[ENG/DEU] Bro Bang Event 23 is over, 24 has started + EVENT & SEASON RANKINGS

in CryptoCompany CEO3 months ago (edited)
Authored by @PowerPaul



Bro Bang Event 23 in Saison 2 ist vorüber und hier sind die entsprechenden Platzierungen.

Die Woche war relativ ruhig und es hat nur wenige Änderungen in den Saison-Rankings gegeben, aber dafür sind die nächsten 3 verbleibenden Wochen umso spannender geworden.

Wie immer hat @teooo Platz 1 im CCD- und LGN-Event belegt.

In der CCD-Saison hat sich @mad-runner über @forykw geschoben, entsprechend von Rang 9 auf Rang 8.

@willendorfia baut den Abstand zu @chaosmagic aus und versucht sich Rang 14 zu sichern.

"Erschrocken" hat mich @yourfairy, welche wesentlich weniger Punkte erspielt hat wie sonnst. Noch hat sie ihren Rang in den Saisons erhalten, ist aber jetzt nurnoch mit Haaresbreite vor @libertycrypto27... Ob diese Bequemlichkeit nicht zu riskant war, werden wir spätestens in 3 Wochen sehen, zum Saisonende.

Auch spannend: schafft es @teooo noch in der CCD-Saison sich vor @lorddiablo zu setzen? Wenn es so weitergeht wie bisher, ja. Eventuell schafft aber @lorddiablo noch einen Strategiewechsel innerhalb seiner Spielart und kann @teoo vom Überholvorgang abhalten. Schon letzte Woche war @lorddiable ja im Grunde sehr nah an @teooo dran, von den erspielten Punkten - im Grunde nur hätte es nur ein Schlag mehr mit Multiplikator sein müssen, zum richtigen Zeitpunkt und @lorddiablo wäre auf Platz 1 im Event gewesen.

Es ist und bleibt spannend!

Es gilt nun die Plätze in den Rankings zu sichern! Auch wenn hier und da so große Punkteabstände in den Saison-Rankings sind, dass teilweise nur schwer nach oben steigen könnte, ist das Teilnehmerfeld durchaus eng und Spielern könnte noch einem anderen Spieler einen Rang abluchsen. Es gilt: nicht nachlassen!

Gut zu wissen:

Die CCD- und die LGN-Saison enden in 3 Wochen (26. Jan. 2025). Rechenkünstler können sich ausrechnen, wie sie performen sollten, um Rang X oder Y zu erreichen. 3 Wochen und somit 3 Events. Jede vergeudete Woche, jeder verschenkter Punkt, kann am Ende der Saison entscheidend sein...

Viel Dank für die Teilnahme an alle Spieler, sowie Erfolg und Glück in Event 24! Auf geht es in die neue Event-Woche!


Bro Bang Event 23 in Season 2 is over and here are the rankings.

The week has been relatively quiet and there have been few changes in the season rankings, but the next 3 remaining weeks have become all the more exciting.

As always, @teooo took 1st place in the CCD and LGN events.

In the CCD season, @mad-runner has moved above @forykw, accordingly from 9th to 8th place.

@willendorfia widens the gap to @chaosmagic and tries to secure 14th place.

I was “shocked” by @yourfairy, who scored considerably fewer points than usual. She still maintained her rank in the seasons, but is now only a hair's breadth ahead of @libertycrypto27... We'll see in 3 weeks at the latest, at the end of the season, whether this comfort wasn't too risky.

Also exciting: will @teooo manage to get ahead of @lorddiablo in the CCD season? If things continue as they are, yes. But maybe @lorddiablo will manage a change of strategy within his style of play and can stop @teoo from overtaking him. Last week, @lorddiable was already very close to @teooo in terms of points scored - basically, all it would have taken was one more shot with a multiplier at the right time and @lorddiablo would have been in first place in the event.

It is and remains exciting!

The task now is to secure the places in the rankings! Even if there are so many points gaps in the season rankings here and there that it is sometimes difficult to move up, the field of participants is very tight and players could still snatch a place from another player. The rule is: don't let up!

Good to know:

The CCD and LGN seasons end in 4 weeks (26. Jan. 2025). Calculation artists can work out how they should perform in order to achieve rank X or Y. 4 weeks and therefore 4 events are still “a while” - but every wasted week, every point given away, can be decisive at the end of the season...

Many thanks to all players for taking part, and good luck in Event 24! Let's get the new event week underway!



Die aktuellen Platzierungen:

The Actual Rankings:

Bro Bang CCD EVENT 23 in Season 2

Beendet am 5.1.2024 23:59:59 UTC
Closed at 5.1.2024 23:59:59 UTC

RankUserPoints in EventSeason PointsTimeTimestampCCD Won
1@teooo120051000:21:002025-01-05 12:08:115057.120
2@lorddiablo113849.500:21:172025-01-04 12:11:504054.240
3@libertycrypto273267900:15:222025-01-05 23:23:243051.420
4@dewabrata2858.500:03:552025-01-05 17:59:192048.540
5@willendorfia73800:01:432025-01-05 01:08:331045.720
6@yourfairy687.500:02:172025-01-05 23:45:42542.840
7@oadissin52700:01:182025-01-01 15:11:38440.020
8@mad-runner126.500:00:222025-01-05 10:32:26337.140
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Die Belohnungen sind bereits von @ccceo.rewards überwiesen worden. Ich freue mich darauf, dich auch beim nächsten Event zu sehen!

Nächstes/aktuelles CCD event:
6.1.2024 00:00:00 - 12.1.2025 29:59:59 UTC
Congratulations! The rewards have already been transferred from @ccceo.rewards. I am looking forward to see you in the next event, too!

Next/actual CCD event:
6.1.2024 00:00:00 - 12.1.2025 23:59:59 UTC

Bro Bang LGN EVENT 23 in Season 2

Beendet am 5.1.2024 23:59:59 UTC
Closed at 5.1.2024 23:59:59 UTC

RankUserPoints in EventSeason PointsTimeTimestampLGN Won
1@teooo108761000:20:422025-01-05 10:58:576.277
2@lorddiablo97959.500:19:512025-01-01 11:58:235.025
3@libertycrypto273136900:15:122025-01-05 11:19:123.774
4@yourfairy6838.500:04:552025-01-05 23:40:572.523
5@dewabrata372800:04:142025-01-05 18:15:471.271
6@oadissin1617.500:03:252025-01-01 15:15:240.645
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Die Belohnungen sind bereits von @ccceo.rewards überwiesen worden. Ich freue mich darauf, dich auch beim nächsten Event zu sehen!

Nächstes/aktuelles LGN event:
6.1.2024 00:00:00 - 12.1.2025 23:59:59 UTC
Congratulations! The rewards have already been transferred from @ccceo.rewards. I am looking forward to see you in the next event, too!

Next/actual LGN event:
6.1.2024 00:00:00 - 12.1.2025 23:59:59 UTC

50% der Spielgebühren wurden verbrannt. Somit 600 CCD und 0,28 LGN, nachvollziehbar über die 2 folgenden Links.
50% of the match fees were burned. Thus 600 CCD and 0.28 LGN, traceable via the 2 following links.

Laufende CCD SEASON | Offen seit 4.8.2024 00:00:00 UTC

Ongoing CCD SEASON | Open since 4.8.2024 00:00:00 UTC

(+/- last week)
UserSeason PointsRank wins at least CCD
8 (+1)@mad-runner803824.975
9 (-1)@forykw78.53299.775
21@bitcoinflood5no reward below rank 20
22@suteru4.5no reward below rank 20
23@tengolotodo4.5no reward below rank 20
24@thebighigg3.5no reward below rank 20
25@raymondspeaks3.5no reward below rank 20
Ich habe entdeckt, dass die Saison-Belohnungen zu niedrig angezeigt werden, weil ich das Wallet von brobang.season nicht in die Berechnung einbezogen habe. Ich werde das korrigieren. In Wirklichkeit ist die Saisonbelohnung also etwas höher.

Aktuelle CCD-Saison endet am 26. Jan 2025 23:59:59 UTC

I discovered that the season rewards are displayed to low, because I haven't included the wallet from brobang.season into the calculation. I will fix that. So in reality the season reward is a little higher.

Actual CCD season ends 26. Jan 2025 23:59:59 UTC

Laufende LGN SEASON | Offen seit 4.8.2024 00:00:00 UTC

Ongoing LGN SEASON | Open since 4.8.2024 00:00:00 UTC

(+/- last week)
UserSeason PointsRank wins at least LGN
21@kheldar19825no reward below rank 20
22@bitcoinflood5no reward below rank 20
Ich habe entdeckt, dass die Saison-Belohnungen zu niedrig angezeigt werden, weil ich das Wallet von brobang.season nicht in die Berechnung einbezogen habe. Ich werde das korrigieren. In Wirklichkeit ist die Saisonbelohnung also etwas höher.

Aktuelle LGN-Saison endet am 26.1.2025 23:59:59 UTC

Nun bleibt mir noch zu sagen... Genieße deinen Tag, folge @cryptocompany und dem @brofund & sei gesegnet!

Wir sehen uns später in den Kommentaren & den Platzierungen!

Mache das Beste aus deinem Tag!

Wie immer: Irgendwelche Fragen?

I discovered that the season rewards are displayed to low, because I haven't included the wallet from brobang.season into the calculation. I will fix that. So in reality the season reward is a little higher.

Actual LGN season ends 26.1.2025 23:59:59 UTC

Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day, follow @cryptocompany and the @brofund & be blessed!

See you later in the comments & the rankings!

Make the best of the your day!

Like always: Any questions?


Oh! Du hast wirklich bis hierher gescrollt? Wow! Wie wäre es, einen Artikel über Bro Bang zu schreiben oder diesen hier zu rebloggen? Das unterstützt wirklich das Spiel, sowie deinen & meinen Geldbeutel! Dankeschön!

Oh! You really scrolled until here? Wow! How about to write an article about Bro Bang or reblog this one? This really supports the game & your and my wallet! Thank you!

CCD: https://he.dtools.dev/tx/226051b924d39df9c66e80288fa8a7394d05b19c LGN: https://he.dtools.dev/tx/48ba3acc05fdc81983db5a890cd708812f4da7e4

lol, it looks like oadissin and I already sit on sweet spots in the middle.


I am going to hit more points

[@PowerPaul:] Thank you very much for your feedback & support! Very welcome!

Good luck in the ongoing event!

(My voting mana is pretty low/reserved because of the Voting Service I operate - so I vote every serious comment just with 1 percent. But don't care about, the commentrewarder is active and will deliver you a nice reward for your comment.)

Hive a great day & thank you once again!



The other day I snuck into the local zoo and spotted an albino Cheetah
It was the least I could do for him.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@dewabrata, I sent you an

I will be a different beast once the new season begins! 😅

[@PowerPaul:] Forykw! Thank you very much for your feedback & support! Very welcome!

Good luck in the ongoing event and in the upcoming season!

(My voting mana is pretty low/reserved because of the Voting Service I operate - so I vote every serious comment just with 1 percent. But don't care about, the commentrewarder is active and will deliver you a nice reward for your comment.)

Hive a great day & thank you once again!



It's fine, only the valuable comments should be upvoted. I am fine not having my comments upvoted. Keep supporting the community as best as you can.

[@PowerPaul:] Forykw, but your comment received an upvote! It seems like I should write a text more clearly. For sure you received an upvote! But the upvote wasn't very high - but don't care about, because the commentrewarder will deliver the value... Is what I meant. Forykw, how could I not let paticipate you?

I understood. !BEER

[@PowerPaul:] Sure! How could I... !LUV

@cryptocompany, sorry! You need more $LUV to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 10.0 LUV in your liquid wallet.

More LUV is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

@cryptocompany, sorry! You need more $LUV to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 10.0 LUV in your liquid wallet.

More LUV is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

BEERHey @cryptocompany, here is a little bit of from @forykw for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Great! Perhaps it would be good to share a link about how this is played! I have no idea what this is about 😊🙏

[@PowerPaul:] Thank you very much for your feedback & support! Very welcome!

Yes, this is a good very good idea. I wrote it on my list and will care about relatively fast.

(My voting mana is pretty low/reserved because of the Voting Service I operate - so I vote every serious comment just with 1 percent. But don't care about, the commentrewarder is active and will deliver you a nice reward for your comment.)

Hive a great day & thank you once again!



I really want to buy one of those grocery checkout dividers
But the lady behind the counter keeps putting it back.

Credit: marshmellowman
$LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@katerinaramm, I sent you an

Congratulations to all the players
Let go for more point in the coming event

[@PowerPaul:] Thank you very much for your feedback & support! Very welcome!

Good luck in the ongoing event!

(My voting mana is pretty low/reserved because of the Voting Service I operate - so I vote every serious comment just with 1 percent. But don't care about, the commentrewarder is active and will deliver you a nice reward for your comment.)

Hive a great day & thank you once again!



Did you hear about the actor who fell through the floorboards?
He was just going through a stage.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@oadissin, I sent you an

Congrats to everyone on hte leaderboard thank you to @powerpaul for the rewards! 😇

Hopefully I will be able to beat @teooo in this weak! 😁

Mark is set already - 11547 in ccd event and we still got 2 weeks after this one 🤙

Haha, so better beat that quick and let you do another run! 😁

Yes correct, I am on the watch 👀 😂

[@PowerPaul:] Thank you very much for your feedback & support! Very welcome!

(My voting mana is pretty low/reserved because of the Voting Service I operate - so I vote every serious comment just with 1 percent. But don't care about, the commentrewarder is active and will deliver you a nice reward for your comment.)

Hive a great day & thank you once again!



What's the difference between in-laws and outlaws?
Outlaws are wanted.

Credit: lofone
$LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@lorddiablo, I sent you an

@brobang, I paid out 0.181 HIVE and 0.092 HBD to reward 5 comments in this discussion thread.

[@PowerPaul:] Yes, may be. Weeks old but... superb. Up to you.

Thank you & Hive a great day!