Components which shows not much information except for often outdated witness thread link.
Witnesses are crucial on the Steem blockchain. Communication is very important in Steem and more generally in any DPoS system, but many users also feel the lack of communication between witnesses and users. There should be more user-friendly information about witnesses activities, which also encourage witnesses to do more active communication with users.
Proposal Description
I propose that on, for instance, there should be at least two more information:
- Ratio of miss to request (request = miss + produce)
- Last post time
- In addition, terms should also be explained briefly, which can be easily done by tooltips, see Mockup.)
Ratio of miss to request
While many users expect witnesses do many things, the most important role is to produce a block.
On the Steem blockchain, witnesses serve a role of validating signatures and timestamping transactions by including them in blocks.
, which is the total number of missed block so far.However, all the information that normal users can get is just, showing only
, which isn't informative at all. the only information about quality of block producing is
However, miss
only isn't informative. Each witness became a witness at different times. Also, some may just become top20, and some may temporarily disable their role. That is, the number of blocks they should've produced can be quite different from each other.
Thus, # of blocks produced, or more simply, the ratio of miss to request (for past 1 month, for instance) should be shown together, as shown in the mockup.
Last (root) post time
Well, most users expect more from witnesses. In fact, steemd also says,
Witnesses are generally expected to manage a reliable block producing node, implement a failover system, maintain a public seed node, tune blockchain operating parameters, publish correct price feeds, author/discuss improvement proposals, review code changes, and to be active. Some contribute to core repositories such as steemd. Some fund the development of other apps and infrastructure projects.
I believe that to be active is very important. Of course, they can quietly work very hard behind the scene. Many top witnesses are running some valuable services or dapps. However, it'd be much better if they could fill some gap between STINC and users. Even for them to get witness vote, witnesses should communicate more often with users. Thus, showing last post time information would give them some incentive to update more frequently. I don't wanna point out some specific witnesses, but there are several witnesses who don't update for quite a long time, like more than a couple of months.
Mockups / Examples
Ratio of miss to request
- Miss and ratio should be shown together. (Note that ratios are fake numbers for illustration purpose only.)
- Each column should be explained briefly. Tooltip would be enough.
Last (root) post time
- If
last (root) post time
is shown, I believe that more witnesses do more frequent updates.
I believe most users are not demanding. Personally I think 1-2 updates per month would be enough.
- Improvement of the quality of block producing.
If the miss ratio is shown, witnesses cannot help but doing their best to achieve lower miss ratio. - Voters can also get more information about witness's block producing quality.
Currently, there is no easy way for normal users to know which witness is doing a better job on block producing. Currentmiss
is not informative at all. - Improvement of communication between witnesses and users
If last post date is shown, witnesses will do more frequent update. This naturally makes witnesses do more communication with users, I hope.
I believe that no explanation about the column names of the witness table (on shows many things. Out of 14 columns, I believe, normal users may only understand 3 columns,approval
, andversion
. This kind of pages should be much more user friendly. Even simply adding tooltips can make a huge difference. - Witness's role as a bridge between STINC and users
Realistically, it's almost impossible for most users to communicate with STINC directly, and I believe witnesses should play the bridge role between them. To do this, witnesses first communicate with users!
Hello, @blockchainstudio. Thank you for sharing your ideas via Utopian.
Of course. Users need to know who they vote for, and why they should keep their vote with that specific witness. Lack of information could result in voting on inactive user simply because they appear as the top 50 or 20 which is totally unfair.
Let's go to the review;
Unfortunately, this is a duplicate idea. You can find similar discussion here, here and here.
I would recommend you to check similar ideas on the project issue tracker first before opening a new issue. Another thing I would like to let you know is that it would be much better to not scrutinize any user when submitting a proposal. Thanks
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Hi @knowledges, Thank you for your review and advice, especially about my mention about Ned's detailed activity. I thought the CEO is special, so it's allowed to discuss his activities more deeply, but you're right. It need not be in the utopian proposal. I'll keep that in mind. I already removed the mention about Ned's recent activities. Thanks!
But regarding the duplicate you pointed out, I checked your links for duplicates and actually only (9 months old) is related. The other two are about "fairness", i.e., including "all" witness list for fair visibility. Especially, what you said in
made me think you may have misunderstood my intention in the proposal.
Even the post above isn't entire duplicate. there are new ideas in my proposal and the gist of it is its simple implementability.
First of all, "tooltip" is an entirely new idea that hasn't been mentioned. (correct me if I'm wrong) One might think it's a trivial suggestion, I saw many users actually complain that terms are unnecessarily too technical. I'm pretty sure that most users don't know what are Bias, APR, Block Size, AC avail, AC budget, AC decay. Bias of what? APR of what? If there are tooltips for each column, it'd be great. If you say this is trivial then I can't say anything more :) I respect your decision in any case, but just a rejection on such a proposal may be a little unfair and discouraging to some users. I'm not expecting any huge voting, but utopian system would be much better if there is some courtesy voting for such a case instead of outright rejection (although I still believe this tiny difference is actually important, but everybody has a different opinion :)
Also, my suggestion is more about "miss" vs "miss ratio." And as I mentioned before, it's very specific and realistic modification, as shown in the mockup. The above post doesn't have any mockup, which I believe another important difference. How to fit all information into the UI? It's never a simple problem and that's why we need mockup.
ps. The motivation behind this proposal is the recent powerdown of Steem foundation and so-called HF21 "freedom". People say this and that. Some might be true some might be rumors. I think even small changes together can make a huge difference, and wrote this proposal. Thank you again for your review and advice.
I did not misunderstand your proposal. However, I do agree that the tooltip feature is a unique feature that could be implemented to explain most of the technical terms used on the witness page. With this simple feature, users would be able to understand not only the terms but also, how to differentiate active/inactive witness. This will have some impact on the user's decision when voting for a witness.
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Hi @knowledges, thank you for reviewing my proposal again :)
Thank you for your review, @knowledges! Keep up the good work!
Summary in Korean: 네드나 스팀잇의 소통부재를 누구나 뼈저리게 느끼는 요즈음 그에 가려진 늘 이어져온 불만인 증인과 유저간의 소통부재를 개선하는데 도움이 될만한 작고 간단한 아이디어입니다.
예를 들면 steemd.com에
보다 의미있는 블록생성퀄리티 정보를 보여줄것(현재는 total miss만 보여주는데 이게 증인활동을 한 기간이 서로 다 다른데 어찌보면 아무 없는 정보입니다. 2년 증인하면서 1000개 놓친거랑 1주일 증인 하면서 100개 놓친거랑 현재는 구분이 안되는 셈이니까요)
증인의 마지막 포스팅 날짜 보여주기(즉 좀 더 커뮤니케이션을 활성화하라는 압박카드)
용어 간략히라도 쉽게 풀어쓰기. steemd같은데 컬럼 이름에 마우스 갖다대면 최소한 풍선으로라도 간략히 설명나오는게 정상이라고 생각합니다.
이렇게 별거 아닌거 같고 실제 금방 고칠 수 있는 사소한 것들이 모여 증인/유저간 커뮤니케이션 활성화에 도움이 된다고 생각합니다.
사소한 거라도 조금씩 업데이트 되면 좋겠어요. 그래서 스팀잇도 활성화 되면 더 좋고요. ㅎㅎ
좋은의견 감사합니다
감사합니다^^ 그런데 정작 리뷰어는 이전에 비슷한(다른 부분들이 분명히 있는데) 제안이 있다고 아예 리젝을 주고 갔네요. 이런 부분은 좀 개선이 필요할듯합니다. 유토피안 보상이 물론 매우 높지만 이게 보상때문에 하는 것도 아닌데 애써 시간들여 제안해준 것에 아주 작은 기분상의 표시만 하는 보팅이라도 해주면 될텐데(사람이 하는거라 그런 기본보팅을 노린 어뷰징인지는 판단가능하다 생각하고 그게 리뷰어의 역할이라 생각하는데 과연 몇분이나 시간을 들여 제 글을 봤을지.) 그냥 리젝이라면 사실 기분이 좋지는 않지요ㅠㅠ 리뷰어에 대한 리뷰기능이 도입되어야할듯ㅎㅎ 뭐 네드의 활동상황을 너무 자세히 언급한 것을 불편해한 점도 영향이 있었을지도^^ 저도 이런 제안할때 비록 다 공개된 정보라도 개인정보를 넣지 않도록 유의하는데 사실 CEO는 특별하게 다뤄질 수 있다고 생각한 부분이 맘 한구석에 있었는데 그걸 굳이 유토피안 글에서 할 필요는 없으니 앞으로 잘 참고해야겠습니다.
ps. 중복되지 않은 부분들 설명했더니 다시 리뷰해주고 갔네요ㅎㅎ
유토피안이 보상은 높지만 리젝되면 정신적 데미지가 조금 있겠어요.
그러게요^^ 성의가 무시당하는 느낌?ㅎㅎ 시스템상 힘들지는 모르겠는데 아주 미약한 성의보팅을 주면 될텐데 왜 이렇게 그냥 아예 리젝을 하는지. 어뷰징때문에 또 그렇게 해야 좀 더 결과적으로 고퀄의 글들이 올라오리란 생각을 하는 것같긴한데 좀 애매하네요ㅎㅎ
중복되지 않은 부분들을 설명해줬더니 그래도 다시 리뷰해줬네요^^
곰돌이가 @anpigon님의 소중한 댓글에 $0.017을 보팅해서 $0.006을 살려드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 2654번 $32.786을 보팅해서 $32.939을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~
곰돌이가 @ayogom님의 소중한 댓글에 $0.017을 보팅해서 $0.006을 살려드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 2652번 $32.765을 보팅해서 $32.914을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~
짱짱맨 호출에 응답하여 보팅하였습니다.
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