How To Get A Great Start on the Hive Blockchain

in OCD3 years ago

~ First Things First ~

After having been here for 56 moons, or since September 2017, i thought i could give back to the blockchain by sharing some of the ins and outs of how to function properly here on HIVE. The learning curve can be steep for newer users and the unknowns can be offputting to say the least. Don't worry, i got you covered.

Free to use.✓ No attribution required image

Of course, there is some etiquette here on Hive that you should get to know if you want to get a great start or grow into a content creating pro. There are many unspoken rules that can get your account reputation and rewards wrecked if you find yourself on the wrong side of those codes of conduct. I want to help you all avoid that from happening so your growth can be as smooth as possible. Since the rules are unspoken... that's why i call it etiquette and i'm willing to speak to it.

Free to use.✓ No attribution required image

Don't worry, once you get the run down... it will be pretty obvious why these standards are the norm when it comes to expectations of how users should conduct themselves.

~ Rules & Etiquette ~

  • The first and most obvious thing to share is that plagiarism is expressly prohibited. Notice, i have cited and sourced each image in this post. These are all zero attribution creative commons images... but i still put the hotlinks. This is to err on the side of caution because it's always better to be safe than sorry. The main point is not to pass off any content, written or visual, as your own when it's not.

Since real money is involved and the reward pool is at stake, it's best not to try and cheat the system for your own personal gain. It not only hurts the community but it steals rewards from the content creators that are putting in the time and effort to be original and create their own original content.

Free to use.✓ No attribution required image

  • Copy and paste is not permitted unless it's cited and sourced. Using images or written text, especially Wikipedia info, is still considered plagiarism. So, if you are going to use an image follow copyright laws and rules based on the image being utilized. If you are going to use text, make sure to cite and source any text that isn't your own creative property.

  • Recycling old content is also frowned upon. It's considered double-dipping rewards to repost your old content for more rewards. If you are sharing old content that you have created there has to be some new information or progressive content to validate the need to post it again.

For instance, if you are an artist, sharing progress posts is natural. To share a sketch in a newer post that has an update on the progress of that sketch is not considered recycling your content. However, to post the same sketch more than once, say in more than one community is considered recycling content.

Another example would be photography. If you have photos that you have shared before... unless they are part of a new compilation, to reshare the same photos would be considered recycling.

  • Sharing the same post more than once is not acceptable. If you are going to share your post in more than one community using the cross-post feature on is the only acceptable method.

I have seen many new people share a post on their blog. Then they share that same post in a community more fitting to it's content. Then they share that same post in another community that fits. That's three posts for one creation of content. This is seen as reward farming and will get you downvoted quickly.

Crossposting is a legit option... Although, i have to speak for many og's, that too many crossposted posts seems a bit tacky even if it is legit.

~ What TO DO ~

Now that you have heard what NOT TO DO... i thought it would be helpful to hear what you should do in order to get a great start here and be successful on the Hive Blockchain.

Free to use.✓ No attribution required image

  • The first thing that i, and many others, would suggest you do is engage in comments. Comment on content that interests you. As of this moment, for the last month on December the 10th... i have 4 posts but 1321 comments. Engaging in comments and content of your own interest is a great way to network and get rewarded as well.

Some people never even post on their own blog but just engage in comments alone. This is one of the most overlooked aspects of this social media web 3.0 experiment.

  • Engage your own audience. The worst thing you can do after making a post is to not respond to your own comments. When people enjoy your content enough to engage your post by commenting... then it's literally the least you can do to respond.

  • When you make a post... put effort into the content. Describe your thoughts, inspirations, and processes. Any contextual information is always relevant. You may feel like less is more but that isn't always the case here on Hive. Don't just put an image or a photo and mic drop it and walk away.

Mic Drop from Cpt. Obvious on Giphy

You will have a much great chance of getting curated base on the effort and content you provide in your posts. It may seem like breaking 3 images into 3 posts would get you 3 times the rewards... but putting more effort into explaining the context and adding all 3 images into one post may end up rewarding you from curation much better in the long run.

As a curator for many different communities less is never more! Context is King and effort is easy to identify! Don't copy the success you see from older and bigger accounts than yours if you see there isn't much context or effort put forth. Their support probably comes from autovotes and voting trails that predates the Hive hardfork. This is not a formula for success.

~ Final Tips ~

My final tips to your success would be to encourage you to be a contributing member of the Hive community overall. Find the communities within Hive that fit your content and post your content there. Think of the whole community first and engage within your subcommunities afterward. This community oriented thinking will help you to engage and fold into the environment as a whole. This ecosystem is built and grown by users just like you! You are not too small or insignificant to have a major impact. If you see new users that need help... give them help. If you need help or have questions... reach out!

We are in a golden age and era of where the future of technology is taking us. Monetizing our own content is just a bonus benefit of building and growing a community. Decentralization is wonderful... but not without the users that make it such. You have a vested interest and stake, quite literally, in making sure this all goes and grows in a direction healthy for all. The time and energy you put in will be well worth the benefits bestowed upon you.

Bob Ross Motivation

There is work to be done in order to advance. Here are some old posts that can help you maximize and optimize your efforts. These are some fantastic posts that will give you all the information you need in order to make great content and get noticed for curation which would mean larger upvotes. It's well worth your time to check out moving onward and upwards!

3 things Newbies should do in their first week on Hive

My Personal Choice of Formatting Techniques

So What’s The Criteria For A Quality Post? - How Curators Make Their Selections...

The last tip i would give you is to keep up with your voting power. Every time you vote your power goes down. It recharges automatically but you want to give it enough time to recharge. The two biggest nooby mistakes i see is either not voting ever or voting way too much.

If you are on (which i highly recommend) then you can hover over the I on your profile page to see your current VP, or voting power. Another spot i like to use is Hive Blocks . Com

If you click that link... just change the username that you have instead of mine after the @ sign. Finally, the last thing i would say is that you should power up as much of your rewards as possible if you want your votes to be worth more and you want you curation rewards to be more fruitful. That info may be fit for a post another time. Until then, happy hunting for your curated content and keep creating! I hope this post has helped you in more ways than one!

Bob Ross

If any of you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments below. Thanks for taking the time to read and/or share this post to the benefit of others! I truly hope it helps avoid conflict and negativity through educating and having our newer users (and some older users) to be more informed!

Keanu Thanking You All For Being Awesome

There are 2 pages

This is really a helpful guide especially for a newbie like me 😃 Thank you for making it straight to the point & easy to understand. I will definitely remember all these tips to improve my contents for the better ❤️

 3 years ago  

You have been doing great so far! I'm really glad this post could help to give some insights into how to get a good start and improve more quickly than just figuring it all out as you go. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment here on the post! Keep up the great work. =)

This will be featured in a video on how to HIVE I am making.

 3 years ago  

Oh wow! Thanks browski. After so many interesting questions here on the post and things i forgot to mention i will probably be making another post or two on 'How To Hive!' Thanks again for taking the time to read the post and comment. Cheers

Thank you very much, I should have concentrated on reading your tutorial before, maybe I wouldn't have been so wrong, thank you very much

 3 years ago  

Better late than never is what i usually say. I would probably set up a new account and get a fresh start at this point if i were you. If you apply the lessons you learned from the mistakes you made... then you have an opportunity to start over that way. The Cuban community is flourishing here on Hive and you could always get some help from your fellow countrymen and women along the way.

Great "Tutorial" for Newbees. But also a reminder for us old dogs.
There is one problem I have however with really old posts: Like, I linked to some on my website (on the respective artwork page) but find that for many, Steemit does not show the images anymore, and besides that, I am not really happy with the posts I had written back then about some of my major work.
I did bring some up again in an altered form, such as in connection with a show, or perhaps to discuss details and methods a bit more than in my original post from years ago (whenever possible, I add the link to the old post).

As for quoting: I put them into quote marks. Usually I lead with a linked title (from a newspaper, for example) and add my own comments under the quotes (particularly when I disagree with what is written, lol).
For some images, such as frequently shared memes, it is hard to credit a source, since for those, original sources are mostly unknown, and just linking to one where I got the image from does not really make sense, since they probably stole it from somewhere else (so why should I credit a thief?) - so I usually just say <source: meme found on Facebook>.

Having an account on Pexels I sometimes use images from there, but I make it a point to credit the artist, same with any other CC. What I find with photos I had posted on Flickr (with a pro account I get monthly updates from Pixsy) it is interesting to see how many shots I took that are surprisingly similar to others: for example, I constantly get Pixsy updates about a artwork I photographed at the Moreau Museum in Paris. The same also with many famous landmarks. A good thing that the debate about Panorama Freedom at the EU Parliament didn't result in another stupid law. But that is different in many countries in the EU and also around the world.
Would I have to edit out the Montmartre in a selfie of mine from Paris?
On the opposite of this is the Rijksmuseum, which provides high-resolution images of many of their artworks and even encourages you to use them in applications - check out mine here, on the Rijksstudio site: Otto Rapp Creations - Rijksstudio

Thanks bro.

Thanks bro..

thanks alot for this info it really helped but can you expansiate more on powering up all about it and how it can help me on the hive blockchain

 3 years ago  

You're welcome. Yes, powering up your liquid Hive stakes it to your account. The more have powered up and staked the more your vote is valued. So, as you vote with more stake you get more curation rewards in return when posts you vote on payout. Half of every post's rewards goes to the author and the other half goes to the curators/upvoters. So, as those rewards are split among the upvoters the more you have powered up the more your vote is worth bringing you the rewards proportional to your vote split amongst all the voters.

When you post, the default setting is for a Hive Power and Hive Backed Dollar split. Many people trade their Hive Backed Dollars or HBD into liquid Hive on the internal market. After they get liquid Hive they power that up to grow their account faster. I may need to make a post about that next for a tutorial where i can explain it in a bit more detail. Thanks for asking and i hope my answer was not too much information.

thank you .,but for more clarification can i trade my hive power to liquid hive to power up?....and when you mean boost account, do you mean the reputation figures will increase? and how does it increase my earnings,..please am sorry i'm sound off track,..just really wish to know how the system works

Other way around. Liquid Hive becomes Hive Power. The more Hive you have staked in Hive Power, the more valuable your upvotes are and the more you get rewarded for upvoting others.

thankyou for this enlightenment @ddrfr33k, cleared now

 3 years ago  

ddrfr33k said it well... staking liquid Hive is Powering Up.
Reread their comment and then reread by previous comment.@eminentsam48, your reputation grows from receiving upvotes.

The more stake or Hive Power you have the more of the daily reward pool you get to distribute to the community with your upvotes. Hope this helps.

thanks a lot,it really did

 3 years ago  

Awesome, glad to hear!

So much hype! There is a lot of information worth gold in both this first part and the second part. I'm even going to read the other posts you linked, because I have no doubt they are worth reading.

There are many "unspoken rules" that I have discerned that I should follow that you mention, such as the importance of giving context to content and putting effort into each post. And while responding to comments on my posts is something very important to me, lately my resource credits run out and I can't respond in a timely manner. But I feel bad if I don't respond to comments, so what I do is write my responses on a notepad and then when my RCs recharge, I respond to as many users as I can until my RCs run out again. I actually meant to make this comment days ago, but today was when I was finally able to get it out of the notepad 😅.

It may seem like breaking 3 images into 3 posts would get you 3 times the rewards.... but putting more effort into explaining the context and adding all 3 images into one post may end up rewarding you from curation much better in the long run.

That's the part where I felt insecure. It's just that I set out to post three drawings a week, but each one in a different post, and when I read that what you wrote I felt like I was doing something wrong :'(. And the truth is I do it that way because I feel that way my few followers enjoy my content more often, and if I compiled my three weekly drawings into one post, then I would post only once a week. doesn't that sound like posting infrequenly?

I admit I'm curious to do it because I know the post would be three times the quality and even spend less resource credits, but posting so infrequently is what worries me :(. What do you think?

Sorry for so many words. It's just that I feel like you're Hive's customer service center 😋

 3 years ago  

I just delegated a little bit of Hive Power to help you out with your resource credit issues for a while.

No worries about your long response. I rather enjoy engaging comments like this one. Thanks for taking the time to read these posts and the time to respond. Thank you even more for coming back after the fact and remembering to do it when your RC was charged up a bit. I could see how it would be easy to forget.

As far as your question goes.... i don't think that would apply to you. It's more for say the kind of posts that have artwork of a flower. Say they only post one post with one sketch of the flower. Then the next day post one post with the work in progress image. Then on the third day make another post with the finished art. This could have easily been all included in one post with detail and context and been a much better and engaging post all around. If they didn't try to milk it 3 times with minimal effort... they would probably get a better reception with just one good post instead of 3 crappy ones.

You could apply this to photography as well. In our photography lovers community... we won't curate posts with just a single image... and rarely one with just two images. It's not about quantity over quality but a nice balance of both. Some people want the art or photo to do all the work and that formula isn't as successful here on a social media blog site... though i to understand that artistic approach.

You usually have enough content and context and a lot of build up showing your artistic process to where your posts would be fine to as many as you want in that fashion. So, yes... as long as you mix things up and the content is different... and you put the effort in... post as much as you want. I'm glad you considered what i said and tried to apply it to yourself but i don't think that shoe fits you! hahaha

It's also good that you feel the need to answer comments. That shows you care... but don't feel bad, especially if you don't have the resources to do all you would like to. Power up your rewards and you will not be having the RC problems for long. Hopefully that delegation helps you out until then.

If you have any more questions or concerns let me, your friendly Hive Customer Service Agen, know how i can help! hahahha

Some people want the art or photo to do all the work and that formula isn't as successful here on a social media blog site... though i to understand that artistic approach.

I was talking about just that with a friend a few days ago! After reading your posts and the ones you linked to in them, I understood that this is not a social media like Instagram or Facebook.

I imagine that many people (including me) have come with the idea that to get lots of votes, lots of recognition and build an audience, they just have to do the same thing they do on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. But not exactly.

I gradually understood that this is a blog, so people don't just want to see photographs or images of art, they are also interested in what the author has to say, what they feel, what they can express verbally about that image or photograph they are sharing.

Social media blog site is the perfect description.

By the way, thanks so much for answering my question! I'm glad to know that I don't fit into that category.

I will still keep striving to make my content better and better quality!

Thanks also for delegating hive power to me! Wow I feel indebted to you. It is a huge help for me!

A few days ago another user also helped me with a delegation and that has made me realize that people are very good here.

If you have any more questions or concerns let me, your friendly Hive Customer Service Agen, know how i can help! hahahha.

So far I am satisfied with the service and can't think of any more questions hahahaha.

Thank you very much for everything, really!

Now I will go to comment as much as possible hahahaha.

 3 years ago  

Awesome! I'm glad to hear you are pleased with the service! hahahhaa Please do go comment and keep up the great work. You definitely don't have to feel indebted by any means. I had a few people help me when i was getting started... so i know how it feels. Just do your best (which i know you already do) and keep up the great work.

Thank you for your encouragement! I've just had a very busy week and haven't been able to take much advantage of my RCs, but I'm almost back to having more free time.

 3 years ago  

Well, either way... have a great rest of your weekend.

Thank you! Same to you ☺️

Excellent thank you!

 3 years ago  

You are most welcome good sir!

thanks for the intro post man. I read this one post too late. LMAO 🤣

 3 years ago  

Better late than never is what i always say! hahaha Keep your head up and don't sweat it! You're good... just hang in there and keep on keepin' on! hahaha

I'm grateful for this article. ❤️
It will greatly assist me as I begin my journey here in hive. It's only my second day. 😄

Have a great day!

 2 years ago  

Welcome to Hive and Awesome introduction post!

i am super glad that this will help you get a head start. I made another one of these posts that had some more good stuff in it too. Thanks for taking the time to comment, and feel free to ask anything anytime.

I have seen many people say that over-posting is a reason they will downvote and to stick to one blog post per day unless you have an EXCELLENT reason to post more.

This is why Instagram or Twitter style use of Hive will never take off - those micro-blogging style platforms encourage lots of bite-sized pieces of content rather than one long-form article.

It's kind of a clash of cultures, but the Whales get the lion's share of the vote and so they can dictate what happens.

As you state, the way around that is to be super-active in the comments! Not only is that a way to not have to wait until tomorrow to contribute, but it also makes you build relationships, and will reward you with future votes too.

We are very much in the early days - I think someone said there were only 16,000 active users of this platform? If so, that would make the entire active community of Hive smaller than many smaller traditional forums. If we all make this a great place to visit then we can all grow with it. A rising tide etc!

 3 years ago  

Yes, i have seen over-posting on blogs and in communities in particular. It's considered by many to be spamming. I personally think that if they put enough effort in and the content is fresh, then a person should be ok posting on their own blog as much as they like. However, in some communities, it's frowned upon to post too often within the community even though few i have seen have any spoken rules to that effect.

I don't think we would really want the micro-blogging style of just posting selfies or memes etc. as it would dilute the content that does have the effort and interest put in... like back in the Steemit days.

The whales do have a bit more persuasion to offer via their stake and votes for sure. I don't see anything wrong with some leadership in that regard helping to pave the way... but as long as it's with guidance. I don't like to see large downvotes with little to no explanation. Sometimes, a nice warning or correction is needed before the heavy hands come dropping the hammers down. I have been quick to pull that trigger a time or two myself but i always try to heir on the side of mercy more often than not.

I definitely agree with you about the rising tide and us all surfing those waves together all the way to the moon! Thanks for taking the time to make such a thoughtful comment! Cheers

I don't think we would really want the micro-blogging style of just posting selfies or memes etc. as it would dilute the content that does have the effort and interest put in... like back in the Steemit days.

well said - what went on there in those days is terrible - and they had a tight community that upvoted each others crap into the stratosphere - like, hundreds for a shit post (mostly a bad snapshot with at best a few words underneath) whereas you got pennies for a well thought out and researched blog.

16k active users?! I almost spit my coffee out reading that. it feels like so much is going on for just 16k users, we super early on in this HIVE experience. feel grateful to be here this early.

Great overview @castleberry. Going to add it to @newbies-guide

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much LivingUKTaiwan! I truly appreciate it and hope that the info helps everyone out that needs it. Thanks for all you do for the chain and communities as well. Cheers

Thanks for this. Some really helpful info for a newbie like me. Just wondering, would it be a good idea to do some 100% hp posts to get my voting power up, or is there a better way? Cheers :)

 3 years ago  

I definitely think that's a great way to grow faster. I would recommend it when getting started especially if Resource Credits become an issue for posting and commenting. Great comment.

Thank you very much for your post, friend I know that as you say in your post a community is important, but I have a problem, I want to focus my blog in post to help the hive community from my point of view, since I am a doctor, i want to talk about emotional illnesses, mental in general, such as anxiety or depression, etc, also talk about my experience because I have also gone through them, and in general content related to that, but I dont know in which community to post, can it be in OCD? Can you guide me on that please.

Hello! I am a physiotherapist in Women's Health and I'm also interested in creating content related to my area of expertise in order to contribute to the community. I'm just starting on Hive like yourself.
It was sugested to me to try and research through some # with words related to your topics. If you find a community that you identify yourself I have read it's recommendend to follow and engage in events of that specific community.

Best of luck,

 3 years ago  

That's a great question. To be honest, i am not quite sure which community is the best fit. Of course, you don't have to post in a community but just on your blog. Communities are just the best way to create content in an area where you already have people with similar interests to check out your posts.

If it's from a more scientific point of view the STEM community may be a decent place... but that is for science oriented content. If you are discussing feelings and life impacts then OCD could be a place for now until someone guides you to a better place. Another option would be to create the community yourself. There are many people here that share mental health posts and emotional expressions or just life experiences and the impacts they have. I am sure if you made a community it would get some traction.

Other than that... i am not quite sure. You could ask around and see if anyone else might have some suggestions. Thanks for taking time to stop by here and read the post and leave a comment. I hope you get it sorted out.

Thank you very much for your answer my friend, how interesting that I can create a community. I didn't know about that, I'm still new around here, I try to learn what I can by reading from you. I will do what you tell me, I will keep asking, meanwhile I think I will do it here in OCD so that I have more visibility and find out how is that to create a community myself. Thank you very much again!🤗

 3 years ago  

You're welcome. If it doesn't fit into the OCD community, i am sure one of the other curators might be able to guide you to a spot more fitting. Until then, i guess just learn as you go. I think it costs like 3 Hive or something to make a community... but you might ask around for that too. Take Care and Best Wishes to you moving forward.

Thanks for the great reminder + some helpfull tips. A lot of things that on other socials seem robotized and without additional value are reallly empowering here.

 3 years ago  

I agree! Glad some of the info was helpful for you!

Thank you for this valuable information...Although I'm not a newbie, i always find a new tip for my posts and it also makes my job easier when i try to explain all these details to some friends when i prepare them to join hive hahaha, i don't want them to ruin their nice blogs.😆Bookmark this ✔️


 3 years ago  

That was one of the main points for this post... not just to help guide newer folks but to give some wisdom to anyone else that needs it. I wanted to have this so i could refer people to it instead of having to explain it over and over! hahaha Thanks for stopping by and for leaving me the awesome comment. =)

Navigating this place can feel like you're searching for Pepe Silvia. But you're off to a great start!

Really helpful! Especially about how commenting on posts (even if that’s all you do) is incredibly valuable and also adds to the community part of this blockchain.

 3 years ago  

Yes, i know some people that have never posted a single thing on their blog but are very active community members with high reputations and great account growth all from just engaging in the social aspects by voting and commenting other people's content. Thanks for reading and taking time to comment. Glad to be helpful!

Definitely this helps a lot
But sometimes for people that their language isn't English is pretty hard to write all their thoughts and ideas. I didn't see any (example) Croatian guy texting in Croatian.. Or writing a blog in Croatian. I made few mistakes but Im trying be be as much creative as I can be 😆🙈

 3 years ago  

Yes, we all make mistakes. It's definitely more challenging for non Enlish speaking folks. Fortunately, there are communities usually around a language or culture that support the native languages. I'm glad this post helped out any. Keep up the great work and keep on keepin' on! =)

Nice summary, a nice expansion on my basic Hive rule which is....

Just don't be a dick.


 3 years ago  

Thanks for the Pizza and that's a great rule for life because...

Thanks for your guidance and advice. Being a newbie, appreciate anything the OGs so to speak can bring. Learning and navigating this system is overwhelming at times, but awesome to be apart of the process here.

 3 years ago  

Glad you are here to be a part of the process! I still think we have all only just begun truly. Glad this post was helpful to you in any way. I should be making a follow up post here soon that will explain a lot of the topics brought up here in the comment section. Keep an eye out! Take care and keep on keepin' on! =)

These are good tips, thanks! Could you please explain more about I access Hive through ecency. What's the difference between ecency & Why do I need one or the other or both?
Also, could you please explain or direct me to an existing article that explains in very simple terms how voting works? What is the slider all about? I'm pretty sure when I was just playing around with it, your dollar total on this article went up by $200. How does this all work?

 3 years ago  

Hey Joe, glad you made to the post here and hopefully some of it was helpful to you. I will be going over voting in the follow-up to this post here as well as answering some of the other questions brought up here in the comment threads.

First, and are just front-end user interfaces that interact with the Hive Blockchain to perform functions. So, if you post on Ecency or Peakd, your post is published on the blockchain and will show up on any of the front ends. I think Ecency has some incentives for using it's platform... but since i don't use Ecency i can't really speak to it and it's differences. I prefer to use Peakd because i like the usability and different built-in functions.

Secondly, voting is using your Hive Power to distribute your allocated allotment of the reward pool. The slider is there for you to split your vote into smaller increments which gives you more votes to share. You get about 10 votes at 100% per day if you want your voting power to refill by the next day. Each time you vote your voting power is diminished a little and your vote will go down in value. Once your voting power replenishes then your value will as well. Your value is proportional to your Hive Power or Staked Hive in your wallet.

This stuff gets complicated so i will go into more detail in the next post i make. Hope this helped a bit though. One thing i can say is that you can only vote on posts within the seven day payout period. If a post has already paid out you don't want to vote on that. This post here is old and paid out a while ago.

Take care and Happy New Year

OK, thanks. That makes a little more sense. I look forward to your detailed post...

!LUV this post! It will help me improve the quality of my blog. Some things in HIVE are worth reading over again, this is one of those articles. !PIZZA

 3 years ago  

Thanks for the love and for the kind words. I hope this post does help you improve your quality and accelerate your growth! Thanks for taking the time to read the post and to comment. Thanks for the Pizza as well. =)

I'm certain that posts like this will help out HIVE bloggers. Have a great day! :)

 3 years ago  

Thanks for your certainty!

Welcome, man.

Great post!! Rebloged!!! Thanks for this!
!discovery 20

 3 years ago  

Thanks for the discovery curation, the reblog support, and for the Pizza as well! Cheers Lallo!

Great post, one of the not to do things i did it yesterday with my last post but won’t happen again.

Let me ask you something, is here a way to see some statistics as a content creator so we can visualize what is doing well and what’s not?

 3 years ago  

No worries bro! I think on Peakd if you click your profile at the top right there is a section you can click called tools. I think that will show some analytics. There's also another website but i can't think of the name off the top of my head. Hope that helps a little. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

Thanks to you for the tips

 3 years ago  

You're very welcome! =)

Thank you for this amazing information where sometimes people are reluctant to tell small things like this but you choose to do it. These are the fundamental points that new Member like us desperately need.

 3 years ago  

Thanks for taking the time to read the post and comment here. The links i put in there will also give you some more tips on how to do the best you can here! Thanks for stopping by and it looks like you have a great start going already! Cheers

Only you want to make your time for a beginner like me, I also want to ask about my introduction post on hive that is not see by @ocd please let me know if there was a mistake with the post?

 3 years ago  

Hey buddy. I don't think you made any mistakes or did anything wrong. OCD doesn't always curate and upvote every post. I thought you did pretty good. I would suggest not tagging the same person or group too many times with the @ symbol. Some people consider that 'spam tagging' and see it as annoying. I noticed you were asking for help for the rules and guidelines in your intro. I put some links here in this post to guides that give some tips and explanations for how to grow and operate smoothly. Take care buddy.

thank you so much for this, sir. as a newbie i really need this as a guidance on what to do and what to avoid doing. i very appreciate the effort as well as i am much enlightened. also i love the gifs used!

 3 years ago  

Thanks. I definitely suggest checking out the links i provided within this post in order to get even more tips to figuring out what's wat. Best of luck and wishes to you.

Awesome post to look at if you are a newcomer, or not...
Thank you for all the work you do on the Hive blockchain!

@tipu curate 5

 3 years ago  

Thank you for the curation there brother! I appreciate you too for all you do and for stopping by to check out the post and comment! Take Care Andy!

Excellent, although I am not new to the platform, these posts are very helpful to keep learning about blockchain and hive itself. One of the mistakes I made in the beginning and for a long time was not doing community, not commenting on others or not responding to comments. That has been something that fortunately with time I have been able to work on. On the other hand, I have also been teaching new people and integrating them into the platform, so this kind of publications are also essential to guide others. Thank you!

 3 years ago  

Thank you for your kind words. Yes, i used to be afraid to comment that much or nervous to engage and be social. I have really tried to focus on commenting and community more lately. Curating makes it a must but i have found great joy in the bonds that have developed because of the engagement. Thanks for teaching new people how to integrate and be contributors to the quality of Hive. I am thankful that this post may help benefit anyone. You are most welcome and feel free to share anytime with anyone! Cheers

awesome post. May i translate it?! Giving you the credits of course 😜🙂

Didn't know about this recycling policy. Will be more alert about that.

And how this will be seen, for exemple, if i create a post with bunch of pictures and them choose one of them to a c/ picture-a-day or any other comunity or contest?! Is this also consider recycling??

yes, it will be.

It's difficult to say when it comes to contests.

tho this fence has two sides and photographers always consider they can, while curators take quite the opposite side of the fence.

Simple... If curatons doesn't like. Don't upvote!


Whom do you ask to catch the killer goose?
The Goosetapo.

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/2)@qwerrie, I sent you an on behalf of @vaipraonde

 3 years ago  

It's difficult to say when it comes to contests. You may want to ask the folks giving the contest. Definitely translate the info and share as much as possible. Generally, if you add some new content or have a valid reason (like a contest) for sharing the content again... i wouldn't consider that recycling. Thanks for commenting and asking!

This definitely will be very useful in the blockchain as many are still lacking the process to do that. We all do learn everyday and it's great to see someone put us through to be able to handle a task that needs genuine process. Thanks @castleberry and keep up the good work moving.

I also want to ask using the same image been used before is it appropriate to use it again.

 3 years ago  

It really depends on the context of how you use the image again. If your content centers around that image and it's shared more than once as the only focus i would say yes. But, i used to use and image of a Mushroom that i shot in the shape of a heart as my closing image. If you go back far enough in my posts you can't miss it. I didn't center my content around that image except for the one time i posted about it. Reusing that image wasn't recycling because it wasn't really the content being reused in a recycling kind of taking advantage of the rewards kind of way. I hope that made sense.

Yes definitely I really appreciate

 3 years ago  

Most people including myself joined the blockchain with very little knowledge of how things work here and make so many mistakes. They come in without guidance and with the wrong mindset. I made many of these mistakes too at first mostly because they were acts that no one talked or preached against where I'm from and are seen as normal.
I hope many newbies can see your post and don't make the same mistakes most of us made when we first joined the blockchain. Thanks for the sharing. Totally appreciate this. Reblogged.

 3 years ago  

Thanks for the reblog and support. I hope noobs can learn from our mistakes and experiences and wisdom! Even perhaps some tenured users as well!

Amazing @castleberry

 3 years ago  

Thanks! Glad you liked the info. =)

This is a great post!
I'm a newbie on Hive and I have some ideas to try to contribute to the community. I want to make sure I do this the right way so I thank you for the help on my journey in a such clear and easy way 🙏 I'll make sure to read your other posts as well!

Best regards,

 3 years ago  

Let me know what you learn!

I'm currently exploring how to build good content and formatting techniques but it got a bit too much complicated for me and had to do a break. I think it's gonna take me more than a week to being able to do my introduction post but I want to make my best so I prefer to spend more time learning 😃

Wish you all the best,

 3 years ago  

The links i provided in this post give tips to optimize your format. I think if you read them and apply what they said it will cut your rtime in half. It never hurts to try.

thanks for this post ,it's really helpful

 3 years ago  

I'm super happy to hear that this post was/is helpful! I appreciate you taking time to let me know. Cheers

Thanks @castleberry, this was a great, informative and useful post.

 2 years ago  

The other one isn't too bad either! Let me know what you might think of that i could address in a third edition.

@castleberry I have bookmarked both of them, they are both so very informative. The thing I would like to get my head around (and you covered a lot of it in Part 2) is what can I do to be a bigger part and more supportive of the community. Sometimes I have nothing to post and I tend to just look at the daily curations to check out good posts and add my vote. But it seems that doing this, my voting power seems to reduce very quickly, and can take a couple of days to build back up again. Is that because I do not currently have a big enough stake?

 2 years ago  

It can be confusing. If you upvote something with 100% vote... it takes 2% of your voting power. I can't remember how fast it recharges... like 1% every hour i think. So, generally you get about 10 upvotes to give out at 100% per day if you want it to recharge back up all the way. It's not proportional to your stake as far as recharging goes.

However, the more you have powered up the bigger your vote is and the more you can split it into smaller portions to spread around. I think commenting is a great way to give back by sharing your opinions and engaging on other people's posts aside from upvoting. When you vote on posts... some of the rewards come back to you.

When you vote on comments, there is no curation reward to come back to you for that. So, keep that in mind. It used to be that a comment needed at least 2 cents to payout to the person. Otherwise, it was a waste of upvoting power. But, i don't know if that changed or not.

Thank you sir. Its nice to read something on here that I actually understand. I'm far too stupid for my own good 😂

 2 years ago  

I am too, that's why i had to learn it all the hard way! ahhaha

This post really got my attention. I read every bit of it. I have learnt so much from it. I am fortunate to have come across this piece because I’m a newbie and I have gotten all the enlightenment I need for a successful journey on this blockchain. I am diving straight into the other post you recommend in this particular post to learn more. Thank you very much, this post was very beneficial to me in particular.. bravo!!!👏 🙌

 2 years ago  

I'm glad to hear that this post was helpful for you. It can be tough figuring all this stuff out on your own. Those other links in this post are very helpful and i made a part 2 follow up to this post you can check out here...

thanks for sharing the tips

 3 years ago  

You are very welcome. =) Glad they could help.

Thank you very much. I think I made some "mistakes" in my first days here at Hive. But I think that no one here is vindictive and I can correct my mistakes to get more attention for my art form Light Painting.

 3 years ago  

Ahh, we have all made some mistakes along the way. You have some amazing photography and content on your blog. I don't think a few setbacks will really slow you down. You can also post in the Photography Lovers community if you want to mix it up some. Keep up the great work and sharing is caring. I am sure that we will all come to know and grow together! Cheers

Thanks. I will keep up my passion and I will share it with the Hive world.

Great for starters like me. I'll retwet the post for two main reasons: to contribuite in some way with the fantastic work you did and to reminded myself from time to time those unwritten laws. In case I forget it.

 3 years ago  

That's a great idea to keep it somewhere you can reference when you need to. Thanks for that support as well. Glad these posts have been helpful to you! Cheers

I'm willing to learn. Have a good day. Nice to read you

 3 years ago  

That's the best attitude to have, in life and on Hive! Nice to read you too! hahah Cheers

Thank you so much for this. I joined hive a few days ago, and since then I've nOT been able to do much as I'm mostly clueless about it. This is really helpful although I'm yet to understand the user interface though.

 3 years ago  

Just give it some time. It's a lot to soak in but it will all be well worth it in the long run. The user interface is really similar to a more compartmentalized facebook. Your blog is like your timeline... the community is like fb communities... and other people's posts are like commenting on someone else's timeline. That's just a comparative analogy... but it's not tooo far off.
Glad you stopped by over here. I think i just answered your comment over there. hahhaa

@indayclara shared this to me. Very useful and helpful info for noobs like me :)

 2 years ago  

I'm glad it's been helpful for you and had some tips you can use. Check out the second part as well as the comment section here and there to get even more useful info! Cheers and Welcome to Hive!

Thank you so much for creating and sharing this content. I didn't realize that cross posting multiple times is a good way to get down voted. I also appreciate you talking about the hardfork as well because again I didn't realize people were getting voting rewards from that far back. I agree with your analysis that copying their content style would be a mistake. This is a really cool space and I am stoked to be here!

 3 years ago  

We are glad you are here and i am happy that this was helpful for you. CrossPosting isn't too bad... but some people go crazy with it. Check out part 2 of this post for some more tips.

This is a great post. I will come back here and take some notes.

Wow, I really find this article very useful and beneficial, especially to myself. Thank you so much for this important information. I really do need this as a newbie. I have been wondering where I could find these sorts of guidelines for newbies until I just saw your post. Thanks once again, Sir.

 2 years ago  

There is also a part two close to the time i posted this guide. Part two expands on this and gives a few more tips to help understand how things work! Give that one a try too! Thanks for letting me know it was helpful to you. Welcome to Hive.

Thanks so much. Can you please assist me with the link to part two?

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Thank you for this information!! I feel really comfortable now to drop my contents

 3 years ago  

That is awesome to hear! I am glad that this post helped you get some of the basics down enough to get a bit more comfortable using the platform. Best wishes to you moving forward. =)

Hello, I just read your full post because I didn't have time to do it before. At the moment I am a bit busier than the last few weeks. This post is very interesting and I can still see myself trying to figure out how I have a friend who will help me the best he can in order to allow me not to make too much of a mistake. During my learning I also received advisers from people who liked a photo I posted and heard their message and applied it. I will keep your post linked and I will give it to the newcomer so that they can better understand how the site works. The site allowed me to understand myself better and also to open myself more to art in general. It opened up to me the creativity of someone who normally would never have crossed my path on a street corner. Thanks to the hive site, my street corner is on the scale of our planet earth and it enriches me intellectually with all this creativity. Thank you for the time you devote to me with your messages of encouragement and also for your artistic work.

 3 years ago  

It is pretty wonderful that we are able to connect with people from all over the world here on Hive. I have found great encouragement and inspiration for art, photography, and just sharing about my life experiences here on the platform. It's been beautiful to connect with so many diverse kinds of people and interests. I am really glad you took the time to read and digest this post. I will probably be making another post in a similar fashion with tips and explanations of some of the mechanics to how Hive works and how to use best practices to optimize the user experience. It has been my pleasure to make your acquaintance and become your friend... Truly. Stay encouraged and keep up the great work. =) Merry Christmas.

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