chinesejapanese (38)in #cn • 8 years agoIs it really that important to raise people as swine?From Twitter : 【您脖子疼吗?】 看到这个图片,我流泪了…… 仿佛感觉到了,脖子疼痛。 因为,无时无刻,都感觉到孤独… 因为,醒悟孤独,没有认同的孤独。 这个社会不需要醒悟者? 这个国家不需要醒悟者?? 如果养猪真的重要??? 那么为什么会有人类诞生??? Translated: 【Does…chinesejapanese (38)in #ja • 8 years ago"Evil without rationale" cannot be attained.From Twitter : “理由無き悪”は成り得無い。 “理由無き善”は成り得る。 Translated: "Evil without rationale" cannot be attained. "Virtue without rationale" may be had. Translator Notes I…chinesejapanese (38)in #chinese • 8 years ago【船遇冰山】 In which class to you travel? 【Ship Meets Iceberg】From Twitter: 【船遇冰山】您在几等仓?头等舱旅客看到了撞冰山,正回房间整理东西准备转移;二等舱的感觉到了轻微撞击,正在问出了什么事;三等舱的还在喝酒睡大觉;四等舱的人正在导游带领下,赞叹船的伟大与壮观;五等舱的人正集体学习,讨论冰山的渺小,船长的英明领导。 Translated: 【Ship Meets…chinesejapanese (38)in #cn • 8 years agoNobel Prize Laurette Liu Xiaobo Dies at the Hands of Chinese CommunistsLiu Xiaobo is most widely remembered outside of China from the empty chair placed for him when awarded the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize in abstentia. After Liu's passing last…chinesejapanese (38)in #cn • 8 years ago"Chinese spout off about the custom of 'mores' at every turn."From Twitter: 中国人动辄讲规矩,西方人习惯讲规则。规矩与规则,一字之差,差之千里,规矩由强者制定让他人遵守;规则由大家协商、妥协后制定,大家共同遵守。 Translated: Chinese spout off about the custom of “mores” at every turn. Westerners…chinesejapanese (38)in #cn • 8 years ago"Chinese Communists Accomplished Three Things"From Twitter: 红二代的父辈们一共做了三件事。第一件:民国时收缴别人的合法财产分给自己和追随者;第二件:把追随者分到的财产收归国有;第三件:变着法瓜分国家财产。仅此而已,你们对国家民族没有半点贡献,只有巧取豪夺。 Translated: Together, the forefathers of second…chinesejapanese (38)in #cn • 8 years agoQing Dynasty in "Unequal Treaty": 1 oz. Silver per Head Owed to Foreign PowersJust before " The Last Emperor " was born China's Empress Dowager signed over a debt of 400 million oz. of silver to foreign powers: Austria-Hungary, Belgium, France, Germany…chinesejapanese (38)in #cn • 8 years ago"Chinese culture always serves the purposes of elites" -Lu XunFrom Twitter : 中国的文化,都是侍奉主子的文化,是用很多的人的痛苦换来的。无论中国人,外国人,凡是称赞中国文化的,都只是以主子自居的一部份。- LU Xun Translated: Chinese culture always serves the purposes of elites, made in…chinesejapanese (38)in #cn • 8 years ago"New High" on Taiwan: Self-Identify as "Chinese"China Times Poll results from local Taiwan newspaper: New high for self-identification as “Chinese”: 13%. Self-identify as “Taiwanese”: 80%. Also: 11% want to…chinesejapanese (38)in #cn • 8 years ago"Emergency Search" - 秀才江湖 WU Bin Feared to be Disappeared"Emergency Search" Appears that @xiucai1911 秀才江湖吴斌 got disappeared. Last heard from at 1:13pm on July 2, 2017. Information from tweet : 紧急关注寻人…chinesejapanese (38)in #cn • 8 years agoChinese Activist HU Jia Hospitalized 再次触发胆源性急性胰腺炎Activist HU Jia 胡佳 tweeted from hospital: 谢谢朋友们关心。6月29日软禁中因误食楼下便衣送来的油腻地三鲜,再次触发胆源性急性胰腺炎。这和肝硬化一样是在被失踪、被软禁和监狱服刑时落下的病根。目前禁食禁水住院治疗,有家人聘请的护工师傅照顾。力争早日康复,重归沙场。未来10天是为 #刘晓波 和 #刘霞…chinesejapanese (38)in #cn • 8 years agoOrgans harvested from two students in China, bodies dumped on the roadside.From Twitter : 湖南省衡阳县,取了2个学生的器官,取完后放在路边,中国!中国!中国!这就是共产党领导下的中国…… Translated: Organs harvested from two students in Hunan and bodies dumped on the roadside. China…chinesejapanese (38)in #ja • 8 years agoThere are people who are bothered by non-existence of enemies.From Twitter : 敵がいるから守る必要がある 敵がいないと困る人達がいる Translated: There is necessity to defend against the existence enemies. There are people who are bothered by non-existence of enemies.chinesejapanese (38)in #cn • 8 years ago摒弃期待明君、期待英雄 Do not hold out hope for enlightened leaders or for heroes.From Twitter : 身处兲朝盛世,要想活下去就得做到: 1、保持幽默 2、保持尊严 3、对赵家不抱希望 4、摒弃期待明君、期待英雄 5、每日 添一根稻草 Translated: To survive if stuck in the thriving #CelestialEmpire [兲朝 a.k.a.…chinesejapanese (38)in #cn • 8 years agoWhat pulls together too long must split apart... 合久必分分久必合From Twitter : 中国所谓的稳定,是因为中国过于庞大,中国即将动乱,还是因为过于庞大。合久必分分久必[合],这苦苦的汾酒,可能还得喝。 Translated: China is "stable" because it has grown outsized. And China is on the verge of…chinesejapanese (38)in #cn • 8 years agoRicky WONG on how to advance your career. 同事、主管雙方已有默契,跟著走From Twitter : 「有同事反映希望長期跟隨同一個主管,因為雙方已有默契,認為這是最好的組合,工作較暢順。其實,這就視乎同事認為自己能走得多遠,能有多大進步。」王維基 Translated: When an employee already shares inner vibes with a manager and…chinesejapanese (38)in #ja • 8 years ago体も実は借り物なんだ The only property one owns is one's spirit.From Twitter : 人間の持ち物は心だけ 体も実は借り物なんだ Translated: The only property one owns is one's spirit. And the body is actually just a borrowed item.chinesejapanese (38)in #cn • 8 years ago需要先考試才學會From Twitter: “Experience is a hard teacher. First comes the test, then the lesson.” Translated: 閱歷就是很兇的老師。需要先考試才學會。 說得也是。chinesejapanese (38)in #cn • 8 years agoBody Snatchers: 城管 "ChengGuan" beat entrepreneur to death on June 26, snatch corpse"Body snatchers" posted on Twitter: 湖南湘潭石谭6月26日城管打死一个做生意的女的,今天抢尸体火化的真实画面 Translated: Hunan #ChengGuan beat entrepreneur to death on June…chinesejapanese (38)in #cn • 8 years agoIf Taiwan does not spread democracy to Mainland China 大陆一定把专制带给台湾The following was tweeted in response to President TSAI Ing-wen's " full statement on #TiananmenMassacre in Chinese ": 台湾不把民主传递到大陆 大陆一定把专制带给台湾 没有中间地带 只是时间问题…