PostsCommentsPayoutscayitus63 (61)in Shadow Hunters • yesterdayPerforated shadows on the stairs [Eng/Spa] Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest-Round 364English Version Good morning, beautiful Hive platform. Please accept my warmest greetings, which I extend to the #ShadowHunters community, and especially to the fabulous @melinda010100. Blessings to all.cayitus63 (61)in Freewriters • 3 days agoOld Order of Young Romantics/ Zapfic Monday (3/10/25) [Eng/Spa] Prompt this week "CLIQUE"Good afternoon wonderful people, here I am again participating in: This week "CLIQUE" : In ancient times, there existed an old order of elegant knights who were very attentive to beautiful ladies,cayitus63 (61)in Freewriters • 8 days agoA negative thought assails me / Zapfic Monday (3/6/25) Prompt: “stain" [Eng/Spa]Good afternoon dear people, greetings, participating in the This week: "Stain" It was a gloomy and sad night, when I decided to stain my thoughts and put an end to the torment that tormentedcayitus63 (61)in Shadow Hunters • 10 days agoShadows at the feet of the people [Eng/Spa] Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest-Round 363Good morning beautiful Hive platform, receive a cordial greeting, extending this greeting to the #ShadowHunters community, and to the spectacular @melinda010100... A big hug. Hoping also that you are havingcayitus63 (61)in Top Family • 15 days agoPrimer dìa en la casa de Las Agüitas hace 49 años [Spa/Eng]Buenas tardes entrañable plataforma de Hive y espléndida comunidad de #TopFamily, reciban mi más cordial saludo, hago extensivo de igual forma el caluroso saludo al colega y amigo @lanzjoseg y la formidablecayitus63 (61)in Top Family • 22 days agoCumpleaños Especial Años 80 /Jueves de TBT[Eng-Spn]Buenas tardes fabulosa plataforma de Hive, reciban mi más cordial saludo, el cual lo hago extensivo al colega y amigo @lanzjoseg y la formidable @ sacra97, complacido de estar nuevamente con ustedes encayitus63 (61)in Shadow Hunters • 27 days agoRelaxing and recreational shadows in the children's and youth park [Eng/Spa] Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest-Round 361Good afternoon dear Hive platform, please accept my warmest greetings, extending my greetings to the extraordinary community of #ShadowHunters, and to the lovely @melinda010100, for always supporting andcayitus63 (61)in Top Family • 29 days agoUn bello recuerdo de mis padres y hermana mayor con una antigua vecina[Spa/Eng]Buenas tardes grandiosa plataforma de Hive, reciban mi cordial saludo, en especial la maravillosa comunidad de #TopFamily, y hago extensivo el saludo al fabuloso @lanzjoseg y la formidable @sacrs97, uncayitus63 (61)in Healthy Bees • last monthMy younger sister Lisbeth's pre and post-operative process [Eng/Spa]Good afternoon, magnificent Hive platform, a fraternal greeting, I would also like to greet the #HealthyBees community, it is the first time I have posted here through this beautiful community, so I amcayitus63 (61)in Top Family • last monthUn dìa del trababajador muy especial[Spa/Eng]Buenas noches tengan todos ustedes en la plataforma de Hive, mis más calurosos saludos, de manera muy especial a la comunidad de #TopFamily, y al colega @lanzjoseg, y un feliz cumpleaños a @sacra97, uncayitus63 (61)in Top Family • last monthPosando con dos brillantes estudiantes[Spa/Eng]Buenas noches tengan todos en la plataforma de Hive y muy especialmente a la bella comunidad de #TopFamily, al colega @lanzjoseg y la linda @sacra97, un abrazo a todos. En el día de hoy les traigo unacayitus63 (61)in Shadow Hunters • last monthAdvertising shadows on the road [Eng/Spa] Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest-Round 358Good afternoon to you on the lovely Hive platform and especially to the splendid community of #Shadowhunters, a hug to @melinda010100, pleased to greet you. This afternoon I bring you a series of photographscayitus63 (61)in Top Family • 2 months agoUna piscinada un poco nublada[Spa/Eng]Buenas tardes tengan todos en Hive, se les saluda con el mayor cariño, en especial a la comunidad de #TopFamily, de manera muy cordial al colega @lanzjoseg, y a la fabulosa @sacra97, espero la estén pasandocayitus63 (61)in Shadow Hunters • 2 months agoElectrifying shadows at midday [Eng/Esp]Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest-Round 357Good afternoon, wonderful Hive platform. I hope you are well. I extend my greetings to the beautiful community of #ShadowHunters, as well as the lovely @melinda010100, for being a fundamental pillar ofcayitus63 (61)in Top Family • 2 months agoEl ùltimo carnaval en la U.E "Ruiz Pineda I" [Esp/Eng]Buenas tardes linda plataforma de Hive y muy especialmente la comunidad #TopFamily, espero están bien, hago extensiva la salutacion a la magistral @sacra97 y al magnífico @lanzjoseg, gracias por estarcayitus63 (61)in Shadow Hunters • 2 months agoBeautiful shadows of women with umbrellas[Eng/Spa] Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest-Round 356Good morning to everyone on the fabulous Hive platform, and a very special greeting to the #FeelGood community, pleased once again to be with you sharing my experiences. Gladly fulfilling the initiativecayitus63 (61)in Feel Good • 2 months agoThree fabulous aspects of my beloved Hive[Eng/Spa]Good morning to everyone on the fabulous Hive platform, and a very special greeting to the #FeelGood community, pleased once again to be with you sharing my experiences. Gladly fulfilling the initiativecayitus63 (61)in Top Family • 2 months agoCelebrando las navidades de 2010 en compañìa de queridos colegas[Esp/Eng]Buenos días tengan en la maravillosa plataforma de Hive y un caluroso saludo a la comunidad de #TopFamily,hoy estoy nuevamente en el acostumbrado jueves de #TBT, saludos muy cordiales también al colegacayitus63 (61)in Shadow Hunters • 2 months agoNatural tree shadows and other unusual ones in a nearby environment[Eng/Esp] Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest-Round 355English Version Good afternoon, great Hive platform, and especially to my dear #ShadowHunters community, I extend my greetings to the beautiful @melinda010100, who is the creator of this beautiful community,cayitus63 (61)in Top Family • 2 months agoUn lejano viaje en las vacaciones de 2007 [Spa/Eng]Version en Español Buenas tardes bella plataforma de Hive, y muy especialmente la comunidad de #TopFamily, deseándoles a todos sus integrantes un Feliz Año 2025, vaya el saludo extensivo al amigo y colega