I was wrong…
Veganism or vegetarianism is not and cannot be for everyone because of our varying body types, situations, and microbiomes. It's certainly not for me at this time. I'm not necessarily blaming the diet[s] or reasons behind the diet[s] such as ethical reasons, but this change has altered my health. This is not an easy topic and most likely will trigger some people, please understand I am not trying to sway anyone’s opinion here, nor am I trying to cast judgment on those who eat this particular lifestyle. Hey, if it's working for you, great, however, I owe it to at least admit when I was wrong. In the past, I have shared my health journey with many of you and the things I had learned from many different doctors, especially those in the whole food plant-based community. I regret to say that that advice does not work for everyone because there is no one size fits all, and I'm pretty sure everything we consume is killing us in one way or another. The human body is not supposed to live forever, so aging is natural and we cannot find a magic cure or perfect diet that will sustain us forever. Our environment we have created in this world is too messed up for any progress to be made. Supplementation, cleanses, and other miracle substance will never yield long term results of health, they will most likely just drain your bank account and potentially rob you of your physical and mental health. As much as I wish there was a simple solution to helping the world, environment, all sentient beings on this planet, and everyone here, there is no such simple solution at this time. The closest solution we will have is when Christ takes his throne in the New Kingdom where it is said we will get all our nutrients without harming the environment or animals. HOWEVER, at this time and living as we do, no matter the study because let's face it, studies are mainly biased and conducted in a certain manner to reveal intended results. I owe it to you all to tell you my story of why veganism and/or vegetarianism is not for me since in the past I so boldly said it was a great answer to many problems.

I have shared my past in a post previously, but here is the updated version. This last time I became vegetarian was in August of 2016. I recently became an omnivore again on 11 January 2019.

All joking memes aside, from 2016-2019 I dabbled into veganism and did the whole food plant-based diet as well as attempted to follow the high carb low-fat movement. This, unfortunately, left me with a slew of issues. I began to become very foggy in thought and extremely depressed to a pretty severe level for myself mainly noticeable when I cut out higher fats. Not having the proper fats also left me with continued irregular menstrual cycles. I’ve never really been "regular", especially after recovering from being on birth control for 7 years, but if I was eating “optimally” and “the best” according to plant-based doctors for years after getting off the pill, why was I still irregular? After all, this is a normal function healthy woman endure. [I never took any other pharmaceutical drug and I am not on anything now. I stopped taking birth control back at the beginning of 2015 for health reasons]. Clearly, I was not eating enough fat or getting the proper minerals such as iron to support it even though I was eating lots of beans & lentils, flax, potatoes, and a slew of oats and leafy greens. Not only that, but during that time period, I developed extremely bad eczema on my hand to the point where it formed open wounds, continually cracking and spreading. After doing a 4-day dry fast I noticed it started to dry and clear up, but once I started introducing foods back into my diet such as oats, brown rice, and beans it was causing it to get worse and now I also see it could have been potentially also from eating a lot of the same vegetables that are in the nightshade family. The oats, brown rice, and beans were for certain, and sadly a cheap staple in my diet that I could no longer consume. I also developed an arthritis feeling in my hands and joints. I never in my entire life have experienced eczema or these odd problems. I am not in my country of origin, so the environment may play a small factor to this but I’m guessing it is 90% the food I was eating. Your girl was eating oats, green veggies, and beans every day after all...yet my body was attacking itself. I had to ask myself, what is going on here?!
[Don't worry, I'm not going Paleo, it was just a good image to use...]

Now, you may say…"well, Judi…you were doing it wrong and that is why xyz...!" – Look…I've tried many versions of veganism and I wanted it to work. I really did! The experience did at least teach me a lot about myself, so I don't have any regrets. Adding higher fat into the diet seemed to help a bit with the depression but not the brain fog. Once I switched back over to vegetarianism and eating eggs and dairy the arthritis feelings slowly dissipated. I can't say for certain why it all seemed to help but obviously, my body was attacking itself for eating what I was eating and after I transitioned back to eating what a majority of the world has eaten for centuries I did not feel those symptoms. For 4 days now, I have consumed animal products again. I can say I feel I have a bit more strength, an ambition to be more active, and I feel I have less brain fog and am able to remember easier without feeling like I have ADD. It is too early to tell how my body will react overall, but I think even doing the vegan/vegetarian diet as well as I was trying at times, [albeit not perfect 100% of the time because who doesn't like to have some holiday goodies with loved ones?], I was becoming deficient and/or malnourished and/or hurting my own health in some way. The evidence was through the autoimmune responses I was having towards food. Even though I was getting a ton of vitamins and minerals from plants, my body was potentially not absorbing them and my body was clearly attacking itself. Too much of anything, even if it's a "superfood" is not good for you! [As a note: I was not able to supplement properly on B12 either because I could only get it from processed things like nutritional yeast, tea, and almond milk and when I was vegetarian only from the occasional eggs/dairy I consumed which wasn't enough].

I struggled for the past month with these thoughts of, how is it possible that I was attempting to eat all these "super" foods every doctor and vlogger on the internet bought in bulk or ate in mass quantities, so why was my body was like, "wtf are you doing to me" and giving me the mental and physically rebellious finger. Aside from my health, the environment and animals were also my top concern. So, the struggle has been real. I decided to inquire and gain the perspective of the Imperial Regent of Lord Rayel, Angelus Domini. After telling him more of my story, he gave me quite a lengthy and informative response. I will share a bit of his insight and it may or may not resonate with you, but think about what he is saying in the overall picture.
I admire your ethical feelings towards animals... I share those feelings, but you should know that modern meat processing is not as cruel as the natural way many of these animals die in the wild... Attacked by superior predators who eat them while they are alive and in tremendous fear and pain... And the few that might get away, are often crippled and end up dying of starvation/dehydration, or the festering of their wounds, only to be eaten by scavengers.
Slaughterhouses look incredibly disgusting, but the death of the animals is quick and relatively painless by comparison.
Veganism and vegetarianism are legitimate dietary choices, regardless of the political and sociological implications usually attached to them, but the human body does require proteins and fats that are not so easy to acquire without ingesting animals or their by-products... A person could literally live very healthy off of chicken eggs and water alone, because eggs have almost every essential nutrient the human body requires.
But if you look back at your own country's history, you know that the people were much healthier just a few generations ago, despite terrible working conditions, industrial pollution, and lack of Obamacare lol... And quite frankly, most of them didn't even know what the word "vegan" meant... They started their day with eggs, sausage, biscuits, bacon and fried potatoes; then went out and dominated the world before dinner time, when they would sit down to a glazed ham and a bottle of bourbon... And now, within the lifetime of some of them, their grandchildren's generation has a lower life expectancy, and suffers chronic illnesses the older generation never knew of, many of which are diet-related... So sometimes, the old ways are truly the best ways.
You've probably also noticed from your time in New York, that so many East Coast girls seem completely underdeveloped physically, while girls from the South and Midwest were having trouble finding bikinis that could contain their overflowing ample assets... This has a lot to do with the fact that East Coast girls are pushed into veganism and starvation during their developmental years, while their counterparts in the Midwest are eating steak and drinking milk without a hint of guilt... On top of that, girls that are of menstruating age NEED iron until they go through menopause, so when they starve themselves or give up meat, their bodies go into mild shock from the monthly blood loss without having the nutrients replenished... The body eventually has to make a decision about which is more important... Staying alive or staying fertile... The body chooses the former, and girls suddenly stop having normal periods, thus, they stop ovulating normally as well........ I think you see where this is going..... It's part of the population control agenda, so if young men and women don't have the essential nutrients necessary to ovulate and produce healthy sperm (men need meat too), then the animal rights conscious generation, becomes the generation with the highest infertility rate ever observed.
Nature, regardless of us participating in eating any of it or not is going to be all National Geographic and even brutal, it's part of the wild...I'm not condoning the torture and cruelty towards this planet or animals, so don't take that the wrong way. I support life and kindness to all on this planet. However, I, unfortunately, cannot sustain my health on a vegetarian or vegan diet. Perhaps in the future, before the New Kingdom is here I will be able to try again, but as for now, it is obvious that I was only hindering my wellbeing. I will give you a progress update in the future to let you all know the differences whether good or bad. This is MY journey in life and I am doing the best I am guided to do by other's knowledge and my own body's intuition. Needless to say, health and wellbeing are different for everyone, that journey is your own and I wish you the best of success. Although I don't think veganism can be all that great since many cannot sustain in the seasons where they live without having to have their special goods imported from other counties to get all the lacking nutrients. Not to mention the supplements. Not only that, but it seems the corporate world has created the greatest consumer of all. Think about that one for a while...Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on anyone. I honestly did want to be a healthy and happy vegan or vegetarian but it just wasn't working for me. My sincerest apologies if I've let anyone down.
My last bit of advice is to look up Nightshades, and foods with Lectins and Oxalic Acid. Do some unbiased research and let me know if plants, especially in mass quantity, are really all that good for you after all...

In summary...bodies are meant to degrade in time, doctors, research and studies are conducted with a bias or an alternate agenda, modern day medicine is meant to make you sick and kill you, drinking too much water isn't good for you and neither is eating too many "superfoods", we've all been and continue to be lied to about health, listen to your body intuitively, pray about it, and do the best you can because everything is likely killing you at this time whether it's the environmental poisons we are exposed to, the food you consume, or the air you breathe. If you eat a plant-based diet realize I am not trying to be mean or discredit you, I am truly happy for you if you are able to sustain it and I wish you the best health and success. I needed to correct my previous statements in the past and share this journey as I felt it was the responsible thing to do. I wish everyone love and light and success on your own journey and I look forward to Christ taking his throne and ushering in the age where we can eat optimally and ethically perfect!

Note: All images not cited are my own or created by me.
Be well!
For more information and truths about End Times check out Sanctuary-Interfaith, ABN, and The Coming of the Messiah
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It takes a strong person and a very humble person to say those 3 words "I was wrong". I respect that highly because I witness ALL around me people that are too full of themselves and too prideful to say those three words. The respect I have for you is enormous right now.
I dabbled into vegetarianism but truthfully I never quit eating meat. I snagged bites here and there and recently I just kinda slid back into being an omnivore.
Part of the natural order is, something must die so I can live and eventually I will die so something else can live.
There is literally no possible way to exist without killing something, intentional or not.
The idea that one diet fits all, with all of the genetic variations amongst humans is quite crazy to me.
Go with what works best for you and do as little harm as possible in the process. What else can a person do?
There's a lot to take in! I'm glad you're finding something that will hopefully work! I've cut out oats and beans from my diet as well lately as it seemed to trigger my tooth and eczema. I'm also going easy on nightshades but will eventually slowly adopt them back in as what I can make and eat around here is limited. Peeling and deseeding would be a hassle to me but we'll see how it goes. I was really surprised to find out how beans actually are for you more than anything else...the world is crazy and everything wants to kill us. The #1 leading cause of death has got to be living. Everyone who has ever lived has had a 100% mortality rate :P
An egg a day keeps the doctor away :)
Thanks for the article, Judi, I was telling my sister about your revelation, now I can show her this :) :)
We all make mistakes. Best to learn from them and we at ABN are glad you are doing what is best for you!
Welcome back! Let's have a BBQ.
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