the health 😁

Now I eat very healthy. So much so that I have lost weight unintentionally, hehe. I hope you are also eating healthy. How are you feeling?

A hug big from Montalbán and I join you in celebrating life my friend @coquicoin!... What a story and what a scare!... Wow!... But the important thing is that you are now well and fully recovered for share with us at #Hive! ;)... Sending blessings to you, your husband and all the people close to you!... Happy week and thank you for sharing your experience!

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Thank you, dear friend. It was a huge scare, but thank God I am fine.
Big hugs and blessings to you and your family. 🤗


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That must have been a horrendous episode for you and your family. I'm so glad to hear that you are much better now.

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Dear @coquicoin, you just got hugged.
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Thank you, hoosie!
Your description is perfect. It was a horrendous episode. Thank goodness I was lucky and survived.


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