PostsCommentsPayoutschainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 5 months agoCOMPLETE OBEDIENCEListen More Than You speak . Image_source You would be surprised how much you learn when you listen more than you speak. I know, two ears to listen, one mouth to…chainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 5 months agoTEST EVERY SPIRITTest Every Spirit I don't care how good a word sounds, test every spirit. No matter how accurate that word was, test every spirit. Image_source Beware Of False…chainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 5 months agoHow To Have Clear Prophetic Dreams From GodIf you always want to have clear prophetic dreams from God about matters of your life, then always do this before you go to bed at night. Image_source Are you aware that…chainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 5 months agoPray And Fast The Right WayYou notice that you find it difficult to pray whenever you are fasting because you feel so tired and weak because of the hunger you are feeling then this is what to do.…chainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 5 months agoGOD'S HAND IS UPON YOUR LIFE If you have ever prayed to God for a breakthrough before, and you had the breakthrough but you discovered that after a particular time that problem rose again and it was like…chainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 5 months agoThe Answer To Your Prayers Is Coming If you have been praying over a particular matter and you have not seen answers yet, then this is what God wants you to do. Image_source The spirit of a man is like a…chainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 5 months agoPRAY UNTIL YOU FIND PEACEIf you notice that, you still have this fear in your heart, even after praying over a particular matter, then this is what to do. Imaage_source Are you aware that in the…chainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 5 months agoPrayer Is Our Conversation With GodIf you always want to hear what God has to say to you, anytime you pray, then this is what to do. Image_source Anytime you pray, God is always speaking back to you.…chainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 5 months agoHow To Pray Without CeasingYou want to know how to pray without ceasing. Are you aware that in this kingdom we don't pray alone. By just speaking you can pray, by just keeping pictures or desires in your…chainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 6 months agoThe Dreams Of A SeerIf you have ever had a dream, where inside the dream you are aware that you are dreaming, then this is what to do. Image_source This is one sign that you are a very…chainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 6 months agoSPIRIT AT WORKYou have ever been in the place of prayers and suddenly you just started having this feeling that there are people in your room watching you as you are praying you turned around…chainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 6 months agoDon't Give The Devil A Place In Your LifeIf you have ever noticed an attack in your dream,despite your prayer and your fasting, then you need to do something. Image_source Are you aware that every first attack…chainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 6 months agoYour Spiritual Template Need To Be ChangedIf you notice that, you started finding it difficult to read your Bible and pray because of your very busy schedule. You know you really love God, but it's so difficult to create…chainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 6 months agoYou Pray To Secure Your RevelationsIf you have ever had a dream where God confirmed to you that something good was going to happen to you, maybe you saw in the dream that God is going to give you the job but at…chainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 6 months agoDO IT THE GOD WAYIf you have ever spoken in tongues before, then don't pray next time without doing this. Image_source Are you aware that whenever you speak in tongues, you are making…chainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 6 months agoDon't Be A Christian That Stands On One Leg OnlyIf you notice that, you find it easy to pray, but when it comes to reading and studying the Bible, you find it very difficult. Image_source Are you aware that building a…chainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 6 months agoYour Peace Shall Guide You Have you ever lost your peace over somebody you met for the first time? source You met this person, the person is trying to get close to you, but anytime you see the…chainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 6 months agoAll God Is Asking Is For You To Obey.Your life determines where you are in God. God has promised us many things. Image_source But what you have to understand is God is looking for a life of purity and a…chainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 6 months agoGod Is The Revealer Of All Good ThingsIf you have ever seen yourself in the dream doing something extraordinary that you have not done in real life before, for example, you see yourself preaching to thousands of people in the dream, you seechainanalyst (56)in The Kingdom • 6 months agoWhen It Is Not From GodWhenever you have a dream and you want to know if that dream is from God or just from your mind, then there are sign to note. Image_source Are you aware that God always leaves a witness in your heart that