PostsCommentsPayoutschengho (43)in #tasteem • 7 years ago가장 매운 음식Mungkin lebih mungkin bahwa Korea akan menyediakan hidangan salvia dengan rasa pedas, melarikan diri dari kondisi iklim yang ada. Salah satu hidangan khas Korea dengan standar…chengho (43)in #tasteem • 7 years ago정골은 매우 안정적이다.이 정골은 일본 고유의 국수 모양의 샤브샤브입니다. 정몽은 일본 샤브샤브의 돈의 3 분의 1에 육류로 삶은 야채, 해산물 가공 및 기타 성분을 포함하고 있습니다. 또한 정골도 떡을 더했습니다. 모르는 사람들을 위해 떡은 쌀가루로 만든 한국 전통 음식입니다. 정골을 만들기 위해서는 모든 재료를 넣을 수있는 정몽추라는…chengho (43)in #tasteem • 7 years ago매우 아름다운 분위기맛집정보 Myeongdong 대한민국 서울특별시 중구 명동 퇴계로20길 35 매우 아름다운 분위기 이 글은 Tasteem 컨테스트 콕콕 찌르는 맛, 꼬치 요리 에 참가한 글입니다. 테이스팀은 무엇인가요?chengho (43)in #tasteem • 7 years agowedding cakeKue pengantin adalah kue tradisional yang disajikan di resepsi pernikahan setelah makan malam. Kehadiran kue pengantin di pesta bukan hanya hiasan pesta, tetapi juga sebagai…chengho (43)in #tasteem • 7 years agoCookies for Lebaran guestsKue kering adalah istilah yang sering digunakan untuk kue bertekstur keras namun renyah yang memiliki tingkat air yang sangat rendah karena dibuat dengan cara di oven. Kue kering…chengho (43)in #tasteem • 7 years agocookies for Lebaran guestsKue kering adalah istilah yang sering digunakan untuk kue bertekstur keras namun renyah yang memiliki tingkat air yang sangat rendah karena dibuat dengan cara di oven. Kue kering…chengho (43)in #tasteem • 7 years agoexcellent vanilla cakeini adalah kue vanila yang sangat bagus yang dibuat oleh anak desa Restaurant Information Suzuya Jl. Teuku Umar, Lamtemen Tim., Jaya Baru, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23232…chengho (43)in #tasteem • 7 years agocorn is very goodjagung sangat bagus Restaurant Information Acut kupi Jl. Line Pipa, Desa Mee, Meurah Mulia, Mns Me, Meurah Mulia, Kabupaten Aceh Utara, Aceh 24381, Indonesia corn…chengho (43)in #esteem • 7 years agoJasmine flowerungle radio belongs to aceh colonial period of Dutch donated for state purposes at that time * The largest natural gas output in the world is taken in aceh that is able to build…chengho (43)in #esteem • 7 years agoEnjoy in bechungle radio belongs to aceh colonial period of Dutch donated for state purposes at that time * The largest natural gas output in the world is taken in aceh that is able to build…chengho (43)in #esteem • 7 years agoVery poor life humaniyy in my cointryungle radio belongs to aceh colonial period of Dutch donated for state purposes at that time * The largest natural gas output in the world is taken in aceh that is able to build…chengho (43)in #esteem • 7 years agoSend fishungle radio belongs to aceh colonial period of Dutch donated for state purposes at that time * The largest natural gas output in the world is taken in aceh that is able to build…chengho (43)in #esteem • 7 years agoInsect in wild my photography macroungle radio belongs to aceh colonial period of Dutch donated for state purposes at that time * The largest natural gas output in the world is taken in aceh that is able to build…chengho (43)in #esteem • 7 years agoFishing in seaungle radio belongs to aceh colonial period of Dutch donated for state purposes at that time * The largest natural gas output in the world is taken in aceh that is able to build…chengho (43)in #esteem • 7 years agoSunset in my vilage monacoungle radio belongs to aceh colonial period of Dutch donated for state purposes at that time * The largest natural gas output in the world is taken in aceh that is able to build…chengho (43)in #esteem • 7 years agoPhotography flowerungle radio belongs to aceh colonial period of Dutch donated for state purposes at that time * The largest natural gas output in the world is taken in aceh that is able to build…chengho (43)in #esteem • 7 years agoFishing in beachungle radio belongs to aceh colonial period of Dutch donated for state purposes at that time * The largest natural gas output in the world is taken in aceh that is able to build…chengho (43)in #esteem • 7 years agoPhotography lampungle radio belongs to aceh colonial period of Dutch donated for state purposes at that time * The largest natural gas output in the world is taken in aceh that is able to build…chengho (43)in #esteem • 7 years agoBeautiful red flowerungle radio belongs to aceh colonial period of Dutch donated for state purposes at that time * The largest natural gas output in the world is taken in aceh that is able to build…chengho (43)in #esteem • 7 years agovenomous flowersungle radio belongs to aceh colonial period of Dutch donated for state purposes at that time * The largest natural gas output in the world is taken in aceh that is able to build…