Hello fellow travelers! Today we are going to take a trail along the banks of the Tamega River, which is quite extensive and very important in the local economy of the northern region of the country. The trail consists of crossing a large forest to reach the village of Canaveses, which was founded in the 16th century and I dare say that it is one of the poorest I have visited so far. We will be able to enjoy beautiful panoramic views and also an incredible view of the river with my drone!🌳🌄
Hola amigos viajeros! hoy vamos a realizar un sendero acompanando la ribera del rio Tamega el cual es bastante extenso y muy importante en la economia local de la region norte del pais, el sendero consiste en atravesar un gran bosque para llegar a la aldea de Canaveses la cual fue fundada en el siglo XVI y me atrevo a decir que es una de las mas pobres que visite hasta ahora, podremos disfrutar de hermosas panoramicas y a su vez una increible vista del rio con mi drone!🌻⛲

Why do the trail?🚩/Por que hacer el sendero?🌍

This walk takes us back more than five hundred years to enjoy the history of two very pretty and historic villages, "Canaveses" and "São Julião do Tojal", both inhabited between the 15th and 16th centuries. We will be able to enjoy a magical architecture full of colours and typical Portuguese tiles. We will also pass by the "Tamega" river, which irrigates the forests near the villages, creating an ecosystem rich in biodiversity of birds, mushrooms, flowers, among others. A short walk, but one that we will enjoy to the fullest.🌻🌄
Esta caminata nos transporta a mas de quinientos anos en el pasado para disfrutar la historia de dos pueblos bastantes bonitos e historicos, se trata de "Canaveses" y "São Julião do Tojal" ambos habitados entre los siglos XV y XVI, podremos disfrutar de una arquitectura magica llena de colores y azulejos tipicos de Portugal, a su vez vamos a pasar por el rio "Tamega" quien irriga los bosques en las proximidades de las aldeas creando un ecosistema bastante rico en biodiversidad de aves, hongos, flores entre otros; una caminata corta pero que la disfrutaremos al maximo.🌷🌳

The first few kilometres of the walk are on the road, the path is quite good and we will not have any kind of physical effort, the trail only demands us when we reach the forest, for the moment our first stop is the village of: "São Julião do Tojal", while we have to enjoy the landscapes and the hills that the parish of Loures offers us, I am north of Lisbon.⛲🌍
Los primeros kilometros de la caminata es en carretera, el camino es bastante bueno y no tendremos ningun tipo de esfuerzo fisico, el sendero solo nos exige cuando llegamos al bosque, de momento nuestra primera parada es la aldea de: "São Julião do Tojal", mientras hay que disfrutar de los paisajes y las colinas que nos ofrecen la freguesia de Loures, estoy al norte de Lisboa.🧭🚩

Here in the distance we see these hills which we are going to climb later, Loures, which is the parish where we are, is known because it is much higher than Lisbon, and having these characteristics it is normal for it to be a very windy area, today it is very cold and cloudy but with little wind which favored my walk.🌍🌳
Aqui a lo lejos vemos estas colinas las cuales vamos a subir mas adelante, Loures que es la freguesia donde estamos es conocida porque esta mucho mas alta que Lisboa, y al poseer estas caracteristicas es normal que sea una zona con mucho viento, hoy esta muy frio y nublado pero poco viento lo que favorecio mi caminata.🌄🏔️⛰️
Village "Sao Julian do Tojal"🚩/Aldea "São Julião do Tojal"🌍

It is normal to see in the streets some decorations and structures from the beginning of the 18th century, such as this water fountain that I show you in the photo. The village of "São Julião do Tojal" is extremely small and has less than a thousand inhabitants. Agriculture is one of the main economic activities. It is not very well known for tourism, but in my opinion the municipal chamber should exploit this more since they have a medieval bridge.⛲🧭
Es normal que veamos en las calles algunas decoraciones y estructuras de principios de XVIII como por ejemplo esta fuente de agua que te muestro en la foto, la aldea de "São Julião do Tojal" es extremadamente pequena y no llega a mil personas de habitantes, entre las principales actividades economica se destaca la agricultura, no es muy conocida por turismo, pero a mi parecer la camara municipal deberia explotar mas esto ya que tienen un puente medieval.🌄

Ready, there is not much to visit in "São Julião do Tojal", now we will go towards the forest and to get there we will have to climb the hills at more than 120 meters high from where we can enjoy the "Tameiga" river, from here to the forest are 2.5km🧭⛰️
Listo no hay mucho que visitar en "São Julião do Tojal", ahora vamos a ir en direccion del bosque y para ellos tendremos que subir por las colinas a mas de 120metros de altura desde donde podremos disfrutar del rio "tameiga", de aqui hasta el bosque son 2.5km👦🏻🌳

Forest of hope🚩🌷/Bosque esperanza🌍🏔️

One of the most interesting parts of the walk is when we enter the forest, here we are in a different microclimate, it is still cold and cloudy but we see that the bushes and Mediterranean plants decorate our paths making the walk something pleasant.🌳🚩
Una de las partes mas interesantes de la caminata es cuando entramos en el bosque, aqui estamos en otro microclima diferente, aun continua frio y nublado pero vemos que los arbustos y las plantas mediterranicas decoran nuestros caminos haciendo de la caminata algo placentera.🌻⛰️

I did some research and in this part of the forest we can see wild orchids, they are common in this type of landscape! Also, if you are a fan of mushrooms, you will see different kinds.🚩🌷
estuve investigando un poco y podemos en esta parte del bosque ver orquideas silvestres, son comunes en este tipo de paisajes! tambien si eres fan de los hongos veras de diferentes clases.🧭🌄
Dry waterfall🚩🌷/Cascada seca🌍🏔️

Now we will pass by a place that I called dry waterfall because in reality a natural waterfall is formed during rainy days. Currently this week there is sun so I could not see the waterfall, however you can see a small stream flowing through it, the landscape is beautiful, it is worth staying here for a while!🌍⛰️
Ahora pasaremos en un lugar al que bautice cascada seca porque en realidad se forma una cascada natural cuando son dias de lluvias, actualmente en esta semana hay sol por eso no pude ver la cascada sin embargo se ve como circula un pequeno riachuelo, el paisaje es bonito merece la pena quedarse un rato aqui!🌻🌳
Canaveses village🚩🌷/aldea Canaveses🌍🏔️

Further north we reach the village of (Canaveses), which has a rather rustic and medieval air, a village whose historic center dates back to the 16th century, as we can see in the main church. As I was very short on time, I decided to pilot the drone to take some photos of what the village looks like from the top and its main bridge. There are two ways to get to the village, by the bridge or by a second alternative route.🌻⛰️🌍
mas al norte llegamos a la aldea de (Canaveses), la cual tiene ese aire bastante rustico y medieval, una aldea cuyo casco historico se remonta del siglo XVI asi como podemos ver en la iglesia principal, como estaba muy corto de tiempo decidi pilotear el drone para sacar unas fotos de como luce la aldea desde lo mas alto y su puente principal, hay dos formas de llegar a la aldea por el puente o por una segunda via alternativa.🌄🧭

Learning more about the history of the village I found out that it lost a large part of its population in the 19th century due to the very poor economy of the place. Today it is a place to retire and spend a pleasant vacation where you can do various activities on the river.🌍⛰️
aprendiendo mas sobre la historia de la aldea consegui que perdio una gran parte de su poblacion en el XIX debido a la economia muy pobre del lugar, actualmente es un lugar para pensionarse y pasar unas vacaciones agradables donde puedes hacer varias actividades en el rio.🌳🌄

And here in the main square my tour ends. I enjoyed every kilometer traveled to the fullest. Now I plan to do other walks in this area. Keep following my adventures. Bye!🧭🌻
Y aqui en la plaza principal termina mi recorrido disfrute al maximo cada kilometro recorrido, ahora tengo pensado hacer otras caminatas en esta zona, continua siguiendo mis aventuras chao!🚩🏔️

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What a wonderful tour!
Thanks meli🤩🧑🎄🎄
Travel Digest #2407.
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Hiya, @glecerioberto here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Your post has been manually curated by the @worldmappin team. If you like what we're doing, please drop by to check out all the rest of today's great posts and consider supporting other authors like yourself and us so we can keep the project going!Look at some very beautiful pictures my friend
I feel like I'm walking with you trough this post , the trail it's charming and also the first village you met and the dry waterfall too, the nature looks amazing but well the final destination it's si lovely, I like these kind of villages ❤️
Thanks for visit🧑🎄🎄😻
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Gracias por invitarme a disfrutar este recorrido, lo disfruté mucho, transmite tranquilidad y paz como la mayoría de los pueblos, perfectamente se puede hacer una guiatura turística porque si tiene mucho que mostrar, eso pudiera ser un ingreso económico que ayudaría en parte a la población, ¡Realmente me gustó!.
😍gracias por tu visita.
This view is just breath taking, how did you capture such a fancy shot! Would love to learn from you the deets of capturing such marvelous views.
Hi, thanks for stopping by my post, I actually took those shots using my drone, that's why they have that angle😋