coccodema rebloggedarpuch (58)in Blockchain Gaming • 2 years agodCrops Beta Pack Opening and 100 CROP Giveaway!dCrops Beta Pack Opening and 100 CROP Giveaway!!coccodema rebloggedzottone444 (70)in LeoFinance • 2 years agoPGM's SANVALENTINE EVENT , share the love of PGM with everyone! ITA Hello everyone in the PGM community, today we are here to share PGM's Valentine's Day event , which with a few simple steps will allow you to win some prizes in…coccodema rebloggednftfrappe (68)in Olio di Balena • 2 years agoGIMMI GIVEAWAY - WIN COMMON - RARE - EPIC NFT (ENG/ITA) #8 - PASSIVE EARN NFT -ENG VERSION (Segue versione ITALIANA) Good morning Gimmi friends! Finally, we are on Wednesday and in addition to playing we are giving away some of our NFTs, today we…coccodema rebloggedlibertycrypto27 (80)Tutorial Masterin Olio di Balena • 2 years agodCrops: My end-of-Autumn operativeness + 35 Beta Pack Opened + My dCrops Halloween Celebration Rewards + My Winter Quests (ENG/ITA)Logo image owned by @dcrops - Edit by @libertycrypto27 - Font used is Open Source La versione in italiano è subito dopo la versione in inglese - The Italian version is…coccodema rebloggedbencwarmer (66)in Olio di Balena • 2 years agoRising Star Giveaway - Guess who?! #3(Segue versione italiana) Good evening Hivers, I'm leaving immediately, apologizing to all the participants, but unfortunately work and family commitments have prevented me…coccodema rebloggedlibertycrypto27 (80)Tutorial Masterin Olio di Balena • 2 years agoHow to maximize the land plots usage: My early fall strategy (ENG/ITA)Logo image owned by @dcrops - Edit by @libertycrypto27 - Font used is Open Source La versione in italiano è subito dopo la versione in inglese - The Italian version is…coccodema rebloggednftfrappe (68)in Olio di Balena • 2 years agoThe Number of NFTFRAPPE - DEC DISTRIBUTED - (ENG/ITA) #6ENG VERSION (Segue versione ITALIANA) Dear friends of Gimmi, today we are going back to analyzing some numbers of our fantastic Passive Earn NFT project. The usual…coccodema rebloggedbencwarmer (66)in Olio di Balena • 2 years agoRising Star Giveaway - Guess Who?! #1(Segue versione italiana) Hi all Musicians Hivers, It's been a while since we've had a contest and today I'd like to offer you one on RisingStar. It's the only blockchain game I can manage between workcoccodema rebloggedhivebuzz (74)in Word Cup 2023 • 2 years agoHiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Collect badges and win prizes - More than 7000 HIVE to winParticipate in the Hivebuzz World Cup Contest and try your luck to win lots of prizes.coccodema rebloggedmelinda010100 (78)in Shadow Hunters • 3 years agoShadow Hunters Contest- Round 232Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest-Round 232 Show Me A Shadow-Round 231 is now closed. Winners will be announced and rewards given within the next 24 hours. Thanks to everyone…coccodema rebloggedlibertycrypto27 (80)Tutorial Masterin Olio di Balena • 3 years agodCrops: Introduzione, Consigli e Strategie di Acquisto, Semina, Raccolta e Vendita (Guide Passo Passo) e Valutazione dei Casi di Acquisto dei pacchi Beta (ITA)Logo image owned by @dcrops - Edit by @libertycrypto27 - Font used is Open Source This post is also written in English --> English Version Introduction /…coccodema rebloggedrocinanteprimo (60)in Olio di Balena • 3 years agoArturo Battaglia: scrittore/investigatore 40 THE END…?Post 40 “Maledetti bastardi che state spiando la mia vita, vi auguro tutto il male che il mondo vi possa donare. Con quel muso di merda ti sei messo a curiosare tra le mie…coccodema rebloggedmelinda010100 (78)in Shadow Hunters • 3 years agoShadow Hunters Community Contest - Round 222Shadow Hunters Contest Show Me A Shadow-Round 221 is now closed. Winners will be announced and rewards given within the next 24 hours. Until we can rebuild our Hive…coccodema rebloggedrocinanteprimo (60)in Olio di Balena • 3 years agoArturo Battaglia: scrittore/investigatore 37 Il tentativo Post 37 I giorni passavano ed Elena, chiusa nel suo mutismo, non era accessibile a nessun tipo di dialogo. Decidemmo allora di fare qualcosa per smuovere un poco la…coccodema rebloggeddcrops (66)in Hive Gaming • 3 years agoReward NFTs - Ores and Materials Update is Live!As announced in our last post , from the current season onwards (Season #27), players will start receiving NFTs in addition to boosters when they open their reward chests from…coccodema rebloggedrocinanteprimo (60)in Olio di Balena • 3 years agoArturo Battaglia: scrittore/investigatore 33 Un nuovo entusiasmo Post 33 Risalii in camera, dopo nemmeno una mezz’ora arrivò il servizio in camera, Cecilia sonnecchiava ancora. Mi avvicinai, mi accostai al suo orecchio e le sussurrai che…coccodema rebloggedrocinanteprimo (60)in Olio di Balena • 3 years agoArturo Battaglia: scrittore/investigatore 32 Fare ordine Post 32 Dopo aver raccontato tutto a Cecilia andai a farmi una doccia, ci preparammo ed andammo a cena fuori. Scegliemmo un ristorante non troppo distante dall’albergo a…coccodema rebloggedrocinanteprimo (60)in Olio di Balena • 3 years agoArturo Battaglia: scrittore/investigatore 31 L’attesa Post 31 Ed anche l’indomani mattina arrivò. Un’altra notte di passione si immortalò tra me e Cecilia ma ancora nessuna telefonata era arrivata dal mio editore. Non ero…coccodema (63)in #ita • 3 years agoSotto la LunaRacconto già pubblicato in capitoli Il Sogno La Chiamata L'incontro La Stanza La Scoperta Foto di Artie_Navarre da Pixabay Il sole aveva lasciato…coccodema rebloggedneedleworkmonday (74)in NeedleWorkMonday • 3 years agoNeedleWork Your Jewelry for Mother’s Day! A NeedleWorkMonday Contest!Happy Monday Folks! We love putting on contests and challenges for our community especially for holidays and during special occasions. Sometimes it’s hard trying to plan the…Countdown terminated on May 3, 2022, 3:00 AM