aqlima rebloggedrijalaronaceh (63)in #indonesia • 7 years agoPERHATIKAN 6 TANDA 100 HARI SEBELUM MAUT ][ WATCH 6 SIGNS OF 100 DAYS BEFORE DEATH6 TANDA 100 HARI SEBELUM TIBANYA SAKARATUL MAUT “Bahwa malaikat maut memerhati wajah setiap manusia di muka bumi ini 70 kali dalam sehari. Ketika Izrail datang merenung…aqlima rebloggedrijalaronaceh (63)in #indonesia • 7 years agoKesabaran Memudahkan KeberhasilanKetahuilah bahwasanya pertolongan Itu datang setelah kesabaran. ( Kalam Hikmah ) Setelah kesabaran, datanglah jalan keluar dan sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan datanglah…aqlima (50)in #history • 7 years agothe history of Indian civilizationSource In the Indian civilization, the rise in education began in the Vedik Age. Education in this age is very religious and Hindu religion becomes its core. The women at that…aqlima rebloggedbahagia-arbi (68)in #indonesia • 7 years agoMencintaimu Tanpa RahasiaMencintaimu dengan jelas tanpa rahasia. BILA tidak bersamamu bagiku ibarat Pagi tanpa mentari. Tak ada rasa nyaman untuk melangkah karena cuaca yang lembab setelah Malam yang…aqlima rebloggedzikra (65)in #motivation • 7 years agoLife continues to spinwhy do you have to cry because you can still smile? why should tears come out when sad start greeting? The world is so small for you Look around you there are still many…aqlima (50)in #esteem • 7 years agoBilingual : Maryam Teladan Bagi Muslimah / Maryam Exemplary For MuslimahMARYAM TELADAN BAGI MUSLIMAH Source Maryam adalah wanita terbaik sepanjang masa. Wanita terbaik dalam kurun sejarah wanita, dari Hawa hingga kelak yang terakhir, entah…aqlima (50)in #history • 7 years agoEducation in the era of Ancient Chinese civilizationEducation in the era of Ancient Chinese civilization The community in Chinese civilization values education, business and literature with the main aim of education is…aqlima (50)in #history • 7 years agoHistory of Chinese CivilizationSource In Chinese civilization, its legal system is based on two main principles - heavy punishment and collective motives. The thrust of this law is from philosophy of…aqlima (50)in #history • 7 years agoHistorical facts : National Anthem of the Federation of MalayaSource Historical facts August 5, 1957 National Anthem of the Federation of Malaya Lagu Terang Bulan, the national anthem of Perak was chosen as the National Anthem of…aqlima (50)in #story • 7 years agoSPIRIT OF THE PROPHET OF PROPHET SOLEH The apostles story SPIRIT OF THE PROPHET OF PROPHET SOLEH If the Prophet Soleh calls on his people to worship only Allah. Leader in circles his people were shocked and…aqlima (50)in #history • 7 years agoFAMILY KESULTANAN MELAKA & UTHMANIYYAH THAT BROUGHT RUN INGGERISSALASILAH KESULTANAN MELAKA & UTHMANIYYAH THAT BROUGHT RUN INGGERIS Source One interesting sheet of salasilah that connects the Malacca sultans & Ottoman sultans is now in…aqlima (50)in #indonesia • 7 years agoSelf IntrospectionSelf Introspection Source About birth and death About age that has end About death that must have come About what it will be like About a day later there will be a…aqlima (50)in #islam • 7 years agoSpirit IslamMaybe because ... We rarely read the Quran Maybe because ... We pray too fast not solemn Maybe because ... We forget that the kid is grateful if you get sustenance Maybe…aqlima rebloggedaiqabrago (68)in #indonesia • 7 years agoBe Ourself, Not Become Others (Bilingual)Good night my Stemians friend. Congratulations on being yourself. Each of us has an identity, has a characteristic. We also stick to many other things that characterize and…aqlima (50)in #advice • 7 years agoAdviceSource JUZUK 7 Surah Al-An'aam verse 084 to 092 About those who have been given a book, wisdom and prophethood أولئك الذين آتيناهم الكتاب والحكم والنبوة فإن يكفر بها…aqlima (50)in #advice • 7 years agoSpend a little time for God. Even though how busy it is.Source Spend a little time for God. Even though how busy it is. God always Love and Merahmati us. Even though we are always negligent God remains with us. In a…aqlima (50)in #indonesia • 7 years agoLUANGKAN WAKTU UNTUK ALLAHLuangkan sedikit masa untuk Allah. Walau sesibuk mana sekalipun. Allah sentiasa Menyayangi dan Merahmati kita. Walau kita sentiasa lalai Allah tetap bersama kita.…aqlima (50)in #steempress • 7 years agoMotivasi : Banyak Masalah ? Kembali Pada Allah Solusinya / Motivation: Many Problems? Back to Allah Is The solutionSetiap manusia pasti menghadapi pelbagai masalah. Bila kita merasakan tidak ada tempat mengadu, hilang arah tujuan, ingatlah sesungguhnya tidak ada daya dan upaya kecuali…aqlima (50)in #indonesia • 7 years agoMari BerkaryaAssalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Sahabat Stemian sekalian. Stemit adalah media sosial memuat kita bahagia dengan reward nya.. maka Berkarya lah..aqlima (50)in #indonesia • 7 years agoAdvice: Reflection on Life / Nasehat : Renungan KehidupanSource Dalam kita cuba mencari kebenaran, terkadang kita akan berjumpa kepalsuan. Dalam kita cuba mencari ketenangan, terkadang kita akan berjumpa kesulitan. Dalam…