apatu (34)in #aceh • 6 years agovery happy dayThank God with thanks benediction mother father and brother all all so I can acquire a girl very I love. I hope so keluaga sakinah mawaddah warahmah Amen. Thank you for all of…apatu (34)in #zappl • 7 years agoCuaca Di Sore Haribegini lah cuaca sore hari di daerah kami. kmi lg panen swahapatu (34)in #zappl • 7 years agoFoto Wanita Cintik Yg Di Tempel Du Bak Mobilseorang polwan di tempel fotonya di mobil bak. mungkin ini belum memiliki izin dari pihak eka.apatu (34)in #game • 7 years agoKingKesenangan itu tidah harus mewah. Seru bersama kluarga sudah cukup.apatu (34)in #indonesia • 7 years agoindependence day celebration Indonesiaevery August 17, celebrated Indonesia's Independence Day. In addition to the flag ceremony, a series of exciting events and competitions were also held to enliven the Indonesian…apatu (34)in #fotografi • 7 years agothe story afternoonat the time I go to my hometown see eyes day Red and very beautiful for take a moment. Unfortunately, we don't have a camera good.apatu (34)in #dmania • 7 years agoromantisWatch video on dManiaapatu (34)in #zappl • 7 years agoTts Ada Nama Acehtrending nama acehapatu (34)in #dmania • 7 years agoBalasan puisi untuk ibuk sukmawatiWatch video on dManiaapatu (34)in #zappl • 7 years agoBunga Mawarindahnyaapatu (34)in #dmania • 7 years agoblogs tip malam meupake simalam hn tom preWatch video on dManiaapatu (34)in #zappl • 7 years agoEs Buahes buahapatu (34)in #berita • 7 years agoaccidentthere had been a car accident laden with bricks. due to hit by a xtril car berpenumpang three people two adults one small child. this sensitivity can not be avoided so that it…apatu (34)in #zappl • 7 years agoSemoga Tidak Terjadi Di Indonesiaini yang terjadi di India semoga aja tidak terjadi di Indonesiaapatu (34)in #dmania • 7 years agoTerjemahan bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa acehWatch video on dManiaapatu (34)in #zappl • 7 years agoHasil Tabungan Satu Minggubuka tabungan. wlaupun sedikit tpi brgunaapatu (34)in #zappl • 7 years agoAnimasianimasi bergerak lucuapatu (34)in #zappl • 7 years agojuara satumenang juara satu. siapa mau main safarifahri@gmail.comapatu (34)in #zappl • 7 years agopenampakannampak sesuatu coba perhatikanapatu (34)in #zappl • 7 years agoaiceAlready know yet the ice cream of the name whose name is Aice? You know, cheap ice cream that you can get for two thousand silver. Aice tuh jagonya cheap ice cream. Variants…